
With a sound of breaking through the air, a huge white figure disappeared in the air.

Ye Yang finally came to a leopard cave.

Controlling the power, he easily pressed down the leopard's body with his feet, and then stuffed the tube of blue liquid in his mouth directly into the leopard's big mouth.

Release the claws and retreat half the distance.

After losing Ye Yang's suppression, the leopard immediately jumped back to the bottom of the cave, and a pair of frightened leopard eyes looked at Ye Yang fearfully.

I don't understand what this powerful big white bird wants to do...

A few minutes later, the trembling leopard suddenly let out a painful roar.

Along with the roar, the size of the body expanded visibly with the naked eye, and the momentum was also rising rapidly!

Ye Yang stared at the leopard deep in the cave with golden pupils, and his attention was all on the leopard that had undergone a drastic change.

"This blue liquid seems to be able to accelerate the evolution of animals... It is somewhat similar to the effect of spiritual fruit.……"


The leopard felt the power of its body surge instantly, and with a roar, it turned into a shadow and pounced on Ye Yang!


The ground trembled, and a white claw hit the leopard's head heavily.

Ye Yang lowered his head to look at the leopard with a broken head, opened his beak and began to eat.

Sure enough, when he finished eating the leopard's flesh and blood, a force of energy appeared in his body that strengthened himself. That force of energy was spiritual energy!

This energy was very powerful. Ye Yang felt that if he finished eating the blue liquid in the remaining two tubes, he would definitely be able to evolve and upgrade his level!

"We will solve the crisis after we upgrade and evolve!"


Flying towards the top of the mountain……


Three days later, the citizens of Jianghai City were surprised to find that the intersection leading to the suburbs of Jianghai City was officially closed.

The reason given for the closure shocked the citizens of Jianghai City!

Jianghai City officially announced: There will be a live-fire military exercise in the suburbs of Jianghai City, and the suburban roads of Jianghai City are prohibited from entering and exiting during this period!

And it was constantly broadcast in Jianghai City, and this news was soon known to all the citizens of Jianghai City.

"Strange... How come the authorities suddenly thought of conducting military exercises around our Jianghai City?……"

"Yes, our Jianghai City is a city in the south with a dense population. Military exercises are usually conducted in the uninhabited areas in the north."

"The situation of this military exercise is different... I heard from my relatives who work in Jianghai City that this military exercise is not led by the Daxia military. It seems that the military industry group is testing weapons data."

"Tsk, haven't you been online recently? You don't even know about the hot news on the Internet in Jianghai City recently."

"Brother, don’t keep us in suspense, tell me what the news is."

"It is said that the reason why the big boss of the military industry group came all the way to hold a military exercise here is because his son died in an accident outside Jianghai City last week.……"

"Death in an accident? Does this have anything to do with military exercises?"

"You are stupid! The only thing that can cause someone to get into danger unexpectedly outside Jianghai City is the white-feathered eagle on Shenfeng Mountain!"

""Ah?! I understand, this is the father coming to avenge his son!"

Such rumors spread in Jianghai City in an instant, and the Jianghai City officials did not give any explanation.

Another day passed.

On this day, a camouflaged truck appeared on the road leading to the outskirts of Jianghai City, running straight to the outskirts of Jianghai City.

At the same time, three military helicopters appeared in the sky.

In the distance of the three military helicopters, there was a helicopter following, which was the official helicopter of Jianghai City.

Now, after just one day of fermentation, the eyes of millions of people in Jianghai City are locked here, because they know that this military exercise is to destroy or capture the ancient creature white-feathered eagle!

Jianghai City's official media received the wishes of the masses, so they broadcast live.

After the helicopter's camera swept across the camouflaged truck on the ground, it moved the camera to the three helicopters in the sky.

The male reporter was a little excited and held the microphone

"Good morning everyone, welcome to the official channel of Jianghaicheng!"

"This is the outskirts of Jianghai City. You can see a large truck on the road. There are at least dozens of people inside. There are also three military combat helicopters in the sky. I think the ancient white-feathered eagle will definitely not escape this disaster.……"

The male reporter directly speculated that at this point, they officially admitted that the goal of this military exercise was to hunt down white-feathered eagles.

"Oh my god! I've finally been waiting for this! I'm really looking forward to the battle that's going to break out soon!"

"Yes... You see, the dense forest outside Jianghai City is much denser and taller than before. It's no wonder I couldn't recognize it as the suburbs."

"It must be affected by the spiritual energy in the air. Maybe by studying the corpse of the white-feathered eagle, we can unlock the mystery of spiritual energy. Then we humans will be able to start practicing Taoism like what is written in novels!"

"Wake up and stop dreaming! Still cultivating immortality! I don't think they can kill the White Feather Eagle at all!"

"That’s right, how can they catch such a powerful White-Feathered Eagle!"

"A bunch of illiterate people who don't understand military affairs! Not to mention the dozens of fully armed people in the truck on the road, the three armed helicopters in the sky are equipped with heavy armor-piercing machine guns and howitzers. This is simply not something that the flesh can resist!"

"I dare say that if the white-feathered eagle does not escape, it will be hunted down! Maybe not even a feather will be left.……"

"Ah, that white-feathered eagle is in trouble! Some experts have analyzed that white-feathered eagles rarely leave their mountain territories and have strong territoriality. It will be difficult for them to escape when surrounded by these armed teams and military helicopters!"

"Alas, poor white-feathered eagle, he did nothing wrong, yet he is being hunted to death.……"

After the appearance of the ancient white-feathered eagle, the citizens of Jianghai City experienced panic at first, thinking that this scary bird would enter the city and hurt them.

As a result, they found that this ancient white-feathered eagle was very homely and stayed on Shenfeng Mountain, which made them feel relieved.

In addition, the white-feathered eagle has an amazingly elegant appearance, which is liked by many people. This is also the reason why many citizens in the city feel sorry.

The car soon arrived at the deep forest near the outskirts of Jianghai City.

An armed team of thirty people got off the car and went to explore the dense forest in a mighty manner.

Wang Jin, who was sitting in the military armed aircraft, glanced coldly at the mountains in the distance.

He ordered into the communicator,"Act according to the plan and surround Shenfeng Mountain in secret!"

A few hours later, the team of thirty people arrived in front of Shenfeng Mountain.

"Arrived at the destination, boss, please give instructions……"


Before the team leader could finish his words, a huge figure jumped out from the corner of the forest and bit off half of the body of the person who called the communicator.

The big brown bear's steel-colored fangs were several dozen centimeters long. After swallowing half of the body in a few bites like eating crisp bones, it stretched out its tongue to lick the blood on the bear's face.

Then, it stared at the group of bipeds in front of it with a pair of bloodthirsty bear eyes as big as light bulbs...

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