"I choose... three!"

Elder Lin, who was sitting in the front row of the conference room, blurted out without hesitation after hearing what Chief Xia said. After hearing his decision, the others in the conference room were not so calm!

"What?! The mayor of Jianghai City actually chose the third proposal!"

"why is that……"

"Damn it, we were clearly prepared to pay the price to get the corpse of the ancient white-feathered eagle from him!"

"What on earth does the mayor of Jianghai City want to do?!"

The conference room instantly became as noisy as a vegetable market. No matter whether it was the generals in the military, experts and professors in various fields, or other political science personnel, they did not understand why the mayor of Jianghai City made this decision.


As soon as the leader finished speaking, the noisy meeting room returned to its previous silence, but the eyes they cast towards the mayor of Jianghai City were full of shock and surprise.

At the beginning of the meeting, most of them thought that the first proposal was the best and simplest, to directly use military force to kill the ancient creature white-feathered eagle with monster-like power.

Otherwise, God knows how far this magical white-feathered eagle can grow in the future. The second proposal was also agreed by a small number of people. Those who agreed were all professors of biology. They wanted to observe the habits of ancient creatures more. After all, dead specimens could not get more detailed data than living creatures.

The third proposal... almost no one agreed.

Now there is one, that is the leader who decides the direction of this meeting, the mayor of Jianghai City!

"Oh... Comrade Lao Lin, I want to know why you made this decision."

Faced with the inquiry from the leader, the mayor of Jianghai City showed a trace of seriousness on his tired face and took a deep breath.

"Good Chief"

"I think everyone present here knows that the reason why the ancient white-feathered eagle appeared in the suburbs of Jianghai City has not been investigated yet, but it must be related to the spiritual energy that appeared out of thin air in the air of Blue Star more than a month ago!"

"Although the white-feathered eagle grows very fast... and has a speed that is difficult for our human eyes to capture, our Great Xia country is fully capable of killing it with the force of thunder!"

Seeing the mayor of Jianghai City's excited tone, the generals and academicians and professors around him became even more confused.

Since it is easy to kill the dangerous ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, why do you choose the third passive proposal?

Only the leader of the Great Xia sitting in the first seat remained unchanged, a glimmer of light flashed in his turbid eyes, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face. The mayor of Jianghai City continued

"I know the confusion in everyone's mind, and what I want to remind everyone is... it's not just the White-Feathered Eagle that is affected by spiritual energy!"

"Let’s not talk about far away places, let’s just talk about Quanshi City near Jianghai City. Because Quanshi City is located close to the Qinling Mountains, a large number of wild beasts have rushed into the city in the past month, causing huge economic damage and casualties!"

Everyone in the conference room was stunned, because they knew that what the mayor of Jianghai City said was true.

Not long ago, dozens of huge Asian elephants came out of the Qinling Mountains and rushed into Quanshi City, causing hundreds of casualties!

The size of that group of Asian elephants is much larger than the world's largest elephant, the African elephant. When they run, they look like a group of giant beasts galloping. The scene is thrilling and magnificent, and it has directly become a hot news in the country!

The group of Asian elephants was obviously affected by the spiritual energy, and their size became larger and their strength became stronger!

"Comrade Lao Lin, is there any connection between the Asian elephant incident in Quanzhou City and the current measures to deal with the white-feathered eagle outside Jianghai City?"

A general asked

"Yes!" The mayor of Jianghai City nodded heavily, looking firmly at the stunned general and the people with surprised expressions.

"You may not know that although the geographical location of Jianghai City is not as close to the Qinling Mountains as Quanshi City, there is also the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve covering an area of nearly a thousand miles in the suburbs."

"Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve is one of the largest nature reserves in the world, with at least hundreds of thousands of wild animals... Because of the appearance of spiritual energy, we were worried that a large-scale beast tide would attack Jianghai City.……"


"Until now, there has never been a large beast sneaking into Jianghai City!"

As soon as the voice fell, voices rang out in the conference room!

Because everyone was shocked!


"Lao Lin, are you kidding me?!"

"Comrade Lin, we can't change the subject now.……"

The spiritual energy in the air of Blue Star made the guards of the cities in Daxia very busy. They had to relocate the people in the mountains, resist the large and small beast tides, and prevent the beasts from sneaking into the human cities.

Facing the doubts of many generals and academicians and professors in the conference room, Lao Lin showed an inexplicable smile on his tired face.

The generals and academicians and professors were not fools, and they quickly thought of it.……

"Could it be because of that white-feathered eagle?" an old academician exclaimed!

"That's right, it's because of the White-Feathered Eagle!"

The mayor of Jianghai City nodded in acknowledgment, then looked at the calm leader and said,"We were surprised to find that no wild beast in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve dared to step into the area around the White-Feathered Eagle Shenfeng Mountain. This means that with the White-Feathered Eagle here, our Jianghai City will not be in danger of a beast tide. This is why I chose the third proposal!"

The mayor of Jianghai City continued to explain.

"I am not completely relying on the White-Feathered Eagle to protect our Jianghai City. It is just that from the performance, the White-Feathered Eagle will not easily leave the territory. This can save a lot of resources for our Jianghai City to defend against the beast tide and speed up the construction of other defenses.���"

"So that's how it is……"

"This seems to make sense.……"

After hearing this explanation, the hundreds of people in the spacious conference room understood.

It sounds incredible that the ancient creature White-Feathered Eagle has become a barrier for Jianghai City to resist the beast tide, but it is indeed the case, and it has been proven by time.

Even... they are all the upper echelons of the Great Xia Kingdom who have access to much more information than ordinary people.

In the future, the spiritual energy will only become more and more dense, and the wild beasts will only become more terrifying. There may even be fierce beasts that can destroy the city as described in the information sent by the mysterious organization not long ago.

That is a beast that is more powerful than ancient creatures!

But now with the existence of the White-Feathered Eagle, the stability of Jianghai City will be far greater than that of most cities. If the White-Feathered Eagle still maintains such a fast growth rate, Jianghai City may become a safer city than Longcheng, the capital of the Great Xia Kingdom.

This made countless generals guarding the city and mayors of cities from all over the country look at the mayor of Jianghai City with envy and jealousy.

"Let's just follow the third proposal."

With the final word from the chief, the meeting ended.

No one expected that the outcome of the Great Xia Kingdom's top meeting would be like this.……


In the mountains outside Jianghai City, on the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a huge white bird with golden pupils flashed a trace of annoyance.

"Damn it... I didn't expect that after growing bigger, the cave would be too big to accommodate me.……"

"Is the bird too big... or is the hole too small?……"

"Am I driving?……"

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