In the forest, the ground shook, and two huge figures rushed out of the jungle.

When the brown bear and the giant panda arrived, they happened to see the white figure floating into the cave, and wanted to follow it in.

But the figure stopped in an instant, and the bear paw kept raising up, and the paw hanging in the air trembled slightly.

The eyes stared at the dark cave entrance not far ahead with horror, as if it was the big mouth of a prehistoric monster!


Ye Yang flapped his wings and crossed the red blockade line...

After entering the dark cave, he found that there was something special inside. Not only was the entrance huge, but it was also very deep!

A pair of golden pupils reflected green light in the dark environment. The dark environment did not affect his eagle eyesight. He looked into the depths of the cave and could not see the bottom at a glance.

But fortunately, he was sure that the cave was straight and did not extend downwards, otherwise he really did not dare to explore rashly.

"How deep is this cave?"

Ye Yang was a little nervous. He was not affected by the dark environment, but the palpitation and weakness became heavier as he went deeper.

"This is the complex magnetic field mentioned in the cave entrance notice.……"


Ye Yang shook his weak body and forced himself to fly into the cave.

I don't know how long it took.

The darkness of the cave became deeper and deeper, until there was no light after a distance, and his body became heavier under the influence of the cave's magnetic field.

Finally, as he went deeper into the cave, Ye Yang couldn't even control his body to balance his flight, and could only land and walk on his claws.

Panting in his mouth, the pores on the bird's beak were exhaling hot air to dissipate the high temperature generated by the high load in the body.

If birds didn't have sweat glands and wouldn't sweat, he would have been sweating profusely by now!

At this time, his body was under a huge pressure, just like an invisible hill pressing on him, making him weak and tired, but Ye Yang still walked slowly and arduously towards the depths of the cave.

The reason was that the unknown magnetic field pressure of the cave aroused his competitive spirit. Unless there was a life-threatening obstruction, he must go to the end of the cave to see what was at the end!

Just like that, with a spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat in his heart, Ye Yang actually carried the magnetic field pressure and came to the end of the cave.

"Are these murals?"

"It turns out to be such a fantastic content……"

Ye Yang looked up, his golden pupils unblinking, his eyes fixed on the rock wall at the end of the cave, on which there were several lifelike murals.

The traces of these murals revealed a very ancient atmosphere, even someone like Ye Yang who knew nothing about human history could tell at a glance... The history of these murals is at least tens of thousands of years old.

He knew that most of the murals were left on the stone walls by ancient humans during hunting, sacrifices or religious activities, and most of them described and recorded their living conditions.

But the content of the murals in front of him was not like this.

In the first mural, a group of half-dressed humans holding stone spears chasing and hunting wild beasts, it can be seen that this is a description of their living conditions.

The second picture is the same, but the third picture is not like this.

Instead, it depicts a scene at night, a group of people sitting in a cave looking at the dark sky, and above the sky... there is a round, bright red moon!

The red light emitted by the red full moon dyes the entire earth!

As for why Ye Yang knew it was a red moon, it was because the moon in the picture was painted with a special red fuel. Even after thousands of years, the red color was still bright and magical... and there was a hint of weirdness in the red light that covered the entire picture.

If the mural ended here, Ye Yang would only think that the ancient humans thousands of years ago had a rich imagination and left this unrealistic mural.

But there are two more murals to come!

The fourth mural.

It was still a red full moon covering the red light of the earth, but there were all kinds of huge creatures on the earth. Ye Yang had never seen those creatures before. Each one was the size of a small hill, not the size of the big black wild boar before... but the size of a hill that was dozens of meters high!

It was a real behemoth!

The fifth picture.

The last picture was completely different from the previous four murals!

In this mural, humans actually moved mountains, tore up hill monsters with their hands, and broke the earth with one foot! Some humans even had the size of behemoths!

It was simply a myth!

Ye Yang's heart suddenly moved, and some knowledge points he had gained in his previous life flashed through his mind.

"That's not right... I remember reading a book somewhere that said that the entertainment life of ancient humans was extremely poor. Even modern children's fairy tales could be the supreme artifact in the hands of priests in that distant era that gathered the cohesion of the tribe.……"

"Therefore, it is impossible for ancient humans to have such rich imagination to record the magical murals!"

"That means, the images recorded on these stone walls are all real?!"

As soon as this thought came out, Ye Yang's body shook and he almost flew up from the spot!


He let out a breath and laughed at himself,"I'm scaring myself, and there's no evidence to prove it. The information I got from a few murals is too superficial, and I'm not a human historian."

Moreover, rather than believing that the murals were real, he was more willing to believe that aliens came to Earth in the distant past and left behind these murals.

Although the possibility of aliens was also fantastic, it was more convincing than the reality recorded in these murals.

He quickly put the matter of the murals behind him. There were so many strange mysteries on Earth, and he didn't have the time or mood to solve them.

Then his eyes scanned the depths of the cave, and when he reached the end of the cave, he saw five murals that allowed him to see the big brains of ancient humans, and he wanted to see if there were any unexpected gains.

""Huh? This is a human measuring tool."

Ye Yang's eyes reflected the blue light in the dark, and soon found a black measuring tape left in an inconspicuous corner of the cave. He moved closer and found that it was indeed a human measuring tape, and there was a huge double-winged logo icon above the measuring tape.��

"Which factory makes the measuring tape and has such a cool icon?……"

The appearance of the measuring tape did let Ye Yang know a piece of information, that is, humans had entered this cave before.

But this information was useless to him.

It is not too easy for human technology to explore a cave with a complex magnetic field.

Just as he turned around and was about to walk out of the cave, his intuition suddenly tightened!

Looking up, a dark stone came into view.

His eyes were fixed on the"stone", and a sudden palpitation appeared in his heart!

This made Ye Yang feel a little interested.……


The author has something to say:

I have severe tenosynovitis... The most I have written recently is 8,000 words... Thank you all for your support!ღ( ´・ᴗ・` ).

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