In a secret place in the Lighthouse Country, three thousand meters underground, in a dark secret room of a mysterious organization, several virtual projections were discussing fiercely.

"According to the information sent back by Darwin's junior Alice from Daxia, the ancient white-feathered eagle in Daxia is indeed a D-level beast.……"

"We didn't expect that a D-level beast would appear on Blue Star so soon before the arrival of the Red Moon. This was completely beyond our expectations.……"

"This white-feathered eagle, the world's first ancient creature, must have a secret.……"

"Do we need to send someone to Daxia to study the ancient white-feathered eagle?"

"No, the red moon will come soon... then the ancient white-feathered eagle will be nothing.……"

"You're right. Let's put our resources and manpower into dealing with the next red moon.……"

"This red moon is not the natural astronomical phenomenon of the previous decades, but the red moon after the emergence of evolutionary factors. It is very likely that this red moon is the mysterious phenomenon recorded in cave murals around the world.……"

"Summon all personnel from bases around the world except monitoring stations to return to headquarters……"


The virtual projection went out, the dim room lost its sound, and darkness filled the room as if no one had ever been here.


The incident that happened in Jianghai City, Daxia, must have been noticed by the upper echelons of the major countries on Blue Star.

But Ye Yang didn't care about it, because he was now fully confident in facing most of the means from humans.

At this time, he flew in the clouds for a day and a night to vent the power of the explosion in his body, and finally returned to the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

Looking at the familiar cave in front of him, Ye Yang sighed silently in his heart.

"I didn't expect it to grow so big... the cave can hardly hold it.……"

But fortunately, he can still stay in there. If his level rises again and his body becomes bigger, he will have to find another place to live.

Or, he can transform this cave to make it bigger.

But this is a bit troublesome.……

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later……"

The next day, the sun rose, the sky cleared, and it was another sunny day.

"Tip: The energy in the sun's rays is detected, and the supreme breath cells in your body are awakening from their slumber.……"

"Tip, your skill basic breathing method will improve in proficiency after hard work!"

"Tip: Your skill Telepathy has rested for a night, you are full of energy, and your proficiency has improved!"

In the familiar mechanical prompt sound in his mind, Ye Yang keenly noticed an additional voice.

That was the skill he just acquired - Telepathy!

"I didn't expect that the way to upgrade telepathy is to sleep. This is really convenient.……"

Telepathy is not an attack skill, it only has an auxiliary role, but it is very important to Ye Yang. It is currently second only to the basic breathing method that helps him grow quickly and the supreme breath cells of the atavistic race.

Because the role of telepathy is to transform his perception ability, now his perception range is as far as three kilometers!

Slowly close your eyes, and the shadow of the big brown bear at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain will appear in your mind, a bit like a map of outer space satellites, very magical.

All creatures within a radius of three kilometers cannot escape his perception.

Moreover, the effect of the skill telepathy is far more than that, there is another important function.

That is to communicate with other creatures!

Ye Yang has not tried this, and is not very familiar with it. He just got the information about the skill telepathy in his mind. The effect of communicating with other creatures still needs to be experimented personally.

Leaving the cave, flapping his wings, he flew straight down the mountain.


At the foot of Shenfeng Mountain, a huge brown bear leaned its back against a tree. The bear moved its body up and down while sitting in the same place. The tree also swayed slightly, and leaves fell.

It turned out that the big brown bear was scratching itself by the friction between the big tree...

The big brown bear felt that the back of his body was no longer itchy, and a comfortable expression appeared on his face, and he stopped moving his body.

The wound on his chest had already scarred. After all, the bullets did not enter his body, and the injury was not serious. The recovery ability of bears is very strong.

Then the huge bear head looked up at the mountaintop not far away. There was covetousness and desire in the bear's eyes, but more of it was fear!

Two days have passed, but until now the big brown bear still can't forget the huge and terrifying big white bird in the sky...

The big brown bear's eyes fell into memories. When he first saw the big white bird, he remembered that he was under the big tree where the golden monkeys were...

At that time, the big white bird showed its strength to pull out the big tree, which shocked them, but the big brown bear was full of hope. He would definitely be stronger than this big white bird in the future, and he would definitely seize the territory on the top of the mountain.

But now...

In just a few days, this big white bird has changed twice in succession!

It has become much stronger than he knew. He has never thought that there are other creatures that can suppress him with their momentum!

At the same time, the big brown bear is full of confusion.

Why is he getting stronger quickly, while the big white bird can get stronger faster than him, and it is much faster...

Even the mountaintop territory can't help so much...

Bears are intelligent animals in nature. They are passively affected by spiritual energy, and the nerves in their brains are even more developed.

So it is normal for the big brown bear to have so many inner activities.


Suddenly, there was a sonic boom in the air, and a hurricane swept in. The trees that were more than ten meters tall shook, and the green leaves fell...

The big brown bear stood up suddenly, with its paws erect, and looked up at the source of the hurricane. The bear's eyes shrank. It was the scary big white bird!


The ground rumbled, and Ye Yang landed on the ground.

Seeing the stunned big brown bear in front of him, Ye Yang's eyes were also a little strange.

Because compared with his body size, the big brown bear was obviously much smaller.

Although his white wings looked much bigger, his body was already a little bigger than the big brown bear.

Ye Yang estimated that the big brown bear in front of him weighed more than one ton, so his weight should be even greater than this.

There was a trance in his heart.

Who would have thought that when he first came to this time more than half a month ago, he was still a sparrow that had just broken out of its shell, but now he has grown into a one-ton ancient bird.


The big brown bear was shaking slightly all over. Being stared at by the scary bird, he felt like he was going to die at any moment.

He couldn't help but let out a trembling growl.

The roar of the bear interrupted Ye Yang's reverie. His golden eyes looked at the trembling big brown bear in front of him.

"coo coo……"

The bird opened its beak and let out a cry. At the same time, it used its telepathic skill. Suddenly, Ye Yang felt a strange wave in his mind.


The trembling brown bear froze, his eyes wide open as he looked forward.

A voice suddenly appeared in his mind...

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