The forest was particularly peaceful and quiet at night. Apart from the sounds of birds singing and animals roaring, the only sound was the snoring of the assault company members as they slept.

"Ha... I really feel a little sleepy. This dense forest is so hard to walk through. Even my strong body could hardly hold on."

"Yes, but fortunately, there are not so many branches blocking the way in this deep forest, so it is much easier to walk."

"That's good"

"I don't know where those damn lions are now. I hope they haven't run far away, otherwise it will take us a long time to catch up with them."

"It's okay, just treat it as a field combat training."

The soldiers of the assault company in charge of alert were talking and laughing with each other, not taking the task of hunting the lion group as dangerous at all, and they didn't even take it seriously.

Although they knew that the ancient white-feathered eagle on Shenfeng Mountain had strength and speed beyond human imagination, they didn't think that the lion group in the circus could be as powerful as the ancient white-feathered eagle. The white-feathered eagle is an ancient creature from ten thousand years ago. It is understandable that it is beyond human imagination. After all, they humans have no information and knowledge about ancient creatures.

But the group of lions is just a prop for the circus performance, how can it be as scary as the white-feathered eagle?!

What's more, they are not the amateurs who captured the ancient white-feathered eagle last time. They are serious soldiers with rich combat experience!

If it weren't for the fact that the lion group had a certain unknown mutation when eating humans, they wouldn't have used their entire assault company of 100 people. The team came to carry out this mission.

Although many soldiers were physically exhausted from cutting through thorns and opening up mountain roads during the day, the outstanding willpower of the soldiers still allowed them to perfectly carry out the night watch mission in the first half of the night.

In the second half of the night, the forest became even quieter, but the air was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

The sounds of tiger roars and wolf howls in the distance were becoming less and less frequent, and no one knew when they had disappeared.

This was very unusual, because they knew that most predators were active at night, and now these roars had strangely disappeared. Could something have happened in the dark forest?

This made the alert company soldiers a little nervous, especially the reporter Wang Xiaoli, who was not a soldier.

Wang Xiaoli was in the tent, and suddenly got up from a deep sleep. Her delicate and beautiful face was pale, and her chest seemed to be blocked by something, making her feel heavy and suffocated.

Raising her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead, she murmured

"Why do I feel palpitations?……"

"Could it be that there are some dangerous wild animals approaching here?"

She now knows that after surviving the beast tide crisis, she has a special intuition about wild animal crises, a bit like the legendary sixth sense.

She originally suspected that this was the psychological shadow left after experiencing the beast tide, but the experience of the lion group in Yangguan Village a few days ago made her sure that she did have a keen intuitive sense of wild animal crises.

Now this sense of wild animal crisis is working, giving him goose bumps all over his body and difficulty breathing.

"No, I have to go inform the captain!"

She quickly changed her clothes and went out of the tent to look for the captain.

The captain happened to be one of the night watchmen, and soon Wang Xiaoli found him outside the temporary camp.

"Comrade reporter, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Captain...I always feel like there's danger approaching here……"


After hearing what reporter Wang Xiaoli said, the captain, who was a little confused, suddenly felt relieved.

"Comrade reporter, can you please tell me the reason?"

His tone was serious. He had to take it seriously because it concerned the safety of the soldiers.

"I... I had a sense of crisis a short time before the lion attack in Yangguan Village. Although it was mysterious, it did allow me to escape the crisis of the lions. This may be because of my intuition about wild beasts after the beast tide.……"

The captain pondered, glanced at Wang Xiaoli, who had a serious face, and confirmed that the female reporter in front of him was not lying.

He took out the communicator and said,"Soldiers, be careful, something may not be right, stay alert!"


Wang Xiaoli saw the densely guarded soldiers around her, and her panic was relieved.

She came to the tent and pulled the sleeping photographer Xiao Li away.

"Xiao Li, don't sleep anymore and get ready to play."

"Oh...oh, okay, Sister Wang."

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, many people poured in. Jianghai City has a population of one million, so there are always many night owls.

"Wow, they're broadcasting live this late at night. Do the assault squads have to travel this late at night?!"

"Definitely not. Even though the soldiers in the assault company are powerful, they also need to rest. Maybe something happened."

"The surrounding forests are pitch black. It's so thrilling to be in the mountains. If you were there in person, wouldn't it be more thrilling than a horror movie?"

"No, it may be much more exciting than a horror movie. Pay attention to the soldiers on guard around you. Their faces are changing. Something unexpected may happen next!"

"Ah...beautiful reporter, can you tell me what's going on?"

After Wang Xiaoli asked the photographer Xiao Li to turn on the camera for live broadcast, she didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room.

She believed that even if she didn't have to explain, the number of viewers and traffic would be explosive.

A pair of beautiful pupils stared at the dark forest in the distance. It was very dark and quiet five meters away from the resting place. Except for the breathing of half of the soldiers in the assault company, there were only gusts of cold and eerie mountain wind.

Suddenly, all the soldiers in the company who were on guard stared at each other, and the squad leaders immediately took the communicator and shouted to the captain and company commander.

"Captain, there is a bloody smell in the mountain wind! Get everyone up, something might happen!"


The captain also noticed the bloody smell coming from the mountain wind and woke up the resting assault team.���Soon the entire assault company was on alert, and the hundred-man team gathered in a circle at the open temporary resting place.

A few minutes later, a soldier wearing night vision goggles shouted!

"There are huge unknown creatures approaching, everyone be careful!"

In the eyes of the soldiers wearing night vision goggles, huge black shadows shuttled through the woods around them. The huge figures were like ghosts of death hiding in the darkness, making it impossible to lock onto them.

""Prepare for battle!"

The frowning captain gave the order!

The sound of guns reloading continued to ring out...

At the same time, more and more ghostly figures appeared in the dark forest, and pairs of green eyes could be seen.


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded!

Like the fuse of a bomb, the roar of beasts suddenly became like a tide!



""Woo woo woo!!!"

The quiet darkness was broken, and huge creatures attacked the forest...

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