"Come in!" The door opened and the person who walked in was Jianghai City Mayor Lin.

As soon as Mayor Lin came in, he saw a smile on the face of the military leader General Zhao.

"It seems that General Zhao is ready... I have an unwelcome request, I hope General Zhao can agree to it……"


General Zhao, who was in a somewhat happy mood at this time, glanced at Mayor Lin in surprise.

"City Chief Lin, rest assured, this mission to wipe out the dense forests outside Jianghai City will definitely be accomplished. As long as your request is reasonable, I will agree to it."

"OK, that's good."

"I want a body sample of the White-Feathered Eagle."

General Zhao nodded,"Yes, but a copy of the paleontological experiment data from the biological laboratory must be sent to the Daxia Research Department."

Mayor Lin nodded and agreed,"This is what I should do.……"

"Can General Zhao broadcast the battle live during this suppression operation?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I want to make the millions of people in Jianghai City truly aware of the dangers of powerful beasts, and at the same time show the great strength of our Daxia army."

General Zhao thought for a few seconds and said,"Okay, I'll leave the live broadcast to you."


Time passed slowly, and five days passed again.

There was less than a week left until the red moon, and the task of exterminating the wild beasts in the dense forests outside Jianghai City was imminent.

At this time, Daxia mobilized tens of millions of troops, almost all the reserve troops in the country and most of the troops on the border, to carry out a bloody cleansing of all the wild beasts in the dense forests near the cities in Daxia.

At present, there are only a few cities with special geographical locations in Daxia that still have Daxia troops in action.

And today is the day of the cleansing outside Jianghai City!

Early in the morning, a large number of Jianghai citizens gathered at the south intersection leading to the suburbs of Jianghai City. Both sides of the intersection were full of people. At a glance, there were huge crowds of people, at least thousands of people!

"The road leading to the dense forest outside Jianghai City was finally unblocked! Does this mean that the military boss is finally going to take action?!"

"I think so. The whole country of Daxia is bustling with activity right now, but our Jianghai City is still as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. We may really have to start cleaning up the outskirts of Jianghai City today!"

"Yay! Finally, I can watch a realistic science fiction movie again!"

"But...why didn't I see the team brought by the military boss? Could it be just the guard company?!"

"You are stupid! The military troops must be outside the city!"

""Stop talking! The big guys from the military are here!"

As a camouflaged military vehicle approached quickly, the crowds gathered on both sides of the road gradually quieted down.

On the military vehicle, General Zhao, who had his eyes closed to rest, felt the movement, opened his eyes and looked at the large number of people on both sides of the road. When he saw the excited expressions of the people from Jianghai City, he became confused.

Because he knew that these people were not cheering for him. The performance of these people was just like a group of enthusiastic spectators who were watching a good show. A cold look appeared on his face.

"It seems that the people of Jianghai City really thought there would be a good show to watch... But this general is really going to disappoint you."


"Wow! There's also a live broadcast!"

"It’s really great! Jianghai City

’s official is always awesome!"Today, everyone living in Jianghai City is distracted from school and work because they know that the military general is about to take action.

But Jianghai City is now completely closed and they can’t get out...

But when they learned that the official was going to broadcast the military action live, millions of people were shocked!

A large number of students and employees asked for leave, so most companies and schools deliberately took a day off because they also wanted to watch this military live broadcast.

After all, they all wanted to witness with their own eyes how the unimaginable ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, on Shenfeng Mountain was hunted by the Daxia army.

The official live broadcast room hasn’t even started yet, and the number of viewers has directly risen to one million!

Then as the screen flashed, the picture became brighter.

"Hello everyone, I am Wang Xiaoli, the official special reporter of Jianghaicheng!"

"I will host this live broadcast!"

Wang Xiaoli, dressed in a beautiful professional OL outfit, appeared in the live broadcast room, surrounded by rumbling sounds, because Wang Xiaoli was on a helicopter at this time.

"Wow! It’s this goddess reporter again!"

"This is awesome! I thought this beautiful female reporter died during the live broadcast of the assault company half a month ago.……"

"By the way, this female reporter has a bit of a jinx physique……"

"Eat your ass! You must be a green tea who is jealous of my goddess's beauty!"

"You can really find licking dogs everywhere.……"

"You know what... Really, have you noticed... This beautiful reporter appeared several times, her companions died tragically, but she herself was not hurt at all……"

Wang Xiaoli, who was watching the live broadcast in the helicopter, had a professional smile on her face, but her face turned black.

What's the matter?!

Every time I encountered a crisis in the dense forest of Jianghai City, if I hadn't been smart, I would have died a long time ago, right?!

And! Every time I returned to the city, didn't I go to see a psychologist to treat the shadow in my heart?!

The new photographer was a lively young man who noticed Wang Xiaoli's little expression.

He shifted the camera to the forest under the ground and switched to silent mode.

Then he said in a teasing tone

"Sister Wang, are you really the unlucky person that the audience said you were? But it doesn't look like that. Your skin is so white.……"

"Go away, you kid, just hold the camera steady and broadcast the live broadcast honestly!"

"Hey, to be honest, I really don't want to come to the outskirts of Jianghai City again……"

The lively young photographer was confused because he really saw fear on Wang Xiaoli's face.

Wang Xiaoli came back to her senses, calmed down, and looked at the young photographer with her beautiful eyes,"You can never imagine how many terrifying beasts there are in the dense forest outside Jianghai City.……"

The young photographer pouted and was not convinced

"Aren't they just a group of animals kept outside by us humans?……"

"Say this when you face those red-eyed beasts.……"

Looking into the distance, there is also an ancient creature outside Jianghai City...

The young photographer is a little curious.

"Since you are so afraid to come to the outskirts of Jianghai City, why did you agree to take on this mission?"

Wang Xiaoli sighed silently. There was no way the company could give her too much.

"The position of deputy editor-in-chief is not suitable for me. I think the position of editor-in-chief is more suitable for me!"

Feeling the sound of breaking through the air, her beautiful eyes looked over.

A series of bright black fighter jets rushed out of the clouds!

This is also the reason why she dared to enter the suburbs of Jianghai City again and take on this company's mission!

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