A few days later, a shocking piece of news swept across the Great Xia Kingdom like a Category 13 hurricane!

Humans can absorb the spiritual energy in the air to become stronger!

And a special cultivation system has been promoted!

This immediately made the people of Great Xia feel like a dream. Could it be that they have traveled to the world of immortals?

"Damn it! My son died inexplicably half a month ago, and I haven't even finished my funeral yet. Which big media is spreading rumors here?!"

"Now that four billion people have died worldwide, I want to see which media outlets still dare to sensationalize and seek traffic!!!"

"Hiss... Damn! Am I seeing things? This is our Daxia official announcement.——"


The citizens of Daxia, who were immersed in the loss of their loved ones, were instantly shocked by the news!

Because more than three months ago, the spiritual energy appeared in the air, which made all of them have a middle school dream in their hearts, that is, to become stronger through practice!

But in their cognition at that time, the spiritual energy could not make them absorb and become stronger, but would become a delicious delicacy in the eyes of wild beasts...

But now the Daxia official has announced that the spiritual energy can make their bodies stronger!

This made the more than 600 million citizens of the entire Daxia country boil!

The ambitions in the hearts of countless people were magnified, and the middle school souls burned! It also made most people come out of the fear of unknown death and the grief of losing their loved ones. There was no way that the attraction of spiritual energy was too strong for the citizens of Daxia!

Who doesn't want to become stronger!

But when people learned about this notice, it caused a sensation!

"Why?! You only promote spiritual energy absorption courses in schools?! Have we, the people of Daxia, been abandoned by you, the upper echelons of Daxia?!"

"That’s right! We also need to learn how to absorb spiritual energy!"

"What are you arguing about? Didn't you read the information in the notice carefully?! The Reiki method promoted by the school is just taught by someone, and the method of absorbing Reiki will also be promoted to us ordinary people, but no one teaches it.……"

"Yes, who doesn’t have children? What’s there to argue about? We must believe in our country!"

"Understand the country. It is not easy to stabilize it. There must be few educational resources.……"

"Haha... my baby died half a month ago. Now I am alone. I won't use my tax money to support someone else's child!"

"So selfish……"

The people of Daxia continued to discuss, but in fact, no matter how they discussed or how the public opinion changed, they could not stop Daxia's resolute steps.

When Daxia announced the most basic spiritual breathing method and body-building exercises, the people of Daxia immediately began to study them.

After that, Taoist priests and monks appeared in every school in Daxia, from elementary school to university.……


While Daxia was promoting the absorption of spiritual energy by all citizens, other countries on Blue Star also noticed their actions.

There was no other way. With hundreds of millions of people in Daxia taking action together, it was difficult for such a big move not to be noticed.

The leader of the Lighthouse Nation looked at the information in his hand, which recorded the spiritual breathing method and body-building exercises developed by Daxia.

"What the hell is this?……"

"So confusing?" He looked at the director of the intelligence department with a puzzled look,"Are you sure this is the method of absorbing spiritual energy promoted by Da Xia?"

The director of intelligence nodded,"Our professional intelligence personnel have analyzed this material called 'Spiritual Breathing Method', most of which are Taoist thoughts believed in by Da Xia. It is said that if you learn and practice the Taoist thoughts of Da Xia in your heart and breathe according to the breathing frequency recorded above, the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy will be greatly improved.……"

"Is the information accurate?"The leader of the Lighthouse Nation stared at the words in front of him that looked like ghostly scribbles.

He knew some Daxia characters, and he could understand each character individually, but when they were connected together, he couldn't understand it at all!

The Minister of Intelligence nodded.

"We have let some Daxia immigrants practice and experiment, and it is indeed as Daxia said, the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy is much faster than before."

Then he looked at another document,"and the 'body-building exercise' recorded in this document also has such an effect……"


The leader of the Lighthouse Nation was secretly delighted,"The Great Xia Nation is so stupid! Such good research materials are promoted nationwide. What a fool!"

Then he looked at the hesitant Minister of Intelligence,"Just say it directly."

The Minister of Intelligence sighed,"'Body Strengthening Exercises' are fine, but the 'Spiritual Breathing Method' must be learned by people who fully understand the Taoist thoughts of Great Xia. If we want to learn the 'Spiritual Breathing Method', we must first learn the Taoist culture of Great Xia."

The leader of the Lighthouse Nation's pale face suddenly turned black and he roared!

"Minister of Intelligence, are you kidding me?!"

"You know! Our Lighthouse Country has a history of less than 300 years, and our national spiritual culture is extremely lacking. If the Daoism of Daxia is widely believed, coupled with the amazing effect of spiritual energy, then I am afraid that our people will say goodbye to God and the Lighthouse Country and directly become a colony of Daxia!"

The Minister of Intelligence was startled by the huge roar and waved his hands hurriedly.

"Leader, I didn't say we must learn the 'Spiritual Breathing Method'. The 'Body Strengthening Technique' that doesn't require any faith is good.……"

Without saying a word, the leader of the Lighthouse Nation raised his big hand - slap!

He slapped the intelligence minister's face, and a big red palm print appeared on his white face!

"Are you out of your mind?! If we don't learn the 'spiritual breathing method', there will be a huge gap between us and the Great Xia Congress. This leader does not want to take this responsibility. As the Minister of Intelligence, can you take the initiative to take it?"

The Minister of Intelligence, covering his face, shook his head hurriedly.

Then, the Minister of the Lighthouse Country regained some reason in his heart and began to give orders.

"The scientific research department is ordered to crack Da Xia's"Spiritual Breathing Method" within half a month, or to develop something that can absorb spiritual energy as efficiently as Da Xia's"Spiritual Breathing Method", otherwise all scientific researchers will never be able to leave the research institute in their lifetime!"


Daxia had thought about it a long time ago. Once they promoted the method of absorbing spiritual energy throughout the country, it would definitely be leaked to the whole world.

But they were not worried at all, not because they had a spirit of selfless dedication.

Instead, if they wanted to learn the"spiritual energy breathing method", they had to understand and identify with Taoist culture from the bottom of their hearts.

Foreigners who identify with Taoist culture are rarer than giant pandas. Even if some countries began to train a group of people to learn Taoist culture, Daxia would have already seized the opportunity.

It must be said that Daxia's move was very beautiful...

When all the countries on Blue Star were busy with the spiritual energy breathing method announced by Daxia, only one country was very excited...

That was Daxia's neighbor - Sakura Country...

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