On the top of the mountain, a two-meter-tall giant golden eagle was covered in blood, and every golden feather was more or less stained with blood, which looked extremely scary.

This golden eagle was the one Ye Yang had met before, and it was also the original owner of the mountain top.

It can be seen that this golden eagle is much stronger than before...

In fact, after leaving the mountain top, this golden eagle killed and devoured many powerful animals, and even ate a few spiritual fruits with good luck, so its body is much stronger than before.

This time he returned to the mountain top to seek revenge on the gray bird that occupied his territory!

However, after the golden eagle came to the top of the mountain, he did not find the hateful gray bird, but saw a glowing treasure in the original cave!

Although he didn't know why, staying on the top of the mountain made him stronger faster!

This made him reluctant to leave the cave, so he did not leave the cave after sensing that there were creatures approaching the mountain top.

His idea was that this group of creatures who rashly stepped into the top of the mountain would withdraw on their own after sensing his powerful aura, but he didn't expect that this group of creatures dared to enter the cave!

This is simply courting death!

The golden eagle that tore two human bodies into pieces in succession has completely aroused the desire to kill in its body!

The slender tongue licked the broken flesh on the beak of the bird, and a pair of cold and fierce eyes looked at the group of strange two-legged beasts in front of it.

He found that the meat of these two-legged beasts was not bad.

The mercenaries who were stared at by the bloodthirsty eyes of the golden eagle trembled. Even they who were experienced were frightened by the golden eagle in front of them.

Before they could see the action clearly, two mercenary teams died!

Wang Shao, a young man hiding at the back of the team, was even more unbearable, and his pants were wet.

The captain of the mercenaries trembled with his hands, and a strong anger surged in his heart!

The reason was not because of the death of his companions, but because he saw a hint of mockery in the eagle eyes of the golden eagle!

For him who has been walking on the edge of danger for many years, this is simply the biggest insult to him!

"Die, monster!"

""Don't just stand there! Take the rifle and AK and kill him for me!"

After hearing the roar of the mercenary captain, the remaining two mercenaries reacted.

They threw away the tranquilizer gun in their hands, pulled out the assault rifles on their backs, quickly changed the magazines, and turned on the safety. The golden eagle, who was looking at the weak two-legged beast in front of him, suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart, and his feathers stood up!

But he didn't know where the danger came from. Could it be these strange two-legged beasts in front of him!

At this moment, gunshots rang out!


""Da da da!!!"

The bullets formed a strong line of fire in the air, like a fire snake, covering the golden eagle!

The golden eagle instinctively wanted to retreat, but the distance was too close and the speed of the bullets was very fast, so almost all the bullets hit his body!

Puff puff puff!

The dense bullets of several centimeters instantly made the golden eagle's body explode, and blood splashed in the air, staining the ground red.


The three mercenaries were sweating profusely, and the dozens of bullets in their magazines had been used up.

Looking at the huge golden eagle lying in a pool of blood, its skin torn and blood gushing out of its chest, it lay motionless on the ground.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

A mercenary took a few deep breaths and strode to the body of the golden eagle in the pool of blood.

"Damn it! It was this beast that killed our two brothers! Damn it!……"

As he spoke, he raised his foot and stepped on the closed head of the golden eagle.


With a sound of breaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because he could no longer speak, the upper part of his body was blown away by a huge force and cut in half.

"This golden eagle is a monster! It is not dead despite such serious injuries!"

"Shoot now!"

The mercenary captain and the remaining mercenary immediately changed their magazines in a panic.

Fortunately, the golden eagle was seriously injured. After tearing a mercenary's body apart with its claws, its body injuries became even more serious. It could only stand in a pool of blood.

For the first time, the eagle's eyes showed despair.

""Da da da!!!"

Another round of gunfire rang out, this time the target of the attack was the head of the golden eagle. The head was undoubtedly broken, and this time the golden eagle was really dead.

After doing all this, the captain of the mercenaries and another mercenary collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

What happened just a few minutes ago was a huge burden on their minds!

Wang Shao, a young man at the corner of the mountaintop, saw that the golden eagle was completely dead, and he breathed a sigh of relief, his legs still trembling.

Only then did he feel the wetness in his lower body.

"Take off your pants and I will transfer you 100,000 Daxia coins later!"

"Hehe... One hundred thousand Daxia coins may not be enough, Mr. Wang."

Mr. Wang's face changed. He didn't expect that the mercenary captain who always regarded him as the God of Wealth would dare to talk to him like this.

But thinking of this dangerous experience, he also understood what the mercenary captain meant.

"Don't worry, Captain. Your mercenary brothers will not die in vain. The mission fee was originally one million Daxia coins. I will give you double it!"

The mercenary captain shook his head."One time may not be enough. How about ten times? Three of my brothers died."

"Ten times?! Ten million Great Xia coins? How is this possible?……"

Wang Shao was shocked, but when he met the crazy eyes of the mercenary captain, Wild Wolf, he said nothing more.

The reason was that he knew that the mercenary captain was in a panic and dared to do anything. He could only nod and agree,"Okay, I promise you."

Seeing the young man Wang Shao's cooperation, the mercenary Wild Wolf's aggressive eyes moved away from him.

Then he frowned and asked another mercenary partner

"Third brother, I always feel like we seem to have forgotten one thing……"

The mercenary boss took a deep breath and felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

"I feel like we've forgotten something really important.……"

"But I just can't remember what it was……"

"I don't know where the white-feathered eagle went.……"

""Ah!!! Look at the sky!!!"

Suddenly, the shout of the young man Wang Shao instantly attracted their attention.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge creature in the sky approaching them quickly!

The shadow formed by the huge creature in the sky covered their heads, making them terrified and at a loss!

"What the hell is this creature! It's even bigger than a golden eagle!"

"It must be the gunshots here that attracted this monster here!"

"Hurry up and change the bullets!"

The mercenary captain and the mercenary quickly changed the bullets of the assault rifle, but seeing the huge size of this creature, they felt the oppression brought by the huge aura.

Intuition told him that the assault rifle that could kill the golden eagle could not deal with this white monster!

His eyes narrowed, and his right hand quietly touched the thing on his waist, and his panicked heart calmed down a little...

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