Thousands of miles deep in the Qinling Mountains.

Ancient trees are towering, and the forests are hidden from the sun. This place is shrouded in thick fog and marsh gas all year round, and there is no trace of human beings. Even before the spiritual energy appeared on Blue Star, humans had not set foot here for nearly a thousand years. The living environment here is very harsh for humans, and the same is true for ordinary beasts.

Especially after the revival of spiritual energy, the concentration of spiritual energy in this area is very amazing, but the beasts living in the Qinling Mountains dare not approach here, because this area has an owner.

A huge canyon was naturally formed in a depression.

The canyon is filled with a cold and eerie atmosphere, and there is a black"river water" at the bottom. If you look closely, you can find that the"black river water" at the bottom of the canyon can move, and it also makes rustling sounds.

The bottom of the canyon.

A giant snake hundreds of meters long curled up in the deepest part of the canyon. The huge snake body brought a strong visual pressure. The curled up snake group was as high as three or four stories high. What was even more eye-catching was that there were several strange white patterns on the head of the giant snake, which added a bit of mystery to the giant snake.

Behind it was a tall stone wall covered with bright red and attractive crystal red flowers.

The red flowers constantly absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy, and each crystal red flower exuded a breath that was hard for the beast to refuse.


At this moment, the giant snake with its eyes closed deep in the canyon suddenly sensed something and woke up from its deep sleep.

It opened its huge pupils and there was a hint of doubt in its pupils. It suddenly felt something was wrong.

The mother snake believed in this inexplicable intuition and thought of something.

"Hiss... Have any of my children left Snake Valley recently?"

It can be seen that this giant snake has a high spiritual ability and can communicate uninterruptedly like Ye Yang.

The voice is lazy and full of feminine charm. If you ignore his figure, it sounds a bit like the voice of a delicate queen.

A black giant snake next to him lowered his head and answered respectfully.

"Hiss...Mrs. snake left……"

"Hiss... Oh? I didn't allow that little guy to leave Snake Valley, did I?"

"Hiss... answer the Snake Mother... this black snake is the one that will... serve you.……"

The snake mother's huge snake pupils then showed a look of realization. No wonder she left the Snake Valley. It turned out that she was the unfortunate little fellow chosen by him to serve him.

"Hiss... That little guy must have met with an accident outside. Also... There are many powerful creatures around here.……"

Then he turned around, showing his scarlet snake tongue, and said to the nearest black giant snake,"Hiss... Then you little fellow will serve me."


The black giant snake trembled violently after hearing this, and its pupils were full of despair!

The snake mother was more than a hundred meters long, four or five times longer than him... If it was just an ordinary big car, it would be fine, but if the service was not good, the snake mother would eat the snake!


The scene changed.

A huge golden bird looked at the corpse of the black giant snake in front of it with shining eyes.

Then he glanced at the snake pupils that were still staring at him coldly, and the snake's eyes were full of sinisterness and a hint of shock.

Ye Yang sneered in his heart. He didn't need to think that the giant snake must be thinking about why he could see through his fake death.

The reason why he knew that the giant snake was pretending to be dead was very simple.

Although the black giant snake was pierced through the head by the sharp sword transformed by his golden lightning energy, and the life breath of the black giant snake disappeared in his perception, it looked like a dead body.

But Ye Yang knew that snakes have very developed nerves. Even if the snake's head was cut off, the snake's body would still struggle, and the nerves of the snake's head could still stay for half an hour, and some could even stay for a day or two.

This black giant snake is not an ordinary snake. How could it die so quickly?!

Even if Ye Yang used the lightning energy to transform into a sharp sword to split the snake's head in half, the pair of erected snake pupils still stared at him coldly.

"Hiss... The Snake Mother will definitely... avenge me……"

"Too much talk."


He raised his golden claws and crushed the snake's head.

His golden pupils stared at the black giant snake in front of him, and his eyes revealed a trace of desire.

It seems that birds have an instinctive desire to eat snakes...

Ye Yang shook his head. Now is not the time to eat. He still has to deal with the beasts.


He grabbed the huge body of the black giant snake and flew away. After a while, he came to the front of the beasts.

When the hundreds of thousands of beasts in the beast tide looked up and saw the headless body of the black giant snake, they all became nervous.

Even the black giant snake that made them afraid was solved so quickly by this golden giant bird, so aren't they in greater danger?!

Ye Yang didn't care about this group of beasts, but fixed his attention on the two powerful beasts in the beast tide.

They were the spotted giant tiger and the gray giant lizard!

The evolution level of these two creatures is at least"D-"level, which can completely suppress the attraction of dragon blood fruit.

If the beasts in this group of beasts were just controlled by instinctive desire to step into his territory, then these two creatures did it on purpose!


Golden lightning energy surged out, forming a sharp blade that shot towards the beasts!

"Roar... No!"

The two powerful beasts were suppressed by the momentum, feeling the crisis of life and death. They could only roar in panic before they could beg for mercy!

They could only stare at the golden light with a sharp breath shooting towards them!

The golden lightning penetrated their heads, destroying their brains, and their bodies were instantly paralyzed, becoming a corpse on the ground.

Then Ye Yang swept this���He looked at the hundreds of thousands of beasts crawling on the ground, and looked at the fallen Shenfeng Mountain in the distance.

His anger also dissipated a lot.

Originally, after his evolution level was raised and he gained powerful strength, the golden lightning energy in his body was rioting, and he was a little irritable, but after killing the black giant snake and two powerful beasts, his anger was reduced a lot.

Considering that these hundreds of thousands of beasts did not come to his Shenfeng Mountain on purpose, he did not want to kill them all as originally planned.

"Be honest and stay in the forest.……"

"Otherwise, you will become my prey!"

After saying that, he rushed towards the beast tide and took the bodies of the two beasts away, while restraining his own breath.

The hundreds of thousands of beasts crawling on the spot were all gasping for breath, looking at the direction where the golden figure left with lingering fear.


Ye Yang returned to the position of his three younger brothers and began to observe the changes in himself.

"System panel!"

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