"Turn the camera to the ground and zoom in!"

After hearing the call from the female reporter Wang Xiaoli, the young photographer immediately controlled the camera to look down at the ground and zoomed in...

After a few seconds, the picture on the screen appeared clearly in front of Wang Xiaoli.

"It's really a robot?! The Daxia military even has this kind of high technology?"

Wang Xiaoli exclaimed. The robot on the screen was more like a small tank than a robot. It looked like a person was inside to operate it. It should be a remote-controlled weapon.

"This is military equipment developed by the Daxia military five years ago, a fully automatic combat robot. How come this operation brought so many of these things?"

"We already have the Black Shadow Fighter, isn't this superfluous?"

The fully automatic combat robot sounds cool, but its combat capability is very low. It can be blown up by a grenade.


On the ground, in a wide area outside Jianghai City, General Zhao and his adjutants were checking the battle plan in a temporary command post.

General Zhao, who was sitting at the conference table, tapped the smooth table with his thick index finger.

"Our battle plan is to use three black shadow fighters to lock onto the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle. As long as this ancient creature dares to escape and rise to high altitude, the missile launcher on land will lock onto it, and the tracking double-barreled missiles of the black shadow fighter will definitely be able to destroy the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle!"

Several adjutants in the command post were a little surprised, because they were all squadron leaders of the Daxia army outside.

The squadron leaders all looked confused, and an upright squadron leader couldn't help but speak out his doubts.

"General Zhao, this time we have deployed five special forces squadrons, which are nearly a thousand elite soldiers from Daxia. We have also brought in hundreds of fully automatic combat robots, electromagnetic cannons, small missiles, and three black fighters.……"

"Are all these prepared for the ancient white-feathered eagle?"

Faced with the captain's doubts, General Zhao had anticipated them and nodded steadily.

Then he looked at the confused captains with a tiger-like look.

"This general knows that you are all confused now. Why would you mobilize so many troops and weapons to target an ancient creature?!"

Several squadron leaders nodded.

General Zhao continued,"You will soon know the answer to this question."

"The action begins! Everything is carried out according to the plan!"

Then he looked at the squadron leaders with a pair of cold eyes like a tiger or leopard,"This mission is not as simple as you think. We must eliminate the ancient creature White Feather Eagle at all costs!"

"This general will take full responsibility for the consequences of any losses caused!"



At the same time, deep in the mountains and forests of Jianghai City, a large white bird with a golden crown and golden spots on its body stood on the top of the mountain. Its aura seemed to be real, causing the spiritual mist in the surrounding air to stagnate in the air.

Ye Yang, who was emitting a huge aura, looked up at the small black dot in the sky. His golden pupils kept shrinking and expanding. He felt a huge dangerous aura from the small black dot in the sky.

That dangerous aura was even more than the pressure brought to him by the golden lion king.……

"This is a fighter jet!"

Finally, Ye Yang finally saw what the black dot rolling in the clouds was. It turned out to be a fighter jet!

He was dumbfounded. He never thought that the people of Daxia were so crazy that they actually sent out a fighter jet to deal with a big bird like him!

Although he didn't know how powerful the firepower configuration of this black fighter jet was, and he didn't know much about fighter jets in his previous life, in the movies he had watched before, fighter jets were the finishing touches as soon as they appeared. No matter what kind of monster as big as a mountain or a huge city, it could be destroyed by a missile launched by a fighter jet that was not even as big as him!

He felt a shocking breath of death from this black fighter jet!

"Fortunately, I didn't fly up to the sky to check the situation.……"

Ye Yang was frightened. When he noticed the black dot in the sky, he wanted to fly into the clouds to see the true face of the black dot.

Fortunately, his body's instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm stopped him. Otherwise, if he flew high into the sky, he might have entered the attack range of the black fighter, and he might not be able to avoid the missile attack at that time.

Then, Ye Yang's pupils, which had already shrunk, were shocked!

"I… fuck… I want black fighters!"

He smacked his lips and cursed in his heart!

In his sight, several small black dots appeared again, which were the same as before, that is, several black fighters!

"Look at this posture...I am completely surrounded.……"

"what to do……"

Feeling the breath of death, like a cold and piercing tide surrounding him, Ye Yang gradually calmed down and began to think about how to get out of the predicament.

"How can I leave without anyone noticing?……"

"Tip: The supreme breath cells in your body sense the crisis you are in, and they are very anxious, and they begin to burst out and stimulate their own potential! The unknown energy in your body is gradually awakening.……"

"Tips, the basic breathing method in your body can make you feel that you are in crisis, panic in your heart, and your operating efficiency will increase tenfold!"

"Tip: Your telepathic skills sense that you are in danger... your potential is beginning to burst forth, and your proficiency is increasing rapidly!"

"Tip: The talent in your body is shocking. You are in crisis now... The operating efficiency is increased tenfold!"

Just when Ye Yang was thinking calmly in his heart, a clear prompt sound of the system sounded in his mind.

The next second, the blood in his body began to surge, and there was a strong energy from the cells, which was rapidly strengthening his body, and his body was rapidly getting stronger!

At the same time, his body generated a huge suction force.

On the top of the mountain, the white mist aura affected by Ye Yang was attracted by this huge gravitational force and rushed into Ye Yang's body frantically.

Under the effect of this aura energy, the speed at which his body strengthened and became stronger kept up with a level!

From the outside, Ye Yang's figure was completely covered by the gathered white mist aura. He couldn't see his appearance from a distance. He could only see a little golden light flashing in the white mist...

Ye Yang seemed to be soaking in a hot spring in the cold winter. This rapidly getting stronger comfort almost made him sink directly into it.

A breath of death surged into his heart, making him suddenly come back to his senses.

"No! This can't go on!"

"Time is too precious……"

"Looks like I need to find a way to delay a little bit.……"

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