The next day,

Professor Li returned to Jianghai City and hurried to the research institute.

At this time, early in the morning, a large number of research institute personnel and some military personnel, almost all the leaders in Jianghai City also came here. The reason was that they received a message from Professor Li last night, saying that they had obtained the key materials for the paleontological experiment.

"Old Li, the key material you mentioned is not this feather, right?"

After some complicated procedures such as disinfection and sterilization, Professor Li and some staff from the institute entered the biological laboratory.

The staff looked at the feather sealed in the vacuum bag and marveled.

"This feather is forty centimeters long, like a palm-leaf fan... Old Li, you took a leave yesterday, didn't you go to the wild to hunt a big bird?"

""Tell me, does the big bird taste good?"

A professor who was on good terms with him said with a smile.

Lao Li waved his hand and looked at the feathers in the sealed bag with shining eyes, as if he was looking at some treasure.

"Stop kidding, guess what's special about this feather? This may be the key to this paleontological experiment!"

After hearing his words, many staff members and professors gathered around the vacuum-packed feather bag and began to observe and analyze it with microscopes and other professional instruments.

"This... I don't know if it's an illusion, but the texture of this feather seems to be harder than iron!"

"I have the same feeling... This is clearly a bird feather, but it has the color of jade, feels surprisingly hard, and has no deformation at all.……"

A bird researcher reached out his hand and felt the hardness of the feathers in the vacuum-sealed bag, exclaiming in surprise.

His eyes were filled with intense curiosity!

"Lao Li! Tell me where you got this feather.……"

"I can't think of any bird in the world that has feathers with this characteristic.……"

"Even if spiritual energy appeared, it was impossible for birds to grow such feathers so far... unless it was the one outside Jianghai City.……"

The bird researcher was talking to himself, looking at Professor Li who was smiling at him.

His heart skipped a beat.

His eyes widened, his face full of disbelief!

"Could it be that... this feather really came from an ancient white-feathered eagle?!"

"Yes, that's right, this feather does belong to the ancient white-feathered eagle"


All the scientific research staff in the biological laboratory subconsciously took a breath of cold air when they heard this. They also looked at Professor Li with disbelief.

But Professor Li looked calm and didn't look like he was joking, which shocked them!

You know, although the scientific researchers in the Biological Research Institute have an unimaginable enthusiasm for the ancient white-feathered eagle on the outskirts of Jianghai City, and want to study the secrets of this ancient creature.

But they don't have the courage to go to the Shenfeng Mountain in the suburbs to collect biological specimens of the ancient white-feathered eagle.

The reason is very simple. Although the ancient white-feathered eagle rarely appears in their human vision, every time it appears, the powerful combat power and unknown power it shows make them feel fear.

That is not the power of the Blue Star creature at all, it is simply a monster!

"Lao Li, you are really brave! I took a special leave yesterday to go to Shenfeng Mountain in the suburbs. How come I didn’t see the white-feathered eagle?"

"I guess he hasn't seen it, otherwise it would be a miracle that Lao Li is still alive.……"

"Old Li, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but why would you, a calm person like you, run to such a dangerous place? If something happens to you...what will happen to your daughter?……"

In response to his colleagues' concern, Professor Li also explained,"It's just a coincidence, so let's study this rare experimental material as soon as possible.……"

He had asked his daughter about this matter since he knew yesterday that his daughter and her friend had some relationship with the ancient white-feathered eagle.

But his daughter did not tell him how she knew the white-feathered eagle. As a father, he also respected his daughter's privacy. He did not intend to tell anyone else about this.

As the vacuum sealed bag was opened, the snow-white feather with a jade-like color inside was exposed to the air, and everyone's attention was fixed on this 40-centimeter feather.

The eyes were like a torch, like a rare treasure.

"Let’s try the physical properties of feathers first.……"

The snow-white feather is placed on a pressure instrument, with two alloy steel mechanical arms firmly fixed on both sides of the feather.

"Try 50 kilograms of pressure first……"

Professor Li considered that his previous strength was completely incapable of deforming the feather, so he directly applied 50 kilograms of pressure.


The two alloy mechanical arms received the command from the control port, making a buzzing sound, and accurately exerted the force of 50 kilograms of gravity.

A few seconds later.

Everyone in the research institute rubbed their eyes or wiped their eye lenses.

"how come……"

"Are my eyes blurry?……"

In their sight, the 40-centimeter-long snow-white feather did not deform, or even change a bit. The robot arm seemed to have a malfunction and did not press down.


Professor Li let out a breath nervously, and then continued to increase the gravity.

Directly one hundred kilograms!


The pressure instrument in front of everyone made a buzzing sound again.

But what shocked everyone was that the extremely white and beautiful feather still did not deform!

"Damn! I'm starting to doubt the reality of the world!"

"This is beyond my understanding of physics!"

"Is this really the physical property of feathers from living creatures?! It can't be from a monster!"

"Feathers are endowed with such hard properties, how strong must the body of the ancient white-feathered eagle be!"

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them. A feather that looked as thin as a piece of paper could actually bear such a heavy weight...

Professor Li, who was shocked, suddenly had a question in his mind, that is, why there was only one feather on the entire top of Shenfeng Mountain...

He didn't believe that the white-feathered eagle, which was so strong, would shed its hair like other birds!

What he didn't know was that the fall of this feather was completely an accident.

Ye Yang was just scratching his itch with his beak, and he accidentally used too much force, so the feather fell down.

Then the pressure tester gave up the experiment because they already knew that this feather had the properties of being as hard as steel.

The body of the ancient white-feathered eagle can completely ignore their human light weapons, and even the shock wave of the missile may not be able to kill him...

Then Professor Li looked up at the military personnel watching in the laboratory, and Mayor Lin nodded.

Prepare to implement the paleontological experiment plan...

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