"That's the white-feathered eagle!"

A strong wind pressure descended, and as the huge creature in the sky gradually approached, the people on the top of the mountain lost their voices!

"How is this possible?! When did the White-Feathered Eagle become so big!"

The second-generation rich man Wang Shao sat down on the ground! His eyes were dazed!

In the live video a few days ago, the size of the White-Feathered Eagle was not as big as the golden eagle that attacked them just now, but now... the size of the White-Feathered Eagle is at least two or three times larger than the golden eagle!

Looking down from below, it was just like the size of a glider in their human world!

What made the second-generation rich man Wang Shao, the captain of the mercenaries and another mercenary even more desperate was that the golden eagle was so difficult to deal with before, and now this White-Feathered Eagle was far larger than the golden eagle in terms of size and the terrifying aura it exuded. What should they do now?!

The mercenary codenamed Lao San looked up in despair at the huge figure landing in the sky, and came to the side of the captain of the mercenaries with trembling legs.

"Captain, I feel that this white-feathered eagle may not be able to be dealt with by rifle bullets.……"

The mercenary captain nodded and said,"In any case, let's try the close-range rifle first.……"

"Don't worry, I have a backup plan, we will definitely get out of here alive!"


Boom! The ground trembled!

At this time, Ye Yang also landed on the top of the mountain from the sky.

He saw three humans on the top of the mountain, and a bloody golden eagle corpse lying in a pool of blood at the entrance of the cave.

"The breath is similar... Is this the golden eagle that escaped?"

The golden pupil flashed, and then drifted towards two fully armed people more than ten meters away.

They didn't look like Daxia people. Could they be foreign soldiers or mercenaries?

But what made Ye Yang more concerned was that the assault rifles in the hands of these two humans did not make him feel a sense of crisis.

He was not an ordinary ignorant animal. In his consciousness, he knew the power of human conventional weapons!

However, his body's intuition told him clearly that the rifle could not cause him harm!

"Shoot! Quick!"

Although it was unknown why the huge white-feathered eagle stood still without moving after landing at the entrance of the cave, this did not stop the mercenaries from shooting!

Da da da!

Several centimeters long brass bullets formed long lines in the air, covering Ye Yang's body!

"Hmm? Is this a bullet?"

The golden pupils narrowed, and Ye Yang could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet in the air!

His body reacted faster and was able to dodge the attack of the bullet.

But he did not dodge, and spread his wings to protect his body...

Ding Ding Dang Dang!

With a few crisp sounds, a burst of sparks flashed, and a few feathers fell.……

"How could this happen?! Why can't the rifle bullets hurt this big bird!"

The third mercenary shouted in surprise!

He had never thought of this situation. You know, this is not a weak prop rifle in the movie, but a live bullet that can penetrate a 20-centimeter wall and a few millimeters of steel plate!

In addition, the target white-feathered eagle is no more than 30 meters away from them, and the penetration power of this rifle's bullet will only be more terrifying!

But the white-feathered eagle in front of them just lost a few feathers!

The captain of the mercenaries and the rich second-generation Wang Shao were also dumbfounded. They stared at the huge white-feathered eagle in front of them with their eyes wide open in disbelief, and their brains froze...

Ye Yang folded the snow-white wings with a wingspan of five meters in front of his body, and joy welled up in his golden eagle eyes.

"I never thought I'd become so strong! Even automatic rifles can't hurt me!"

Just now I decided to stand still and try to be hit by a bullet. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't nervous. I just wanted to test my body's intuition.

As it turns out, my body's intuition is still very accurate. My wings just felt like they were hit by a sharp object. Apart from losing a few feathers, my body was fine.

The reason for my nervousness just now might be the fear of firearms as a human in my previous life.

As for... if his body would be hurt by the rifle bullet in front of him, there's no need to worry.

Ye Yang's current body has the power of at least several tons. To withstand such a strong force, a strong body is also necessary.

The rifle bullet hit his body, causing him to bleed and suffer minor injuries at most. He glanced at the three dumbfounded people not far away, turned around and walked towards the cave. Now in his mind, even humans holding spears could not pose a threat to him. He could completely ignore them. What mattered now was to see if his treasure, Bai Yuzhu, was in trouble in the cave.

When he saw Bai Yuzhu intact in the cave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he went out and lost Bai Yuzhu, he would really cry.

"Fortunately... Bai Yuzhu is fine"

"This golden eagle actually dared to ignore my breath and enter the cave. It's really bold!"

Looking at the cave, there were more animal bones and black feces as before, and there were human remains and blood on the ground.

"Oh, time to clean again.……"


Outside the cave, the rich second-generation Wang Shao was still frightened by the scene just now.

The captain of the mercenaries and the third mercenary reacted after a few breaths.

Both of them were pale.

The third mercenary trembled his lips,"Captain! The monster has entered the cave... Let's get out of here!"

The captain of the mercenary swallowed his saliva, panted, and stared at the third mercenary with bloodshot eyes!

"If you want to die or become food for that monster bird, get out of here!"


The third mercenary only then realized how fast the White-Feathered Eagle was. Even if they were given more than an hour to escape in advance, they would not be able to escape the attack of the White-Feathered Eagle!

"Then...Captain, what should we do!"

"Of course, we can only survive if we kill this white-feathered eagle.……"

"But how can we kill him with just the weapons in our hands?……"

The third mercenary opened his mouth, stared at the thing in the hand of the mercenary boss with wide eyes, his face full of joy!

"Captain! How did you bring this thing into Daxia?"

The captain of the mercenaries was holding a cyan oval grenade!

And it was an armor-piercing grenade with great explosive power, which was far more powerful than ordinary fragmentation grenades!

The captain of the mercenaries had a sneer on his face and did not answer, because now that the White Feather Eagle had entered the cave, he had to hurry up.


The fuse of the armor-piercing grenade was triggered, and two seconds later, it was thrown hard!

The blasting grenade went straight into the cave...

Ye Yang, who was in the cave, suddenly felt a huge crisis, turned around and saw that his golden pupils shrank!

He saw a grenade flying in! He was so scared that his soul was about to jump out!

Fortunately, the cave was huge, and he could fly out at full speed!

Just when he wanted to dodge out of the cave, he was stunned.

Because there was still Bai Yuzhu in the cave, he couldn't watch the loss of such a treasure as Bai Yuzhu.

Suddenly, staring at the grenade flying rapidly, his eyes lit up!

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