Jianghai City, inside the biological laboratory.

The information revealed by this feather from the ancient white-feathered eagle not only tells them how powerful the white-feathered eagle's body is, but also has a key value!

That is the ancient biological DNA contained in this feather!

Ever since the spiritual energy substance appeared in the air of Blue Star without any signs, creatures around the world have begun to mutate imperceptibly.

As the concentration of spiritual energy increases, the speed of these creatures' mutations is getting faster and faster.

The major countries on Blue Star had already conducted experiments on biological research when the spiritual energy appeared.

A group of Jianghai City leaders stood outside the biological laboratory, watching what was happening in the laboratory through the transparent glass windows.

"I didn’t expect Professor Li to be so lucky that he actually got a feather from a white eagle!"

"I never thought that the White-Feathered Eagle had such a strong physique.……"

"But it’s also a good thing, because this biological research program will definitely have a breakthrough development!"

"That's right! Maybe we can unlock the secret of spiritual energy!"

Middle-aged old man Lin Chengzhang stared at the laboratory with burning eyes and nodded to Professor Li.

In the biological laboratory, Professor Li was nervous.

"Get ready to continue the paleontological genetic research program!"


After a while, as a large number of laboratory personnel were busy operating, a series of data streams appeared on the screen.

These were extremely complex biological genetic codes.

All the data was ready!

Seeing that the foreplay was completed, Professor Li personally took the lead and used the laser knife of the equipment to cut the snow-white feather...

Hiss! With a burst of sparks, the feather was finally successfully cut off.

The cut feather was quickly placed in a special instrument and began to collect genetic data...

The technological civilization of this world is much more advanced than Ye Yang's previous life. Soon, the DNA code of this feather appeared in the eyes of the staff in the laboratory.

Looking at the magnificent blue DNA double helix structure, everyone held their breath.

"let's start……"

Another gene chain appeared on the screen and collided with the blue gene chain...

Finally, under the surprised gaze of everyone, the two gene chains successfully merged together!


"We created a new species!"

"This will be a starting point in our human history!"

The professors in the conference room cheered!

The rotating gene chain on the screen that did not collapse meant that a new life was being conceived in the gene instrument.

At this point, the plan to breed new life has completed the most important part. The next step is to wait for the embryo to develop...

Seeing the leaders outside the biological laboratory leave with satisfaction, Professor Li murmured.

"I didn't expect that the ancient white-feathered eagle really created a new species... It's incredible……"

Then he looked at the transparent embryo on the screen, which represented a new life.

"Can we humans really become the creators of living things?……"


In a blink of an eye, time came three days later.

The embryo room of the Institute of Biology was crowded with staff.

"This egg is too big!"

"The weight is about 50 kilograms……"

"If I hadn’t seen this egg with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe that such a giant egg really existed in the world!"

In front of them was a giant snow-white egg!

It was the size of several basketballs!

Professor Li pushed his glasses in front of the white egg to hide his shock.

"It's amazing that after the embryo absorbs a lot of spiritual energy, it will automatically form an egg.……"

The staff member who was recording data with the instrument on the side nodded.

"Yes, the experiment was clearly conducted using the genes of the ancient saber-toothed tiger, but the embryo had an egg and became an oviparous form. It seems that the genes of the ancient white-feathered eagle seriously affected the life form of the saber-toothed tiger."

"Originally, the genes of the white-feathered eagle were used to activate the activity of the saber-toothed tiger genes and replenish broken DNA. I didn't expect it to be like this.……"

A researcher stared at the giant egg in front of him

"We're not going to hatch a prehistoric bird, are we?"

"It should be impossible. The genes of saber-toothed tiger are dominant. The genes of white-feathered eagle are too few and incomplete.……"

There happened to be a skeleton of a prehistoric saber-toothed tiger in their Jianghaicheng Biological Research Institute.

The genes that caused the decline of these ancient creatures to become active due to the revival of spiritual energy... So some people proposed to revive these ancient creatures and study their reactions to spiritual energy as experimental specimens...

But when they invested resources and a lot of manpower, they found that even if the cells of these ancient creatures became active, they could not be cloned...

The reason was that although these genes were active, they were missing a part.

It was not until Professor Li took out the genes of the ancient white-feathered eagle that the gene deficiency was supplemented, and finally the embryo successfully bred a large egg!

"According to instrument detection, the temperature in this giant egg is gradually increasing, and it will hatch successfully soon."

"I'm really looking forward to the life inside the dome.……"

"I can't wait to become the winner of the Nobel Prize in Biology!"

"Are you stupid? Biological cloning technology is banned all over the world! If it weren't for the research of spiritual energy, we in Daxia would never do these biological experiments!"

"Uh... of course I know, it was just a joke. Now I can guarantee that all countries in the world are conducting biological experiments, and our Daxia is definitely the first country to revive ancient creatures!"

"of course……"

""The egg is moving! Look, everyone!"

With a cry of surprise, the noisy incubator suddenly became quiet, and all the researchers looked at the giant white egg in front of them. The white eggshell was shaking slightly...




A low roar came from the eggshell, and then the giant egg shook violently!


With a crisp cracking sound, the white eggshell shattered and fell to the ground.

A cute tiger head popped out of it, and its golden amber pupils looked around in confusion.

It jumped to the ground and opened its two exposed eyes. The long fangs were exposed, and it was eating the snow-white fragments on the ground.

The incubator was filled with crisp sounds.

All the researchers were shocked by the scene before their eyes...

This creature hatched from the giant egg, in addition to its shiny body without any hair, also had two giant fangs exposed.

It was exactly the image of the saber-toothed tiger that all the zoologists had seen. What made them speechless and horrified was that... this creature hatched from the snow-white giant egg actually had a pair of small white wings on its back...

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