On the top of Shenfeng Mountain, three human girls came down from behind the giant panda, and a huge white bird stood in front of them.

Under the light, a trace of white luster flowed on each snow-white feather, and the deep golden eagle eyes were cold in the severe winter.

Although the white-feathered eagle in front of her did not move, but just looked at this place quietly, Alice couldn't help but get nervous.

She felt an unusually strong breath from the ancient creature in front of her, and this breath immediately reminded her of the level of the fierce beasts in the organization!

D-level fierce beast?!

How could this be possible... The evolution factor has only appeared on Blue Star for more than a month, how could a D-level fierce beast appear on Blue Star!

Originally, he wanted to fulfill the wish of his ancestors and see the extinct ancient creatures with his own eyes, but now he was completely shocked.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue took out some bread and threw it to the giant panda, and then surrounded Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's eagle eyes looked at the newly appeared blonde girl with some strangeness. The emotion he felt from this girl was not fear but shock.

It was very strange... and why did Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue bring this foreign girl to see him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't speak, so he could only look at Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue in confusion.

Li Minmin seemed to feel his thoughts and looked at Alice.

"Alice, didn't you say you wanted to save the white-feathered eagle? Now that we've met, you can tell me. Don't worry, the white-feathered eagle can understand human language.……"

""Can you understand human language?"

Alice's delicate and beautiful face was stunned, and she became more certain in her heart that the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle in front of her must be a D-level beast, because only D-level beasts can understand human language.

She swallowed her saliva and looked at the white-feathered eagle not far away.

"Hello, White Feather Eagle... A young man and a team of mercenaries should have died here not long ago... The identity of that young man from Daxia is not simple, he is the son of the chairman of Daxia Military Industry Group!"

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue were a little confused. They had no idea that humans had died here.

After reacting, they looked at the White Feather Eagle in front of them with horror. Could the death of that group of people be related to the little phoenix?

They had never thought that the spiritual little phoenix would kill people!

Ye Yang's golden eagle eyes flashed with light. As expected, as he had guessed, his crisis came from humans!

At this time, Li Minmin suppressed her inner horror and thought about it and reacted.

"Even if Little Phoenix killed that young man, it must have been in self-defense. Besides, in Daxia, no one except the state officials can threaten Little Phoenix now."

"Little Phoenix?"

Alice looked at Li Minmin in surprise. It seemed that the two of them had a good relationship with the White Feather Eagle.

"I admit that among all the countries on Blue Star, Da Xia has the best security and stability!"

"Under normal circumstances, if the Daxia authorities did not take action, the White-Feathered Eagle would definitely be fine. However, the situation on Blue Star is complicated now. It is good enough that the Daxia authorities did not take the initiative to attack the White-Feathered Eagle, the first ancient creature in the world. It is impossible to stop others.……"

"Moreover... the White-Feathered Eagle is an ancient creature, not a citizen of Daxia, and this does not violate the official principles of Daxia.……"

Ran Xiaoyue panicked when she heard this,"What should we do? Alice, do you have any idea to save the White-Feathered Eagle?" Alice stared at the White-Feathered Eagle with her emerald green pupils,"There is only one way, and that is to leave Daxia!"

"Ah... this……"

Ye Yang, who was standing by, was moved when he heard Alice's words and shook his head.

From Alice's words, he got the information that he was currently the only paleontologist in the world.

With this identity, countless biologists on Blue Star wanted to capture and study him. It was so dangerous in Daxia, let alone in a foreign country where firearms were not prohibited.

Seeing that White Feather Eagle refused this request, Alice did not say anything.

She came to Daxia from afar to fulfill her grandfather's dream, and she was satisfied to see White Feather Eagle with her own eyes.

"This black box may be able to help you……"

Alice put down the small black box she had been carrying, turned around and asked Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue:

"When are we leaving?"

Ran Xiaoyue wanted to stay here for a while and inquire about the information of the deaths of those people. She didn't believe that Xiao Fenghuang would kill anyone.

But Li Minmin spoke first and decisively,"Let's go now!"

Then she pulled the giant panda, sat on its back, and ran down the mountain into the distance.

Ran Xiaoyue looked at Li Minmin in confusion,"Why are we leaving so soon? We just arrived not long ago.……"

Li Minmin turned around and saw Shenfeng Mountain disappear from her sight before she spoke.

"Xiaoyue, you have to understand that Little Phoenix is no longer a sparrow in our hearts... After all, he is a wild animal with great power, and we have to keep our distance from him.……"

"But I'm sure the little phoenix won't hurt us.……"

"That's because you think you are not a threat to the White-Feathered Eagle. Otherwise, we would have been killed as soon as we stepped into the vicinity of the mountain.……"

Alice said,"My intuition tells me that the White-Feathered Eagle is a very dangerous beast. Li Minmin is right. You really need to keep a certain distance from him."

"Believe me, you will never guess what a powerful beast is thinking."

"Oh well……"

An hour later, the giant panda brought the three people back to the road.


Looking at the cute panda face, Ran Xiaoyue smiled and said

"Big foodie, no bread left……"

Seeing the cute appearance of the giant panda, even Alice liked it a little and reached out to touch the giant panda's furry head.

"Let's go, it's getting dark.……"

The car started and disappeared into the suburbs


On the top of the mountain, Ye Yang watched them leave

"As I thought, Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue brought good information.……"

When Ye Yang met the two human girls before, he had an idea in his mind, that is, to let the two girls give him the information about coming to the human world.

It's a bit like taking advantage of him...

There is no other way. His identity is special, and the biggest threat to him is humans. If he doesn't know the information about humans, it will only be more dangerous.

Through the simple communication just now, he now knows that someone from Daxia wants to deal with him, so it will be easier for him.

"But the most important thing right now is to improve my strength!"

He believed that he would be able to break through to the D-level soon.

Looking at the gadget under his feet, Ye Yang carefully opened the black box. The surface of the black box was broken to reveal the contents.

There were three blue tubes of liquid.

"What are these liquids?……"

Ye Yang's golden pupils narrowed!

He actually saw a pair of wings on the blue liquid tube!

This was the symbol of the measuring tape in the cave!

"What exactly is this symbol...and what is the identity of Alice?……"

When he saw the giant panda and its huge body, he didn't act panicky like an ordinary person.

And what is the use of the blue liquid in the tube?

"I need to find a test subject.……"

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