Like Daxia, many countries on Blue Star believed that the news from the mysterious organization was very likely to be true, and that the Apocalypse Red Moon would really bring major changes to Blue Star!

So they also began to use their troops to wipe out the beasts surrounding the city.

For a time, all humans on Blue Star felt that something earth-shattering was about to happen...

But except for the top leaders of each country, no one knew why the world was going to wipe out the beasts together.……


Outside Jianghai City, among the mountains, there is Shenfeng Mountain.

A huge white bird stands on the top of the mountain. Its snow-white feathers are faintly golden and dazzling. The golden crown on its head flutters in the mountain breeze.

"Tip: The Supreme Breath Cells in your body sense the energy in the sun... and start to work.……"

"Tip: After a day of hard practice, your proficiency in the basic breathing techniques in your body has improved!"

"Tip: Your telepathic skills will improve in proficiency after a night's rest!"

"Tip: The talent in your body is shocking, and you will feel the fear of all beasts. Your proficiency will increase!"

Ye Yang's golden pupils looked straight to the north, and a golden arc flashed in the depths of his eyes, and there was a trace of solemnity.

That direction was the direction of Jianghai City.

"What are humans doing recently?"

His extremely sharp intuition felt something was wrong today, and he felt palpitations from time to time, as if he was being watched by some danger.

And recently he felt like he was being monitored from time to time.

Ye Yang also found that human drones dared to enter his territory in the past few days, and he destroyed dozens of drones alone.

This situation rarely happened in the past month.……

"It seems that humans are going to take action against this bird……"

The small is the small.

These drones are not very high-tech, they are all civilian drones. With so many drones coming here in the past few days, it is easy to guess that humans are focusing on him.

A cold light flashed in the eagle's eyes, and he stared straight at the direction of Jianghai City.

"Don't force me to go to Jianghai City!"

"The worst that can happen is that both sides will be destroyed.……"

He is not afraid of humans at all now. The distance of Shenfeng Mountain does not allow humans to use any powerful large missiles or other heavy weapons. His supersonic speed and sharp intuition can give him enough time to react before the crisis comes. He can completely dodge and run towards Jianghai City when humans attack him and he is defeated!

With the coldness of Ye Yang's eagle eyes, the terrifying aura that he has gathered in his body is quickly released!

The momentum is like a flood bursting out!

The upright spiritual trees and white jade bamboo on the side of the mountain are affected by the huge momentum, rustling, and the branches and leaves are shaking violently. This invisible momentum soon affects several kilometers below the mountain.

Since Ye Yang discovered that the fear of wild animals can enhance his natural deterrence, he has made the big brown bear grow bigger, and the monkey king has continuously subdued the wild animals in the forest for hundreds of miles.

Until now, there are more than 10,000 wild animals living within a hundred miles of the mountains.

This also caused the area around Shenfeng Mountain, which originally had few wild animals, to be full of wild animals!

And these wild animals are the most ferocious among all the beasts!

After all, the closer they were to Shenfeng Mountain, the more benefits they would gain...

But now, this group of powerful beasts, each as big as a yak, were crawling on the ground, looking at the top of the mountain with fear and growling in fear.


Jianghai City.

In recent days, the authorities have been constantly announcing on the Internet and TV that there will be a large-scale military exercise outside Jianghai City. People are prohibited from leaving the city. They are even worried that some people in the city may not know the news. Every day, many vehicles equipped with loudspeakers come and go in Jianghai City.

At this moment, people in Jianghai City, unless they have problems with their eyes or IQ, know that something big is happening!

"It has been a few days, why do I see other cities have been unsealed and the military blockade has been lifted online, but why has the blockade of our Jianghai City lasted for so many days?"

"Are you a big fool?! The purpose of the national military action launched by Daxia this time is to eliminate wild beasts in the wild... Although I don’t know why our Daxia upper echelons want to do this... But don’t forget that there is an ancient white-feathered eagle in the suburbs of Jianghai City!"

"Yes! Didn't a general come a few days ago? I think he must be here for the paleontological white-feathered eagle.……"

"I just don't know if the military can destroy that ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle.……"

"Don't worry, our Daxia military ranks among the top powers on the Blue Planet. How could we not be able to destroy an ancient creature?!"


The people of Jianghai City no longer believed in the pretext of military exercises.

Most of the millions of people in Jianghai City support the extermination of the ancient white-feathered eagle.

Although in their impression, the ancient white-feathered eagle has not actively harmed them, but having such a powerful creature beyond their cognition outside the city always makes them feel a little uneasy.

However, there are still some people who do not want the ancient white-feathered eagle to be exterminated. Some of these few people are natural animal lovers, and some just like the appearance of the ancient white-feathered eagle that is like a magnificent work of art.

Among them, there are two people who are very special.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin are in Jianghai City at this time, with anxious faces. They simply do not want the ancient white-feathered eagle to be exterminated.

"No, Minmin, I want to leave the city! Tell Xiao Fenghuang that it's dangerous, make sure he leaves here!"

"Xiao Yueyue, don't worry... Jianghai City has been sealed off these days. Even if you want to go out, it's impossible.……"

"And you have to know that the little phoenix is very smart. When it knows that danger is approaching, it will definitely flee to the outskirts of Jiangcheng.……"

"Don't'll be alright……"

"Oh well……"


Jianghai City Military Headquarters.

General Zhao, the leader of the Daxia Military Headquarters, was filled with nervousness at this moment. He held the communicator in his hand all the time, as if he was waiting for some important news.


With a faint sound of electricity, the communicator vibrated and General Zhao immediately raised the communicator in his hand.

"Report to the general! The first squadron of the North China Field Army Special Forces has arrived at the combat site!"

"Good! Rest here and recharge your batteries!"


A few minutes later, the voice of the communicator sounded again

"Report to the general! The Second Squadron of the North China Field Army Special Forces has arrived at the combat site!"

"Report to the general! The Third Squadron of the North China Field Army Special Forces has arrived at the combat site!"

"Good! Stay where you are!"

The army that had been waiting for several days finally arrived. General Zhao felt a little relieved and put down the communicator in his hand.

He looked towards the south of Jianghai City, and his tiger eyes gradually narrowed.

"It's almost time. Once a few more reinforcements arrive near Jianghai City, we can start the battle.……"

Dong! Dong!

Just then, there was a knock on the door...

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