"Open fire!"

With the captain's order, hundreds of assault company soldiers who were ready to fight opened fire instantly!

The next second, the sound of dense artillery fire broke through the dark forest!

"Da da da!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The sound of gunfire was like a red rainstorm, the gunfire flashed, and the gushing bullets kept shooting at the figures in the darkness around them!


A series of painful roars suddenly came from the forest.

Through the soldiers' night vision goggles, they could clearly see the group of figures hiding in the dark retreating.

More and more people began to pour into the live broadcast room. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's it?! What happened to the fact that the suburbs were dangerous? I thought the suburbs of Jianghai City were full of terrifying beasts like lions."

"Yes, I didn’t expect that we would be repelled by the assault company so quickly. The beasts in the suburbs are just like this… They are not as scary as the official saying!"

"Don't talk big. You have to know that this is a fully armed and well-equipped assault company of 100 people. They have to be on high alert in the wild to face these beasts in the dark. If ordinary people like us went to the mountains, we would definitely be left with nothing.……"

"Oh... Indeed, small animals were rarely seen in the suburbs of Jianghai City before, so how could there be so many animals?……"

"Stop talking, the battle is almost over!"

Although the citizens of Jianghai City could not see the specific battle situation on the screen, they could tell from the gradually weakening gunshots of the soldiers that the beasts in the dark had been driven away. The photographer Xiao Li, who was holding the camera, was sweating all over, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Sister Wang's group of beasts should have been driven away"


Wang Xiaoli also breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of crisis quickly disappeared.

The captain saw through the night vision goggles that the beasts were gradually retreating, and he relaxed.

"This mission doesn't seem to be that easy.……"

Based on the observation of the surrounding soldiers just now, the group of beasts consumed about one-fifth of their ammunition in a short period of time. This time they haven't seen the target lion group of this mission. If there are more beasts in the depths of the forest...

This mission may fail...

Just when everyone thought the battle was about to end


The roar that had inspired the beast to attack rang out again!


"hold head high!!!"


The retreating animals roared again and rushed here violently!

Fierce gunshots rang out!

But this time the beasts in the dark were boiling, completely ignoring the fierce bullets and moving quickly forward!

Some beasts rushed to the temporary resting place of the assault company more than ten meters away, and their faces were exposed under the lights of the resting place.

Tigers, leopards, gray wolves, black bears, and even a few brown bears as big as small trucks!

Not only these predator animals, but also big black cattle, agile spotted deer, wild boars...

These complex and large animals formed a small tide of beasts and rushed here desperately, with wildness in their violent eyes!

"Quick! Don't let these animals get close! Don't save ammunition!"

The captain gave the order immediately!

The firepower increased sharply in an instant.

The beasts stopped moving, and a large amount of blood and minced meat continued to stir. The beasts in the beast tide roared from time to time, and one beast after another fell down, and they were caught in a tug of war...

I don't know how long it took.

The beast tide stopped, and the shadows in the dark were moving away, which meant that the soldiers' company had won!

At this time, the sky was already white, and the sun rose from the mountains.

They also saw the animal carcasses on the ground around them, as well as the broken trees, and the ground was full of branches and leaves shot down by guns and bullets.

"There were at least sixty animal carcasses in the pile!"

"Yes! How could so many beasts attack the assault company's camp in the middle of the night?"

"What's even more strange is... these animals are obviously of different species, why do they gather together and even move at the same time?"

"I remember the last beast tide in Jianghai City was caused by the cry of the white-feathered eagle, a paleontological creature from Shenfeng Mountain! Could it be that the white-feathered eagle is causing trouble again?!"

"It shouldn't be a white-feathered eagle. It's still more than a hundred miles away from Shenfeng Mountain. The ancient white-feathered eagle usually doesn't leave Shenfeng Mountain.……"

"Why is that?"

"Anyway, the assault company should be careful, there are so many beasts... It seems that the jungle outside the city has really changed.……"

Without the reminder of the live broadcast room barrage, all the assault company soldiers here were solemn in their hearts.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the scene was even bloodier. The bloody internal organs and white brains of animals could be seen everywhere.

The captain of the company had an unnatural look on his face. He had just asked a squad leader to check the ammunition consumption.

It turned out that half of it was consumed!

Every soldier, except for special arms, was equipped with 120 rifle bullets, which means four magazines. Now there are only two left.

At this time, he said nothing. The beasts in the dense forest outside the city taught all of them a lesson.

The wildness of fearlessness and the roar of unknown attacks, even the brown bears the size of small trucks in the beast tide could ignore the damage of rifle bullets. If these brown bears had not left on their own initiative, the beast tide would definitely rush into the camp.

At that time, some people would definitely die!

The captain of the company found Wang Xiaoli, whose face was pale, and asked

""Reporter, your intuition is sharp and correct. I would like to hear your advice... Should we continue to go deeper into the jungle? Or should we give up the mission of destroying the lions and leave the jungle?"

Wang Xiaoli, whose face turned pale, suddenly felt her hair stand on end, and her body felt as cold as ice.

"Captain... I don't think the danger is... over yet.……"




Before the captain could finish his question, a familiar roar sounded, accompanied by a scream!

Everyone looked and saw a huge lioness rushing into the crowd, opening her bloody mouth and biting a soldier's neck before running away!

""Quick! Save people! Shoot this lioness!"

The captain shouted with red eyes!

Intensive gunfire sounded, and bullets formed a rain curtain covering the lioness' body, and snowflakes suddenly appeared.

The lioness holding the soldier let out a painful roar, but she was very agile, and there were trees around in the forest to resist the dense bullets. Soon, she disappeared in front of everyone with a few jumps.


"Damn beast!"

"Captain, let's go and rescue Brother Zhang Bing!"

""Okay! Let's go now!"

The company commander knew he couldn't hesitate, otherwise the soldier's life would be doomed.

Without time to collect some resources in the camp, the company soldiers simply sorted out their equipment and followed the direction where the lioness fled... What they didn't know was that waiting for them ahead was a man-eating demon from hell...

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