"Xiao Wang! Don't even think about retreating... Look! The number of people in the live broadcast room has reached five million! And it is roughly estimated that the number of people can soar to tens of millions!"

"You must seize this opportunity!"

"If this live broadcast is successful, the influence of our media company will surely be further enhanced in China.……"

"Xiao Wang, hold on a little longer. I'll promote you to editor-in-chief when I come back, and give you a month's paid vacation.……"

Hearing the company boss's anxious words on the phone, female reporter Wang Xiaoli gritted her teeth

"Damn you, you idiot leader!"

But she had to give up the idea, because she knew that if she went back in disgrace this time, not only would she not be promoted, but she would also be fired.

Since she could only live broadcast here, she had to do her best to do her job.

Then she said to the helicopter pilot

"Lower the helicopter so the camera can see clearly what is happening on the ground"


As the pilot controlled the helicopter, its altitude slowly dropped.……


On the ground, the five squadrons of Daxia were suddenly attacked by wild beasts almost at the same time, and suffered heavy casualties.

The terrain of the mountains and forests is treacherous, and these powerful beasts are completely ghosts in the forest, and they are hard to guard against!

Moreover, the mountains and forests are full of thick trees that are so thick that three people can hug them. They are natural shelters. Not to mention bullets, they can even withstand the shock waves of howitzers and grenades. The five squadrons have participated in the task of clearing wild beasts in other cities before, but they have never encountered an attack by wild beasts on this scale.

Not only are they extremely large, but the size of the beasts is also several times larger than those in their city. Some of them are even bigger than trucks.

They are simply monsters!

Fortunately, when heavy weapons were added to the battlefield, the wild beasts began to suffer large casualties and gradually faded away.

This made the five squadrons breathe a sigh of relief.

"These beasts are really ferocious. More than fifty brothers in our squadron have died!"

"The medical team is here! The wounded can be saved!"

"You guys stay where you are to protect the injured brothers, and the team will continue to move forward!"

Several squadron leaders, although they didn't understand why their leader, General Zhao, ignored the wounded and told them to continue to move forward according to the plan.

However, military orders are like mountains, and they can only obey orders for now.


Deep in the forest, several huge beasts gathered together.

A huge brown bear, with blood all over its face. From its usual violent bear face, it can be seen that the blood all over its body was from the soldiers of Daxia.


The big brown bear Xiong Da growled at the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong. There was a hint of tyranny in the growl.

After eating a lot of male lion flesh, he has become the most powerful among the three animals.

According to the system in Ye Yang's body, the evolution level of the three animals has reached"E+", and the most powerful of them, Big Brown Bear, has reached the peak of his evolutionary level."D-", which is just one step away!

At this moment, hearing the low roar of the big brown bear, the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong nodded.

Although they could not communicate, they had been receiving Ye Yang's guidance for a long time, which greatly improved their cognitive ability and enabled them to understand some simple meanings of each other.

Now the big brown bear is making a battle plan.

It is called a battle plan, but it is just to convey Ye Yang's orders.

Ye Yang had guessed before that the fighter planes in the sky did not attack him at the beginning, and they must be waiting for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

There must be some army troops of Daxia soldiers on the ground, so he let these three animals lead the herd to resist the human army.

At the same time, he also explained to the three animals that humans have powerful weapons that can seriously injure or even kill them.

Therefore, they should not get too excited, and just sneak attack to delay the speed of human progress.

The big brown bear turned around and looked in the direction of Shenfeng Mountain, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Although he didn't know why the powerful and terrifying boss didn't take the initiative to attack and eliminate this group of two-legged beasts, he would definitely work hard to sneak attack and hunt the group of two-legged beasts now.

Because he found that the flesh and blood of the bipeds could help him become stronger quickly!

After a brief exchange, the three animals quickly rushed in three directions...

There were thousands of Daxia soldiers invading the forest this time, so they could only act separately.……


The battle in the forest broke out again soon!

Countless beasts rushed towards the Daxia army fearlessly!

Although they knew that the two-legged beasts in front of them were very dangerous and could threaten their lives, the deep fear of Ye Yang in their hearts made them choose to sneak attack the two-legged beasts with all their strength!

And they also found that devouring the flesh and blood of the two-legged beasts could make them stronger!

The instinct of the body to evolve and become stronger drove them to pounce on humans with red eyes!

Boom boom boom!!!

Da da da!!!

The heavy firepower of the Daxia army was vented, and brass bullets formed a rain curtain and fell on the beasts!

Suddenly, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and some weak beasts were hit in the vital parts and fell to the ground helplessly.

The blood flowing from their bodies instantly wet the soil.

At the same time, the beasts were mixed with continuous roars and roars!

This means that the bullets of these Daxia troops successfully angered the powerful beasts among them!

This group of beasts are almost all powerful beasts within ten miles of Shenfeng Mountain, and their evolutionary levels generally reached

"E-", and some even reached"E",They can completely ignore the harm of ordinary bullets.

Rifle bullets can only scratch their body surface.……



"Ah... help!……"

"Beasts! These damn guys!"

The forest was filled with the sound of gunfire, roars of beasts, and some faint desperate cries...

A soldier was angry!

He picked up a heavy sniper and began to aim at the heads of the beasts!




Almost one shot at a time!

The burst power of the heavy sniper was comparable to that of a bomb when facing a single enemy. In a short while, dozens of beasts were killed by the heavy sniper!


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a stone the size of a football came at the sniper's head with a tyrannical force!


The sniper's head was like a watermelon exploding, and the headless body fell heavily to the ground.

The brain splashed and fell on several soldiers nearby. Several soldiers stopped shooting and looked up blankly.

They saw a golden monkey as big as an adult standing on a big tree in the distance.

The golden monkey felt the gazes of several people, and the golden furry monkey face was grinning, looking very funny.

But under this funny face, several soldiers felt a panic...

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