On the outskirts of Jianghai City.

After entering the dense forest that was so thick that the sun was blocked out and the bottom was so deep, the soldiers in the company realized how amazing the changes in the wild were!

The surface of the surrounding trees was very gnarled and rough. It took two people to hug the tree trunks. You couldn't see the top when you looked up. The height was at least thirty meters!

Moreover, this was just the outskirts of the dense forest. With the naked eye, the deeper you went into the mountains and forests, the taller the trees became.

Even at the back, the traces of the roads left by humans were covered by the long branches of the dense forest.

The soldiers in the company had to slow down and use machetes to cut branches to clear the way.

"Damn, why are these branches so thick and hard? So hard to cut! I am so tired!"

"Phew... Fortunately, we have so many people, otherwise the exploration progress would be greatly reduced.……"

The soldiers could not help but shout out, and the surroundings were filled with the sound of"crackling" of chopping branches. Wang

Xiaoli, who had entered the dense forest, felt calm now, and walked up to the captain who was observing the surrounding environment.

"Hello Captain……"

"I would like to ask why we don’t drive directly to Yangguan Village to look for the lion group, but instead come to the dense forest in the suburbs... Are we going to destroy the ancient white-feathered eagle?"

"But this direction is not the direction of Shenfeng Mountain, right?"

The captain put down the military telescope in his hand, turned around and smiled at Wang Xiaoli who looked puzzled.

"Sorry, journalists, I forgot to tell you about the plan of this operation.……"

"We had previously used helicopters to scout the direction of the lion group's movement. The lion group left Yangguan Village two days ago and entered the dense forest covering an area of 100 miles."

"Oh, oh."

Wang Xiaoli nodded, showing her understanding, but there was still confusion in her eyes.

""I know you didn't use helicopters to hunt the lions because you wanted to prevent the attack of the ancient white-feathered eagle, but this place is still a long way from Shenfeng Mountain where the white-feathered eagle is... Why don't you use helicopters to carry out this mission?"

The captain was stunned and looked at Wang Xiaoli strangely.

"Reporter, you have seen a group of lions with your own eyes. The roar of that golden male lion can affect the brains of people within a helicopter altitude of more than 2,000 meters, so the helicopter solution cannot be adopted.……"

"Oh I got it……"

The hundred-man company continued to move forward.

The density and hardness of the branches far exceeded their expectations, and the speed of moving forward into the depths of the dense forest slowed down a lot.

Fortunately, when they reached the depths, the trees here were more majestic, and the dense forest was much less, with only bushes more than one meter high, which did not hinder their progress.

"Everyone, be careful, pay attention to the situation in the grass, and beware of poisonous snakes!"


In order to prevent poisonous snakes and insects in the grass, the soldiers began to change their shoes, all military mountain shoes, so that their feet would be safe. Even I, Wang Xiaoli, and the photographer changed into military shoes.

In this way, the team advanced forward recklessly, and a large number of wild animals avoided them.

Influenced by the nourishment of spiritual energy for more than a month, the IQ and cognitive ability of this group of wild animals have improved a lot, and they keenly noticed that the bunch of strange two-legged beasts in front of them have a strong breath of danger.

Even predators such as tigers, leopards, jackals and wolves are lurking in the dense forest in the distance, observing and watching here motionlessly.

The company soldiers who were stared at by a large number of wild animals were a little frightened, not scared, but shocked by the eyes of these wild animals!

Although they knew that the size of wild animals in the wild was growing rapidly, the doubts and wisdom contained in those eyes frightened them!

Animals are so spiritual!

Originally thought that entering the dense forest would require a battle, but it was unexpectedly stable, which made everyone feel relieved.

""That's... that's a golden monkey!"

Wang Xiaoli looked at the golden monkeys on the tree and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The golden monkeys heard the exclamation and turned their eyes away from the advancing soldiers and looked up and down at Wang Xiaoli.

With bright pupils and smart eyes, everyone knew that these golden monkeys were very intelligent.

"The golden monkeys seemed to be observing us.……"

"It seems that this observation is different from the surrounding animals, a bit like reconnaissance……"

The captain also noticed a few golden monkeys in the tree. With his sharp intuition, he found that these golden monkeys were indeed different from the surrounding animals.

But he couldn't figure out what the difference was.……


Several golden monkeys squeaked at the people below, turned around and jumped into the depths of the woods, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Millions of Jianghai City citizens who were watching the screens kept posting comments and discussing, and they were also shocked by the wisdom of the wild animals.

"Animals are getting smarter. I don't know if this is a good thing.……"

"Yes, if I didn’t know that this was about entering the jungle to search for lions, I would have thought it was an animal world movie.……"

"It seems that we really can’t go to the dense forests in the suburbs anymore. These wild animals have become too dangerous now."

"I’m really looking forward to the scene where the assault team takes care of the lion group!"

"The sun is setting now, so it's time to take a rest.……"

Finally, the assault company continued to walk for several hours, advanced forty miles, and found an open place to start a simple rest.

The night was quiet, and the soldiers began to take turns to rest. Everything seemed to be going to pass peacefully.


At the same time, just as the sun was setting, the golden monkeys were jumping all the way.

The golden monkeys have excellent physical strength, and their speed in the forest is much faster than that of the assault company. In four or five hours, they���After traveling more than 100 miles, they arrived at a dense forest at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain.

The golden monkeys that could approach Shenfeng Mountain must be golden monkeys from the Monkey King tribe.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The golden monkey that returned to the monkey group called out to the monkey king in a rush, and the voice was very urgent.

The monkey king looked at the baby in the swaddle in his palm carefully and lovingly, and his furry monkey face was stunned.

Although monkeys have no language, the simple meaning in the call can still be understood.

This is the warning sound of an enemy appearing in the forest in the distance!


The monkey king's furry face exploded and he roared!

As the guardian of the mountain boss's territory, he would never allow any creature to get close to this place. He immediately placed the baby cub in the arms of a mother monkey who was taking care of the cubs of the tribe, and then took his gray long stick and led the monkey group to run away!

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the jungle...

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