At this moment.

The screen suddenly dimmed, and the millions of people in Jianghai City who lost their vision were very confused. They knew that the golden and dazzling light with magical power that could affect the human brain was emitted by the ancient white-feathered eagle.

But they didn't know why the ancient white-feathered eagle that had left would suddenly come back here!

And as soon as it appeared, it attacked the Tiger helicopter.

What exactly did the ancient white-feathered eagle want to do...

This made millions of people feel very confused, but they were destined to not know what was happening outside Jianghai City now without their vision.


Outside Jianghai City, there are mountains and ridges.

Black smoke appeared in the blue sky, and the fire on the ground was madly sweeping towards the periphery, but when it reached a critical value, the forest fire stopped in place and did not expand.

This is the ecological protection system of nature that has started up by itself.

Not far away, there was a charred land with black smoke.

A huge white eagle looked down at the huge black male lion on the ground, whose breath was gradually weakening.

The male lion had lost all his hair and looked almost like a lioness, with a black body, which was a bit funny.

The reason why Ye Yang chose to take action now was very simple, that is, he needed the male lion on the ground to be alive"intact"!

As a creature of a higher level than him, the male lion on the ground wanted to know why this male lion evolved and upgraded so quickly...

As for the reason for destroying the powerful helicopter, the reason was more direct. The firepower of this armed helicopter was too strong, and the hilltops in the distance were almost blown off the mountainside by the explosion of the helicopter.

If he was fighting with the male lion on the ground, it would be really dangerous if the armed helicopter attacked by surprise.

At the same time, the male lion on the ground, with white smoke coming out of his body and a pitch-black body, was stunned when he saw the"strange bird" with two legs in the sky being destroyed by the white bird.

Is this big white bird coming to save me?

Then, a huge crisis came from the sky!

Looking up, he saw a hurricane rolling, and the big white bird in the sky raised its claws and pounced on him! He raised his front paws instinctively to fight, but the injuries in his body were very serious. He staggered to the ground as soon as he moved.


Ye Yang's pair of jade-white claws, more than one meter long, stepped hard on the lion's back, and a wound of more than half a meter appeared instantly.

Feeling the amazing temperature coming from the claws.

Can't help but sigh,"This male lion has a very strong physique……"

Although he didn't know how powerful the missile launched by the armed helicopter was, he knew that the center of the explosion would generate tens of millions of temperatures!

Although the temperature of the shock wave spread to the earth, the explosive destructive force that the lion's body endured was still very astonishing. Anyway, Ye Yang was not sure that he could withstand the missile.

However, the missile could not lock on him at supersonic speed!

Looking at the lion in front of him, crawling helplessly on the charcoal ground, with hot blood constantly pouring out of his mouth, Ye Yang's golden pupils looked directly at the pair of bloody eyes.

"Gu...tell me...the secret of your rapid growth……"

The male lion, who was stepped on by Ye Yang, tried hard to get up, but his injuries were too severe, which completely affected his body's normal functions. His body was like a huge old machine, and the skeleton components made a"squeaking" sound, and it looked like it might fall apart at any time.


Hearing the voice coming from his mind, the lion's huge face showed shock and confusion!

"Roar... You big bird... can actually talk……"

The huge red eyes were full of surprise. He thought he was the only one who could communicate with other creatures.

Ye Yang didn't care what the male lion thought under the white claws.

With a little force, the sharp claws instantly broke through the skin and flesh of the male lion.


Hot blood gushed out from the back of the male lion.……


The male lion roared in pain.

A trace of fear appeared in his majestic eyes again, and this trace of fear reminded him of the time when he was dominated by the two-legged beast.

The male lion was not a wild lion from the grassland, but a male lion raised in the circus since childhood. He did not have a huge wildness and aloof mentality.

So when he was sure that the big white bird suppressing him could harm his life, he immediately gave in!


The mind wave was transmitted into Ye Yang's mind.

After a while, Ye Yang understood the secret of the male lion's rapid evolution and upgrading.

It was actually devouring two-legged beasts!

The two-legged beasts in the male lion's mouth were humans!

"Humans can make male lions evolve rapidly... Why is that?!"

He remembered that his little brother, the big brown bear, had eaten human bodies, but he did not find any strange changes in the big brown bear. The benefits of devouring humans were far less than those of devouring huge wild animals.

That was because wild animals not only had huge amounts of blood and flesh, rich in nutrition, but also contained a small amount of spiritual energy in their bodies.

Although the wild animals now could not actively absorb the increasingly rich spiritual energy in the air like Ye Yang, they could more or less store some spiritual energy in their bodies through breathing.

"Could it be that humans have a lot of spiritual energy stored in their bodies?!"

The male lion, pinned down by Ye Yang's claws on the charred ground, noticed the golden pupils of the big white bird on his body flashing with doubt.

"Roar... What I said is true... The flesh of bipeds is very delicious... If you don't believe me, try it.……"

The roar was very panicked.

However, Ye Yang sneered in his heart, and his golden pupils looked down at the panicked male lion under him.

Although the male lion under the claws had a very panicked expression, Ye Yang still noticed the cunning deep in the blood-red eyes of the male lion.

After all, he has human wisdom, and the IQ of this male lion is at most that of a teenager, and he is still inexperienced and does not know how to hide.

It is not difficult to understand the inner thoughts of the male lion at this moment.

The male lion encouraged himself to eat humans not only because he was begging for mercy and afraid of death, but after seeing the power of the human helicopters in the sky, he wanted Ye Yang to provoke human death. The golden pupils gradually became cold...

The male lion under him felt the biting cold murderous intent, and in an instant his hot body seemed to be unable to feel the heat, and trembled all over. He hurriedly roared at Ye Yang

"Roar... Roar... Let me go... I can surrender……"


The answer was a fierce sound of breaking through the air!

In his field of vision, a white claw quickly enlarged before his eyes!

"Roar... No……"


The crisp sound of an object breaking was heard, and the sound spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The lion's body stopped moving, and there was a huge hole in the center of its huge head...

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