A few hours ago.

In a dense berry forest amidst the mountains, a group of fully armed men were heading towards a towering mountain.

Their direction was very planned, and their goal was exactly the top of the mountain where Ye Yang lived!

"Oh, I'm so fucking tired, everyone stop and take a rest"

""Okay, Mr. Wang."

A young man in bright clothes in the team shouted in dissatisfaction, and then sat down on a stone and drank water to rest.

The members of the armed team looked at each other helplessly, listened to the young man's words, and rested on the spot.

"Boss! This guy is too hypocritical. He has been resting for a long time. If it weren't for him, we would have reached the destination and captured the target long ago."

""Shut up, why do you care about so many things? Just make a lot of money!"

This armed team is an international mercenary, and the young people are their employers.

The boss pulled the dissatisfied team members and whispered,"This rich man can do whatever he wants, we just listen to him. Remember, the reward for this mission is extremely generous! One million Daxia coins for each member!"

Hearing this, the mercenary members' eyes lit up and grinned.

""Okay, boss!"

The boss nodded and glanced at the young man sitting on the stone playing with his mobile phone, his eyes full of contempt.

If it weren't for the money, how could they, a group of top mercenaries, obey a young boy.

The young man sitting on the stone playing with his mobile phone didn't notice the strange look of the mercenaries at all, because he was a man with money, and he was not afraid that these mercenaries who valued money would deal with him.

"Humph! You guys just raised a tiger and a shark, right? Look, I'm going to bring back an ancient creature today to make me proud!"

"When the time comes, let's see if you dare to be arrogant in front of me!"

The young man is a cynical rich second generation, and he is the top one in Daxia.

The video of Ye Yang being broadcast live by an outdoor anchor last time attracted a lot of attention, and so did he. It happened that he was traveling near Jianghai City.

Seeing the elegant and beautiful figure in the video, as well as the powerful strength, and hearing experts say that the big white bird on the screen is still a paleontological creature, this instantly made this rich second generation have strange thoughts.

Some people in his circle of friends raise rare animals such as tigers and sharks. If he has such a beautiful appearance, or a paleontological creature that has been extinct for thousands of years as a pet, wouldn't it be a great honor?

So he hired a team of top mercenaries to come here to Jianghai City to capture the white-feathered eagle.

Now he told the news to the group of rich second generation buddies in his circle of friends.

Upon hearing this news, his friend group instantly exploded!

"That beautiful bird is an extinct ancient creature! Li Shao has had enough of the limelight now!"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of going to Jianghai City to capture the white-feathered eagle?"

"Hey...that big white-feathered eagle is huge. Maybe after we tame it, it can carry people flying in the sky!"

"But it is said that the White Feather Eagle is very powerful, with an explosive force of several tons. Is Wang Shao sure?"

Seeing this, Wang Shao, who was holding his phone, remembered that in the last live broadcast, the White Feather Eagle was able to blow up the head of a small truck wild boar with one blow, and the speed it showed was also very amazing. With some concerns in his heart, he put down his phone and asked the captain of the mercenaries not far away

"Captain, are you sure you can deal with that white-feathered eagle?"

The captain smiled and said,"I know what you mean, Mr. Wang. I also watched the live video recording last time. That white-feathered eagle does have a strength and explosive speed beyond our human imagination!"

"But don't worry, Mr. Li. Although your Great Xia country has strict surveillance and our brothers cannot bring in heavy weapons and artillery, we are absolutely sure that we can capture this white-feathered eagle alive!"

"No matter how powerful a creature is, it is just a simple-minded animal. We mercenaries are all experienced in combat. How could we let the white-feathered eagle escape?"

Seeing the tall and strong mercenary captain in front of him swearing, Wang Shao's uneasiness disappeared.

Although he is a rich second-generation, he is not a retard.

You get what you pay for. The mercenaries he hired are worth a lot of money, enough to make him suffer for a month.

Moreover, the fierce aura of each mercenary is different from that of ordinary people, not to mention that each of them carries a large number of weapons and equipment.

This is the equipment of a special forces unit, how can they not be able to deal with an animal?


As he was about to reach his destination, the young man Wang Shao did not stop and walked, but came to the top of the mountain in one go.

"Strange... powerful animals are very sensitive to scent. How come we have reached the top of the mountain but have not seen the white-feathered eagle yet?"

The mercenary captain looked at the empty mountaintop and couldn't help wondering.

"It may be in the cave, everyone be careful!"

The mercenary slowly groped towards the cave, and at the same time took out the specially prepared tranquilizer gun.

The barrel of the tranquilizer gun is very long, and both the penetration and accuracy are very guaranteed. More importantly, the anesthetic needle is specially treated. Even the strongest African elephant on land will faint in five minutes after one injection.

Entering the cave, everyone saw a fluorescent bamboo in the dark environment!

"What is that! Glowing bamboo?"

"It must be a good thing! I'm going to make a fortune now!"


A shrill cry sounded, and at the same time, a pair of blue eyes appeared in the depths of the darkness!



A mercenary shouted as a gust of wind blew past!

At the same time, a bloody smell flowed through the cave.

"Get out of the cave quickly!"

After all the mercenaries left the cave, they found that one person was missing. It must have been an accident.

"Damn it! I was careless! I should have prepared night vision goggles!"

"The white-feathered eagle is in the cave, ready to catch!"

Just then, a huge creature walked out of the cave, but it was not a snow-white white-feathered eagle, but a huge golden eagle!

It was more than two meters tall!

The golden eagle was golden all over, with blood in its mouth, and half of its body was broken under its thick claws. It looked very ferocious.

"Where is the white-feathered eagle?! What a big golden eagle!"

"Quick! Fire the anesthetic needle!"

Swish, swish, swish!"

The well-trained mercenaries immediately raised the prepared anesthetic guns and shot the anesthetic needles at the huge body of the golden eagle.

Clang clang clang!

The sound of iron colliding with metal and stone clashing!

What made them dumbfounded was that the anesthetic needles shot at the golden eagle's body did not penetrate the body, but all fell to the ground.

"how come……"


A golden figure flashed, and the nearest mercenary disappeared completely, leaving only a pool of blood.

The golden eagle was stained with blood, and its pair of cold and fierce eagle eyes made all the mercenaries shiver...

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