The area of Shenfeng Mountain within a hundred miles was no longer as noisy as before, but instead entered a strange state of silence.

Thousands of wild animals living in this mountain forest raised their heads and looked into the distance from time to time, their eyes full of vigilance.

The animals' instincts told them that a powerful danger was approaching.


"Coo coo coo!"

"Wow wow wow!!!"

""Woo woo woo!!!"

At this moment, a series of strange calls rang out in the forest. The animals that heard the calls also made waves in the distance.

The low roar soon spread throughout the forest for hundreds of miles.

At the same time, all the animals that heard the roar with strange meanings immediately rushed to the depths of the forest.……


In the sky, the shadow fighter jets that were constantly monitoring the ancient white-feathered eagle also discovered something strange on the ground.

Looking down from the screen of the shadow fighter jets, the many wild animals on the ground formed a large group of beasts and ran towards the depths of the forest. The scene was particularly spectacular, and at the same time, they felt that something was wrong.

So they chose to report the situation as soon as possible.

"Report to the general! The wild beasts in the Baili forest seem to be rushing towards the depths of the forest.……"

"Report to the general! This is what I see here.……"

"Report to the general! The situation here is the same... It is estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of large wild beasts in this forest!"

In the command post outside Jianghai City, General Zhao, who was deploying the battle plan, was stunned when he heard the report from the three black shadow fighters.

The other squadron leaders were confused and said

"Why are there so many wild beasts gathering in the suburbs of Jianghai City?"

"When I was carrying out missions in other cities before, there weren’t so many wild beasts in the wilderness that was larger than Jianghai City, right?"

"These beasts must have sensed the danger we brought and were migrating and fleeing.……"

"That should be the case. It also saves our soldiers from having to fight, and it is also a good thing to save some bullets."

General Zhao was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it. If this group of beasts really fled to the depths of the jungle, it would be a good thing for the people of Daxia.

It can reduce casualties, and then we just need to build fortifications in this dense forest.

After thinking for a while, he saw that many teams and weapons and equipment had fully entered combat status.

A fierce light flashed in General Zhao's eyes,"All teams attack! Try to end the battle within one day!"



Five field troops, nearly a thousand men, with a large number of weapons and equipment, quickly broke into the mountains that had not been visited by humans for a long time. The huge force formed an invisible net and quickly approached Shenfeng Mountain. Everyone knew that the purpose of such a large-scale operation was to hunt down the ancient white-feathered eagle.

Because they carried a large number of weapons and equipment, and the terrain of the mountains and forests was complex, the speed of advancement was not very fast.

However, what shocked the field soldiers was that they did not see any wild animals outside the mountains and forests, and continued to speed up.

In the sky.

The number of people watching the live broadcast room at this time has exceeded the three million mark!

The atmosphere is very hot!

"What is Daxia doing? Why is it conducting such a large-scale military exercise?"

"Seeing that you are posting in a foreign language, you must be a foreigner who has climbed over the wall to access the Daxia National Network!"

"We are making a movie here... You will see a very exciting science fiction movie soon, a movie about the army fighting monsters, and the special effects are much better than those in your Western science fiction movies!"

"What?! You Daxia can actually use the army to make a movie?! This is too ridiculous!……"

The audience in the live broadcast room now includes not only Daxia people, but also many Western foreigners, who were also pulled in by many friends.

At this time, on the screen in front of them, they can clearly see that the mountains and forests are like a piece of green cloth, and the Daxia army is a different color, which is quickly dyed deep into the cloth.

"The Daxia army is so powerful! Carrying so many military equipment in the mountains and forests, the marching speed is so fast... This is incredible!"

"Of course... Although I don't want to admit it, in terms of military quality, the Daxia army is undoubtedly a top power!"

"I heard that Daxia has mobilized tens of millions of troops to clear out the beasts around the city. This military operation seems to be quite large-scale.……"

"We just noticed that the distribution of wild animals in this forest is abnormal. There are so many wild animals. Maybe this is the reason.……"

"I heard that the Daxia army sent so many troops here this time because of the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle.……"

"What the hell?! That beautiful big bird, which is like a pet in God's heaven, really exists?"

"have no idea……"

Until now, many people still do not believe the video information of the ancient creatures of Daxia that was uploaded on the Internet.

After all, the strength and speed displayed by Ye Yang are too magical. In addition, in the era of Internet information explosion, all kinds of rumors have appeared. Most people, except for the residents of Jianghai City, rarely believe in Ye Yang's existence.

As time went by, the field army had marched more than 20 miles and had initially entered the mountains and forests.

But what surprised thousands of soldiers was that they did not encounter any wild animals along the way, not even a rabbit.

General Zhao in the command post was always paying attention to the overall situation.

"It’s been over an hour, and I haven’t seen even a single hair of the beast... Something is wrong... This situation is definitely not right!"

"Order! All field troops are on high alert all around!"

After issuing this order, he felt a little better.

Then he laughed at himself.

"I am also a veteran who has experienced war. Why am I so worried about this operation? It's just a bunch of beasts.……"


In the forest, the marching army received the order from General Zhao and began to be on alert.

"Report to the Captain! A reconnaissance team has lost contact!"

"What? Is there a communication failure?"

The captain's first thought was this, not that the reconnaissance team had an accident.

The reason was that the reconnaissance team was not far ahead of them, only seven or eight miles away at most, and no gunfire was heard at such a short distance.

Then he ordered all the soldiers in the surrounding squadrons to

"Strengthen the alert! Speed up the march!"

After a while, the squadron of nearly 200 people advanced seven or eight miles.

Then all the soldiers in the squadron were stunned and stared with wide eyes.

There were several unrecognizable corpses on the ground in front of them...

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