In the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, a sturdy tree fell down with a loud bang, the ground shook, dust splashed, and a huge white eagle slowly fell to the ground.

Three beasts as big as small trucks could not control their bodies and took a few steps back.

The brown bear felt cold all over, and looked at the white bird walking towards here not far away with some fear in his eyes.

Now seeing the big tree uprooted and falling to the ground in front of him, he realized that the white bird must not have used all its strength to attack him before!

If it exploded... he would definitely be dead!

Recalling the collision just now, a huge fear surged in his heart, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Not only him, but also the giant panda and the monkey king who reacted began to show fear. It was the first time they faced such a powerful creature!

And this powerful creature turned out to be a big white bird that looked much smaller than them!

This made their three views that they had cultivated in nature since childhood explode directly!

Ye Yang came in front of the three animals, and his golden pupils swept over them. Several animals couldn't help but lower their heads and dared not look directly at them.

"Does this count as surrender?"

He remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he said to himself,"It should be considered."

Ye Yang turned around and took a look at the roots of the spirit tree exposed to the air,"This won't work. Although the spirit tree is special, it won't work if the roots are out of the soil for a long time."

Then he spent most of the day to let the Monkey King use his hands to rub the mud ball to perfectly cover most of the roots of the spirit tree.

This made Ye Yang look at the Monkey King's hands with envy and hatred,"Primates are really too convenient!"

The Monkey King was startled by Ye Yang's gaze, his heart was beating wildly, and he dared not breathe.

Thoughts flashed wildly in his mind! This powerful white bird will not kill him!

Ye Yang naturally would not kill them. First of all, the brown bear had cooperated with him once and helped him get the white jade bamboo. Secondly, these three animals had no grudge against him.

The third and most important point was that he wanted to move the spiritual tree back when he saw it before.

Although he was powerful enough to pull the spiritual tree out of the ground, it was very troublesome to carry it. He could not fly in the sky for a long time with the spiritual tree, which would be exhausting! No, it would be exhausting for the bird!

So these three powerful animals came in handy and helped him carry the big spiritual tree back to the top of the mountain.

And he will become more and more powerful in the future, and it would be good to have a few little brothers to help him.

Judging from the current performance of the three animals, they have already initially surrendered to him, and commanding them to carry the spiritual tree must be stable. He breathed a sigh of relief.

""Eh? What is this?"

Ye Yang, who was about to look away from the Monkey King, had his golden pupils dilated instantly!

To be precise, he was staring at the long stick in the Monkey King's hand!

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it!

Ye Yang actually felt a palpitation from this three-meter-long stick!

This palpitation was very special. He felt it carefully and it turned out that it was not the feeling rising in his heart, but the deep inside of this body. This was a natural fear!

According to his understanding, in nature, at least mice would have this palpitation when they saw a tiger.

This was the first time he had this feeling when he reincarnated as a bird and came to this parallel world!

Although this palpitation was very weak, if it weren't for the long stick being very close to him and his outstanding perception ability, it would be really difficult to detect it!

The Monkey King was going crazy now!

Why was this terrifying big white bird still staring at him? Although he admitted that he was the most beautiful cub in the monkey group, he wished at this moment that he could be a little more ordinary and not be stared at by this big white bird!

He lowered his head and dared not look at it. In the end, he couldn't stand the huge pressure anymore. He raised his head and found that the big white bird in front of him was... The bird was staring at the long stick in his hand. He immediately threw the long stick in his hand. Although he liked this handy and sturdy long stick, he was obviously more afraid of the scary big white bird in front of him!

Ye Yang's sight successfully fell on the long stick on the ground in front of him.

The long stick was gray and three meters long. It looked like a long stick that could be found everywhere.

He raised his claws and stepped hard. Boom!

The sound of hard objects colliding!

The thing that was hit by Ye Yang's claw did not break, and there was not even a mark!

Ye Yang's golden pupils narrowed. It was exactly as he felt. Same, this long stick is indeed extraordinary!

Even the material is something Ye Yang has never seen before!

As Ye Yang looked at the Monkey King, the brown bear and the giant panda also reacted, looking at the Monkey King with confusion and surprise.

This terrifying big white bird is so powerful, but it can't even destroy this ordinary long stick! Is this long stick so hard? Where did this big monkey come from?

This is also Ye Yang's question.

Seeing that his long stick was intact under the attack of the big white bird, the Monkey King was stunned.

Then the familiar feeling of pressure fell on him, making his hair stand on end.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

He immediately gestured and called out to Ye Yang, but Ye Yang obviously did not understand the monkey language.

After some effort, Ye Yang finally expressed where the long stick came from.

The monkey king's big face covered with monkey hair showed a slight change, and deep fear emerged in his pale yellow eyes.

It seemed that he recalled something fearful, but he looked up at the big white bird in front of him.

It seemed that the situation was even more dangerous.


After calling out, it walked in one direction.

Ye Yang's eyes moved and he followed.

The brown bear and the giant panda looked at each other and also moved their paws forward.


I don't know how long it took, but it was afternoon.

The Monkey King stopped moving through the trees, and looked forward with some fear in his pale yellow eyes.

A huge stone cave suddenly appeared on the flat ground in front of him.


A white figure flashed by, and Ye Yang waved his hand.���Wings landed on a branch nearby.

Following the Monkey King's gaze, he saw a dark cave of more than ten meters in diameter. There was a sign outside the cave entrance!

Sign: Dangerous area! Do not approach!

The long red blockade line blocked the dark cave entrance, warning anyone entering.

At the same time, the reason for the blockade appeared on a sign nearby.

Friendly reminder from Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve: The magnetic field signal in the huge cave is strong, which seriously interferes with the brain of organisms. Cherish life and do not enter!

Sure enough, just like the information on the sign, Ye Yang obviously felt unwell after approaching the cave, with an inexplicable feeling of weakness.

The Monkey King next to him was even more exhausted, and his body was trembling.

"The long stick made of an unknown material seemed to be taken by the Monkey King from the cave or near the cave. There might be something good in the cave.……"


The figure flashed, flapped its wings and rushed towards the cave...

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