The little white fox Ali is holding a mobile phone, with a cute face full of shock as he stares at the huge golden figure standing on the ground not far away.

"Chirp... That evil snake... was killed by the big brother so quickly?!"

The pink fox's eyes were full of shock!

She knew that her big brother had evolved and become more powerful, but she didn't expect to kill the black snake so quickly!

The three beasts next to her had the same idea as her.

The big brown bear who was thirsty for power was already numb, with pure shock on his violent face.

"Hey... Has the boss evolved again and become...more powerful?……"

As he constantly witnessed Ye Yang's strange evolution and speed of becoming stronger, he had become numb.

Before, when he saw Bai Yuzhu on the top of the mountain, he was sure that Ye Yang was the big bird that had teamed up with him to snatch Bai Yuzhu.

At that time, it was obviously a bird weaker than him, but he didn't expect that the power it now possessed had completely surpassed him.

However, the big brown bear Xiong Da had completely surrendered his mind at this time, so he was not jealous in his heart, but very excited.

Because he knew that the stronger the boss he surrendered to was, the more benefits he would get as a subordinate!

For example, the headless corpse of the black giant snake, the corpse of the colorful giant tiger and the giant lizard on the ground in front of them.

The three animals looked at the corpse of the powerful beast in front of them and swallowed their saliva, but none of them took action.

Without the boss's approval, they didn't have the courage to move the boss's prey.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry to move his prey at this time. Anyway, it wouldn't rot if he left it for a while. His mind was now completely immersed in his mind.

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: Thunder Bird

Evolution level: C-

Bloodline: Lightning Power (20,000 Supreme Breath Cells, the more Supreme Breath Cells there are, the stronger the bloodline ability is!)

Talent: Golden Thunder Body (C-)

Spirit Level: C

Spirit Skill: Detection Telepathy Shock (Spirit Skill, skill strength and level increase with the spiritual level!)

Skill: Lightning Breathing (Perfect)

The system panel after the evolution level is upgraded has changed some details compared to before.

First of all, in the race column on the system panel, he changed from Thunder Bird to Thunder Bird!

Although it is just one more word, it is obvious that his body size has changed a lot after the breakthrough, which is twice the size before, and his weight is finally about the same as that of a big brown bear, reaching a weight of eight or nine tons.

The evolution level is naturally displayed as"C-", there is no doubt about this.

The bloodline has not changed, but the talent column has changed.

"Golden Thunder Body……"

Ye Yang looked down at his golden body, which seemed to be made of extremely pure gold. He found some subtle changes.

The golden light on his body was more intense, and the luster was a bit dazzling, making it difficult to look directly at it.

This was a superficial change, and there were more changes in the body.

"The body has strong defensive power……"

Ye Yang stared at his body and muttered to himself.

He felt that his body was very solid, and he had an illusion that it was indestructible!

Why was it an illusion?

It must be an illusion that a bird with a weak body could have a strong body defense!

Practice makes perfect...

He raised his golden claws and kicked to the side of his body!

""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

There was a fierce flash of red flowers, and Ye Yang looked closely. At the place where his side was hit by the claw, a white mark appeared on the golden feather!

"What an amazing defense!"

Ye Yang was shocked!

Although he did not use all his strength, the power of his claw attack was enough to tear the rock apart, but now it could not hurt his body, and not even a feather fell off.


Ye Yang was a little excited. He felt that even the black giant snake that he had just crushed to death could not cause fatal damage to his body.

Judging from the breath, the black giant snake was"D+"Evolution level creatures……

"That is, I can now ignore‘D+’Conventional attacks from creatures of level 1 and below?!"


The improvement of his physical defense made him feel particularly happy. He then continued to browse the changes on the system panel.

"Hmm... there's an extra column?……"

On the system column, there is an additional spirit level, and behind it is a spirit skill.

The proficiency level of the spirit skill is related to the spirit level.

Ye Yang nodded. Indeed... the skills he was familiar with before, telepathy and talent shock, are all related to his mental power.

Mental power can also be improved by the system itself, and just like the previous talent shock, it requires the fear of the beasts.

This is why he let go of the group of hundreds of thousands of beasts that entered his territory.

It is a pity to kill the tool man who improves the mental power for free...

There is an additional"detection technique" in the mental skill.

As the name implies, the detection technique is to be able to detect the information of things, but if the mental power level is not enough, it is impossible to detect the complete information of some things.

This is why he knows that the fiery red fruit on the spirit tree is the name of the dragon blood fruit.

"This is a bit like the detection technique in online games.……"

Ye Yang stared at the spiritual skill detection on the system panel, and felt something strange in his heart.

This detection skill was obviously not acquired by his own evolution level, but was given to him by the system.

You know, the function of the system has always been to automatically upgrade various skills in his body, and other things have not worked at all.

What is the reason for the detection skill?!

"I really don't understand……"

Shaking his head, Ye Yang is not the kind of person who likes to dwell on trivial matters, and he is not worried about the system being bad for him.

He came to this world and reincarnated as a sparrow chick. Without the help of the system, he does not know how to face this era of spiritual revival.

The most important thing is that it is completely useless to worry about these messy things.

I just need to know that the spiritual skill of detection is very helpful to him!

Being able to detect the information of things, sometimes information represents more than just information, and the rewards it brings are even greater than power!

Looking at the big brown bear not far away, his mind moved.

"Detection Technique!"

Race: Brown Bear

Evolution Level: D

Talent: Strong and Strong (D)

Mental Level: D

Mental Skill: Telepathic Shock

Skill: Basic Breathing Technique (Mastered)

The information about the big brown bear Xiong Da appeared in front of him.

Ye Yang nodded. This was similar to the information he knew about Xiong Da, but he didn't expect Xiong Da to have a strong and strong talent.

Then he saw the little white fox Ah Li sliding his paws on the phone screen.

"I don't know what race Ahri, the nine-tailed fox, is.……"

"Detection technique!"

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