In front of this squadron, there was a pool of blood on the ground, with tattered camouflage uniforms and corpses.

"These are the reconnaissance team.……"

One soldier's face was pale, and the soldiers around him had the same expression.

They were elite soldiers in the field army, and had experienced death in war, but they had never seen such a cruel scene.

The squadron leader's face was full of anger!

"Damn it! I knew those beasts wouldn't be that simple!"

"Signalman, go report the situation here to General Zhao and tell other squadrons to be careful, those beasts are more powerful than those in other places!"


How terrifying must the beast that attacked an experienced reconnaissance team be to kill them all before they could even fire a shot?

"You guys go clean up the debris... We can't let our comrades' bodies lie exposed in the wilderness.……"

"Good squadron leader……"


Just when the squadron was filled with anger, fear, and a hint of uneasiness, a violent explosion suddenly sounded in the distance!

"This is the sound of howitzers and grenades exploding!"

Instantly, all the experienced soldiers in the squadron analyzed where the noise came from.

The squadron leader thought for a few seconds and looked at the dense forest of towering trees.

"Let's go! Let's go support!"


Suddenly a scream of pain sounded from nearby. Everyone looked over in horror and saw a big brown bear, which was even bigger than a truck, running towards the distant forest with two people in its mouth.

Following him were groups of man-eating beasts, jackals, tigers, leopards, wild boars, buffaloes, deer...

These huge animals rushed towards the squadron in unison!

"Come and fight!"


The explosion was like a blast that had detonated the silent forest. The forest was now filled with the rumble of explosions and the sound of a large number of gunshots.

These things happened one after another, with the intervals between them being no more than a few minutes, which made General Zhao in the command post stunned for a while.

Looking at the pale-faced signalman in front of him

"Are you sure? All five squadrons were attacked by wild beasts?!"

The pale-faced signalman nodded vigorously.

He said hurriedly

"According to the squadron's signalman, a large number of wild animals, both carnivorous and herbivorous, attacked our team.……"

General Zhao stared at the signalman with wide eyes,"How is this possible?……"

Carnivores and herbivores are naturally unable to act together. This is the law of nature.

Now this phenomenon is actually violated?!

This group of animals that are natural enemies actually united and took the initiative to attack their Daxia army?!

What a joke?!


General Zhao glared at the hesitant signalman and shouted:

"We are all soldiers! Don't be like women and talk nonsense! Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

The signalman immediately responded loudly!

"Report to General Zhao! Moreover, the size of these beasts is extremely huge, far exceeding the size of animals in other suburban areas recorded in the Daxia military's data!"

"Even... there are many fast beasts among them that can dodge the attack of howitzers, and bullets can't hurt them at all!"

After hearing this, General Zhao was stunned for a while, and quickly reacted

"Order all squadrons to open fire and go deep into the forest at all costs, and try to reach Shenfeng Mountain as soon as possible!"

"Exception! The medical team will escort me to the forest and try to save more soldiers!"

The signalman was a little dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand what General Zhao said.

"General, now there are nearly fifty soldiers dead and hundreds injured. Should we retreat and make a new battle plan?……"

"I am the general! Obey my orders and perform your duties as a signalman!"

"Go down and pass the order. I don’t want to say it a second time!"


When the signalman left the command room, General Zhao was the only one left in the room.


General Zhao's strong and sturdy body seemed to be falling apart, and he sat powerlessly on the chair. His pair of bright and aggressive tiger eyes were rarely dull, and there was even a hint of fear!

As a general who had guarded the border for many years and had experienced many battles, he certainly knew that the five squadrons were now attacked by this group of strange beasts, and the team suffered heavy casualties. The best response was to withdraw the team, rescue the wounded, and minimize the team's losses.

But for some reason, his strong military instinct honed from years of battlefield experience told him that if he withdrew the team today, he would definitely regret it in the future!

And it was not only regret... there seemed to be a fear from the depths of his soul.

This inexplicable sense of uneasiness made him very panic. Even when he was facing death on the battlefield recently, he had never had this feeling.

"So many wild beasts retreated from the outskirts of Jianghai City.……"

"No... not retreat! Instead, retreat to the mountains and forests together and attack the Daxia army.……"

"If it was an attack, there was no need to keep fighting head-on like this. It was more like protecting something.……"

Gradually, the clues in General Zhao's mind became clearer and clearer. He always felt that he would soon know the purpose of the behavior of this group of strange beasts, but there was always a thick layer of fog between them.……


The five squadrons who received the order from General Zhao in the forest were all confused by the order.

Now that the team had suffered heavy casualties, why should they continue to fight against the powerful beasts?

However, the military order was as strong as a mountain, and they had no choice but to grit their teeth and continue to fight with their guns.

Fortunately, this military order allowed them to use all kinds of heavy weapons prepared for the White-Feathered Eagle.

For a while, the ground in the forest for dozens of miles was rumbling, as if there was a dragon roaring and surging on the ground, and the earth was shaking.……


In the sky, they also noticed the big commotion on the helicopter that female reporter Wang Xiaoli was riding.

However, the helicopter was more than 2,000 meters above the ground, so they could not see what was happening on the ground at all...

Listening to the rumbling sound of thunder on the ground in the mountains and forests, they only knew that the Daxia army on the ground was suddenly caught in a bitter battle for some reason.

Wang Xiaoli suddenly felt a little cold all over, and wrapped her clothes around her body, but the coldness became more severe, as if the cold came out of her bones.

She shivered all over!

"This feeling... is a warning of danger from wild animals!"

The familiar feeling enveloped her body again. Wang Xiaoli did not hesitate to confirm that this sixth sense was warning of danger again.

She immediately turned around and asked the helicopter pilot to fly back to Jianghai City!

But suddenly, the phone rang...

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