"This lion's head is really hard. Fortunately, it has become very fragile due to the high temperature of the missile... Otherwise, it would be really difficult to kill this lion.……"

This male lion was a beast of a higher evolutionary level than Ye Yang. If it had not been hit by a human missile and had been severely injured, Ye Yang would not have been a match at all.

So he had never thought of the idea of the male lion submitting to him.

Letting a creature stronger than him stay by his side, isn't it like tying a time bomb to his side?

"Tip: You used your wisdom to kill a male lion that is more powerful than you in a despicable way. The Supreme Breath cells in your body were shocked and surprised, and their operating efficiency was greatly improved, infecting three thousand ordinary cells around you!"

"Tip: You killed a powerful male lion. The basic breathing method in your body is invigorated and its operating efficiency has doubled within a month!"

"Tip: You have killed a powerful male lion. Your mind perception has been spiritually upgraded and your proficiency level has been improved! Successfully upgraded from entry-level tips to mastery!"

Ye Yang had just killed the male lion, and before he could do anything else, the system's mechanical prompt sound kept ringing in his mind.

"What is mean? That's just a simple trick!"

He complained silently in his heart.

As the system prompt sounded, his whole body felt hot, and a faint light flickered on his jade-white feathers. The invisible spiritual energy in the air within a radius of hundreds of meters around him seemed to be attracted inexplicably, gathering into wisps of white mist and rushing towards where Ye Yang was.

Ye Yang seemed to have turned into a black hole, greedily and continuously absorbing the spiritual energy that was rushing into his body.

After a while, his body had adapted to the improvement of the efficiency of the basic breathing method.

He opened his eyes, his smart eyes moved, and a golden light formed by the aura shot into the distance, making the big trees hundreds of meters away tremble.

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White Feather Eagle

Talent: Stun (D+)

Level: D-

Bloodline: Unawakened (8,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Great) (Buff: Double Efficiency for One Month) - Telepathy (Mastery)

In the bloodline column, the number of Supreme Breath Cells has increased by 3,000, and now there are 8,000!

"I only need 2,000 to reach 10,000 Supreme Breath Cells. I wonder if my race will be able to transform again by then.……"

Ye Yang secretly expected it. Although he was not sure that 10,000 Supreme Breath Cells would cause the last qualitative change, he speculated that the previous body race metamorphosis was because the number of Supreme Breath Cells reached 1,000.

So there is a high probability that 10,000 Supreme Breath Cells will also be a threshold for the evolution of the body's bloodline.

Then he noticed that there was a slight change on the system panel, that is, after the basic breathing method in the skill column, there was an additional message.

That was the double efficiency for one month that the system prompt sounded just now!

"Yes, it seems that this system is not a fool-proof system, it is still a bit intelligent"

"I didn't expect to gain so much from killing this male lion!"

Closing his eyes and sensing the surroundings, his telepathic proficiency has also been raised to the mastery level.

The original range of the telepathic skill was only three kilometers in radius, but now it is five kilometers!

Opening his eyes, he stared straight at the huge body of the male lion in front of him.

The slender tongue stretched out from the beak and licked the jade-colored beak.

The sweetness of killing the male lion is not only these, the body of the male lion is also a huge benefit!

The male lion wants to devour Ye Yang to become stronger, so why can't Ye Yang devour the male lion to evolve?

He is now in a saturated state and is only one step away from upgrading his level!

""Gugugugu!!!" The lion couldn't help but let out an excited bird cry, and then used its sharp claws to tear apart the lion's already severely injured body.

Hot blood flowed all over the ground, and billowing white smoke rose from the ground. Ye Yang smelled the smell of barbecue.

The blood and flesh inside the lion were as charred as the outside, and even some of the thick bones looked like charcoal.

He was shocked!

"This missile is not a nuclear warhead and will not radiate radiation.……"

Ye Yang was shocked when he saw the lion's internal organs. He lowered his head and began to eat.

He chose to eat the most nutritious internal organs of the lion.

As he ate, a warm feeling filled his body.

When the last piece of the lion's internal organs entered his stomach, the feeling of fullness in his body instantly swelled up!

"Tip, your evolution level has been raised!‘D-’Upgrade to‘D’!"

The system prompt in his mind just ended, and a huge amount of energy surged from deep in his body and poured into Ye Yang's limbs.

The energy emerged from deep in his abdomen and soon flowed throughout his body, wings, claws, and brain...

The flesh, bones, and internal organs of his body became stronger under the nourishment of this energy, and his body size became visibly larger.

Wingspan six meters... seven meters... eight meters... the wingspan reached more than eight meters long!

Half an hour later, the energy that strengthened the body disappeared without a trace.

A graceful snow-white bird stood on the ground, with jade-white feathers faintly fluorescent, and a pair of four-meter-long giant wings, which looked very spectacular and beautiful!

The smart golden eyes inadvertently revealed the elegance of the bird, and a hint of ancient desolation.

If it weren't for the black lion with its belly ripped open and eyes open next to this white bird, this scene would be very eye-catching and admirable.

Ye Yang silently felt the powerful power growing in his body.

"Fortunately, this evolution level upgrade is not as painful as last time.……"

The weight is more than three times greater than before, and it is estimated to be three tons!

Now the size is about the same as the male lion next to it!

He was also surprised to find that this time it was not only the strength of the body that was improved, but also the brain. His mind was clearer than ever before, and some vague memories of the past life appeared clearly in front of him.

"Is this the Devouring Evolution... It really is a shortcut……"

Ye Yang looked at the lion's corpse beside him. If he hadn't eaten the lion's corpse, it would take him at least four or five days to evolve and upgrade.

Moreover... this time he not only evolved and upgraded, but he felt that if there was an evolution level experience bar, he would have at least thirty or forty experience points now.

He stretched out his slender tongue and licked the bird's beak that was stained with blood.

Although he evolved very quickly, he was still a little fascinated by this method of taking shortcuts by devouring. But...now there is no creature as powerful as a lion in this mountain forest of hundreds of miles. The flesh and blood of creatures weaker than lions are of no use to Ye Yang. An idea popped into his mind.

"What if eating humans could make you stronger quickly?……"

He shook his head. After all, he was a human in his previous life, so it was better not to do this.

He looked at the charred body of the male lion and narrowed his eyes.

"Human technological weapons are indeed the most powerful on the Blue Planet.……"

"But the future is hard to say……"

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