The gloomy darkness dissipated from the sky and earth, a hint of white appeared in the distant sky, and a red sun began to rise slowly in the east.

"Tip: The supreme breath cells in your body sense the energy of the sun's rays, awaken from their slumber, and begin to function.……"

"Tip: After a day of hard practice, your basic breathing proficiency has improved.……"

"Tip: After a night's rest, your spiritual sense is full of energy and your proficiency is improved.……"

In the cave on the top of Shenfeng Mountain, a big white bird with a sturdy body slowly walked out.

Ye Yang's golden eyes, as bright as stars, looked at the dense forest in the distance.

There was a burst of fierce gunfire in that direction before midnight. The gunfire was very dense and lasted for several hours.

Although it was very far away from Shenfeng Mountain, his five senses were superb and he still heard the movement.

"Such dense firepower... It must be the army sent by the Daxia government."

The firepower reported this time was very fierce. He couldn't think of anyone else in Daxia who could have such powerful weapons and equipment except the government.

"That direction seemed to be the direction of the lion's territory. Could it be that the Daxia army encountered a group of lions?"

"In other words, the target of the Daxia military was not me, but the lion group.……"

A light flashed in his eyes.

He learned about the emergence of a group of powerful lions in this forest of several hundred miles two days ago through the golden monkeys.

The golden monkeys spent a long time searching for spiritual fruits in this forest while investigating the surrounding situation.

As soon as the fierce lions entered the forest, they were quickly discovered by the golden monkeys. After Ye Yang knew about it, he left Shenfeng Mountain and observed the lions.

The lions consisted of six female lions and one male lion.

Ye Yang did not take the group of female lions seriously, because the aura they exuded was not as strong as that of his three younger brothers. At most, they were only"E-"Level.

The male lion in the lion group shocked Ye Yang. Its momentum was a little weaker than his, but the difference was not very big.

He knew at that time that the shocking fluctuations from a distance were from this golden male lion!

Like him, he was currently at the top of the Blue Star."D-"

Ye Yang wanted to kill the male lion, but he thought of the other six."E-"With a lioness of the same level next to him, even if he added the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the monkey king Wukong, he might not be a match for this group of lions.

So he decided to wait for a while before hunting this group of lions.

This forest belongs to him, and he will not allow any creature that threatens his status to appear.

As for taming the lions... Ye Yang never thought that he could tame a creature of the same level, he does not have the domineering spirit of the protagonist in the legend.

Among his three younger brothers, the monkey king is the most loyal, because he can give the golden monkeys a vast territory to move freely.

The big brown bear Xiong Da and the giant panda Xiong Er can only be regarded as surrendered.

If he keeps a creature that can threaten him by his side, he has to keep an eye on it all the time. How tiring it is, and he doesn't want to do this.

"Shenfeng Mountain is not located in that direction……"

"However, judging from the direction the human army entered the forest, it is very likely that they came specifically to deal with the lion group.……"

Thinking of this, Ye Yang felt happy.

If the Daxia army drove away or killed the lions, it would be a good thing for him.

"I hope there will be no accidents……"

Then, he lay down on the top of the mountain and basked in the sun.

In order to defeat the male lion, he went to the forest to look for spiritual fruits in person these days, and also sent the big brown bear Xiong Da and the giant panda Xiong Er to look for spiritual fruits. He found a lot...

He felt that his physical condition was very good at the moment, and it would not take long for him to upgrade his level. By then, he could easily control the lion group and rub them on the ground.


At the same time, on the other side, the captain led everyone to chase along the blood on the ground, and reported the situation here to the leaders of Jianghai City.

The leaders of Jianghai City were also watching here through the live broadcast, and agreed to their request to rescue the missing soldiers.

And asked them to leave the forest immediately after rescuing the soldiers captured by the lioness.

Because they have felt the huge changes in the wild and the unknown changes in humans from the beast tide attack last night.

The group rushed quickly in the forest.……


The scene changed.

A lioness the size of a buffalo, covered in wounds, was running in one direction with a camouflage soldier in her mouth.

When they reached their destination, boom!

The wounds from the guns on his body exploded, and his body fell heavily to the ground. The camouflage soldier rolled forward like a football.

The camouflage soldier had already died the moment the lioness attacked him. How could a human neck resist fangs several dozen centimeters sharper than steel knives?


The lioness, covered in blood, let out a low roar of pain.

A group of lions immediately came running from a distance. This was the lion's territory!


Seeing the lioness injured, the lionesses roared and walked around the lioness.

However, the golden-haired male lion did not come over, staring straight at the delicious two-legged beast in front of him.

The huge fangs and mouth over half a meter long drooled all over the ground, and he opened his mouth wide and swallowed.

The corpse on the ground was swallowed into his stomach in one gulp, and an expression of enjoyment appeared on his huge face.

Then he walked to the injured lioness.

"Roar... Well done... Twolegs... Where did you find this?……" same with"D-"The male lion also awakened the same telepathy skill as Ye Yang.

And as a lion group living together for a long time, the communication between them is even easier.

The lioness fell to the ground and roared a few times.

The huge pupils of the golden lion king lit up!

He understood the meaning of the lioness's roar. It turned out that many two-legged beasts were found in this forest!

This is simply too good!

Before, after he became strong after eating two-legged beasts, the first thing he did was to lead the lion group to find the traces of two-legged beasts in the forest.

For this reason, he also used telepathy to intimidate many powerful creatures, making them submit to him and help find two-legged beasts together.

Later, nothing was found, but he was surprised to find that no animal dared to approach in a mountain forest.

He instinctively knew that there was a powerful creature in that mountain forest. A creature as powerful as a lioness dared not approach, obviously the opponent's strength was about the same as his, so he did not choose to search in that direction.

Licking his tongue, his eyes looked into the distance.

If he ate that group of two-legged beasts, he would definitely become powerful again!

By then, the powerful monster in the distant forest will become his prey...

He knows... the benefits of devouring powerful creatures are much greater than those of bipeds...

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