"Holy crap! What kind of awesome missile is this! It killed the lion in one go?!"

"We in Daxia actually have a helicopter with such powerful firepower?!"

"This is an air-to-air missile! It is a destructive missile that is usually equipped on fighter jets. It is rarely used in modern warfare, but is usually used for military demonstrations... Because of its enormous power! It is banned by many major countries from being used in human warfare!"

"Phew… No matter how powerful a lion is, it is just an animal. What makes us humans powerful is our wisdom! Even creatures that are more powerful than a lion are just pets that we humans keep!"

"Yes! That male lion actually dared to bite people. It finally avenged Yangguan Village and dozens of company soldiers!"

"Let alone a monster lion, even if there are ten or a hundred of them, they are just the dead souls under our missiles!"

Millions of people in Jianghai City watched the lion being engulfed by the fire wave on the screen, the charcoal-like earth emitting black smoke, and the sea of fire spreading to the distance of the forest.

This scene, like a hell, made them excited!

Because these scenes were created by them humans!

This magnificent scene instantly dispelled the shadow that the lion had brought to them before.

They walked out of the fear brought by the monster lion and realized that they humans were the masters of Blue Star!

At this time, the Tiger helicopter body descended slightly and zoomed in.

The mission this time was mainly to eliminate the lion, and it would be best to collect the lion's body specimens.

"I hope that the lion will have some recyclable carcass samples left after the air-to-air missile explosion.……"

A few minutes later, the black smoke gradually dissipated.

The camera moved back and forth across the charred ground in search of the lions engulfed by the explosion, but after searching for several minutes, they were nowhere to be found.

"It's strange, how come there is no wreckage of the male lion, was it blown to ashes by an air-to-air missile?!"

The Tiger helicopter pilot couldn't help but underestimate it.

He continued to search.

At this time, black smoke quickly surged around, as if there was something surprising in the black fog.

Two small blood-red suns flashed in the black fog!

""Not good!"

The Tiger helicopter pilot immediately felt something was wrong, and he gripped the joystick with both hands and pulled it up!

The Tiger helicopter rose quickly into the sky with all its strength, but it was too late!


The thunderous roar sounded again!

The black fog of several hundred meters above the ground was instantly dispersed by the huge roar, and a male lion with a body as black as ink appeared in front of the camera! The invisible special fluctuations contained in the roar spread rapidly to the sky above, and after a few seconds, it caught up with the rapidly rising Tiger helicopter!

The pilot was instantly affected by the roar containing special fluctuations, and his brain seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer. His brain went blank in an instant...

Fortunately, a pair of big hands tightly grasped the helicopter's joystick, and the Tiger helicopter continued to rise rapidly.

Soon it rose to an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. At this time, the driver's brain in the Tiger helicopter gradually regained consciousness.

"Number one! Number one! Wake up!……"

"Mayor, I have recovered.……"

The anxious cry of Mayor Lin of Jianghai City came from the communicator, and the pilot who responded was scared.

If he hadn't seen the video of Yangguan Village before and knew that the strange roar of this man-eating lion could affect the human brain, he would have really crashed this time.

There is another more terrifying thing...

This male lion is not dead!

The camera of the Tiger helicopter is fixed on the male lion on the charred ground.

The male lion's originally majestic golden hair and mane around its neck were all burned in the sea of fire caused by the missile explosion.

Moreover, the body surface is charred black all over, and bursts of white smoke are emitting. The fangs and big mouth spew out blood. The blood is as much as a barrel of water, constantly pouring out of the big mouth, dripping on the ground and rising billowing white smoke!

This means that this male lion, whose appearance is intact, has been severely damaged by the missile explosion!

"My eyes must be seeing things, this male lion was hit by an air-to-air missile and still survived intact?!"

"The density of this body doesn't look like steel, it's probably made of alloy!"

"If I didn’t know that this male lion was from a domestic circus, I would have thought it was a biological weapon from the Lighthouse Country!"

"The lion's blood was emitting thick smoke, which meant that the lion's body was severely damaged by the shock wave of the missile explosion, which was several thousand degrees high. If there was another air-to-air missile, the lion would surely die!"

""Pilot! Another shot!"

Many people in front of the screen noticed that the lion was seriously injured. The Tiger helicopter pilot, who was observant, naturally noticed this.

He did not act immediately, but waited for the leader's order.

A few seconds later, the voice of Lin, the mayor of Jianghai City, came from the communicator.

"Number One, please kill the target male lion immediately!"


The driver took a deep breath and looked through the camera at the lion on the ground, breathing heavily and spitting out blood.

""Go to hell, monster!"

Just as his right hand was about to touch the button to launch the missile, his fingers suddenly hung in the air and stopped moving.

At this moment, a bright light appeared on the screen!

This bright golden light made the driver's mind in the Tiger helicopter go blank again!

"It's the ancient white-feathered eagle!"

"The white-feathered eagle is back! This dazzling golden light can make our brains go blank!"

"It's over, the helicopter pilot is in danger!"

"The ancient white-feathered eagle is not here to save the monster lion!"

The people in front of the screen saw a figure emitting brilliant golden light through the lens. It was the eyes of the ancient white-feathered eagle!

The dazzling light almost made them unable to look directly at the screen, as if there were silver needles pointing at their eyes.


The Tiger helicopter, which had lost the control of the pilot, fell to the distant mountaintop as a hurricane hit. With a loud explosion, the picture dimmed instantly.

The power of the helicopter explosion was far greater than when the missile attacked the lion just now.

Ye Yang in the air narrowed his golden pupils and retracted his innate deterrent momentum.

"Fortunately, I was careful and did not sink the helicopter myself, otherwise I might be in danger.……"

Through this powerful force, he was sure that the helicopter was equipped with powerful firepower, otherwise it would not have caused such a violent explosion.

Then Ye Yang looked down at the ground.

Looking down at the male lion whose body was charred and blood was constantly flowing out of his mouth, the male lion now was no longer as majestic and domineering as before.

"Human technological weapons are really scary……"

This thought flashed through his mind.

He turned into a white shadow and rushed towards the lion on the ground...

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