The Sakura Kingdom is located in the northeast of the Great Xia Kingdom, separated by a vast ocean.

However, this vast ocean cannot stop the Sakura Kingdom from going to the land of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Thousands of years ago, they took wooden boats several times and took great risks at sea to set foot on the land of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom, bowed to the ancient dynasty of Great Xia, and offered respectful and humble offerings.

After seeing the prosperity of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom, they wanted to voluntarily become a vassal state, but were ruthlessly rejected, because the ancient Great Xia Kingdom at that time looked down on the small land and was completely barbaric compared to the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, as a country of etiquette, the ancient Great Xia Kingdom did not make things difficult for the envoys of the Sakura Kingdom who traveled across the ocean, giving them food seeds, cultural books, and even various means of production...

Because of this, the Sakura Kingdom successfully possessed writing and culture.

At the same time, their culture was born out of the ancient Great Xia Kingdom, so the whole country could fully understand the ideas of Taoism.

The upper class of the Sakura Kingdom was very happy at this time!

"Hahaha! Daxia has been a place where outstanding people gather since ancient times. I never thought that someone in Daxia could invent a method to quickly absorb spiritual energy. It is really a talent of ghosts and gods!"

"Yes! Now, except for our Sakura Country and Daxia Country, other countries are definitely unable to adapt to the"Spiritual Breathing Method", which indicates that our Sakura Country will have the potential to become a great power in the world!"

"Yoshi! By then we will definitely be able to own more land and more beautiful women!"

"The Great Xia Kingdom is really stupid. It actually announced……"

"Go and congratulate His Majesty the Emperor!"


At this moment, half a month has passed since the"Super Red Moon" lunar eclipse.

Humans, who are in the dominant position of Blue Star, have been experiencing great turmoil and anxiety in the past half month.

They did not notice the various changes that occurred on Blue Star after the Red Moon. Human society collapsed, and the beasts in the natural world also experienced great chaos.

Because the strange substances contained in the red light emitted by the Red Moon do not have the same adverse effects on beasts as humans, after all, their body structure and cells themselves can accept spiritual energy.

The strange substances of the Red Moon make the beasts in nature more intelligent and know how to absorb the spiritual energy in the air to evolve and become stronger.

At the same time, they also found that the large amount of spiritual energy obtained by devouring powerful beasts will make them stronger more quickly!

So, in the past half month.

Nature is always full of killing, and hunting scenes are staged all the time. The beasts are not hunting for devouring, but for grabbing places with strong spiritual energy to start killing...

As long as it is a certain distance away from the human city in the wild, you can smell a strong smell of blood.……


At the same time.

Apart from the number of humans, the number of wild beasts in nature on Blue Star is huge. Even if we exclude the vast number of creatures hidden in the ocean, the source of life, the number of wild beasts living on land alone is tens of thousands, hundreds of billions, or even trillions!

With such a huge number of grassroots, there will naturally be many exceptions.

Located on the border of Daxia Country, there is a white mountain that pierces the sky!

This is Mount Everest, known as the highest mountain in the world!

Influenced by spiritual energy and strange substances, it was originally the highest mountain in the world, and now it is even taller, like a giant that has gradually grown from 40 million years ago to the present...

At this time, a group of humans are slowly climbing the mountain against the wind and snow. The air on Mount Everest is affected by the huge altitude, and the human climbers before can only breathe with oxygen cylinders. A huge snow-colored figure appeared in the field of vision.

Suddenly, the group of climbers felt a breath colder than the surrounding cold wind locking them.

"Oh my god! Is this a snowman monster?!"

"I really regret coming here. I want to conquer Mount Everest again.……"

"We're dead now.……"

This group of climbers just wanted to conquer the highest peak in the world again. As for the danger of wild beasts, they ignored it completely because they loved adventure...

A few minutes later.

The white beast devoured the group of people completely. There were only broken warm clothes on the snow, and some red bloodstains proved the existence of the group of climbers.

The white beast licked its lips with its scarlet tongue, shook off the snowflakes on its body, and the black and white spots on its body were exposed to the light...

This turned out to be a rare snow leopard!

The snow leopard was eight meters long, and its pair of black and white eyes were full of confusion.

He was wondering why such a weak creature dared to step into his territory. Wasn't it afraid of his breath?

Then he quickly rushed to the top of the mountain. He had to stay on the top of the mountain at all times to get stronger quickly.……


The Nile River is a river in eastern and northern Africa.

A small passenger boat carrying more than a dozen people is slowly sailing on the water.……

"Oh... the whole world is in turmoil……"

"I hope the God of Nature will bless us, give us plenty of food and clothing, and keep us safe and sound.……"

"God of the Earth, please bless us.……"

In Africa, the main belief is that all things are gods.

"River God - I pray to you……"

A man on the small passenger boat put his hands together, stared at the water and prayed,"Hey, what is this?!"

In his sight, there was a shadow under the water that was larger than the small passenger boat they were on, rushing towards them!

If it weren't for the fact that this black shadow looked unsettling and scary, he would have thought that the river god had answered his prayer.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Monster! Demon!"

""Captain, speed up! Get out of here!"

More and more people on the small passenger boat felt a little uneasy, and gradually discovered the shadow approaching under the river.

The captain wanted to speed up!

But before he could control the boat,���The passenger ship accelerated, and the huge black shadow seemed to understand his words! It suddenly flashed and rushed towards the small passenger ship!

A few seconds of high waves appeared on the water!

The black figure turned out to be a huge black Nile crocodile!

A few minutes later, the surface of the Nile River returned to calm, and a layer of red blood appeared on the water, as well as the broken wreckage of the small passenger ship.……


Daxia, a dense forest.

A huge creature was flying fast in the air.

The two-winged saber-toothed tiger turned and looked in one direction. He could feel that there was something full of temptation waiting for him in that direction. As long as he could eat that creature, his body would be able to achieve a radical evolution!

But he also knew that now was not the right time, and that creature was much stronger than him... so he had to get stronger quickly!

A pair of golden tiger eyes flashed with a frightening wisdom and cunning!

Then he turned and rushed into a dense forest...

This mountain range was the Qinling Mountains, known as the dragon vein of Daxia...

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