
Elinas asked, looking depressed in the corner.

"God damn it. I'll curse you for the rest of my life.”

When Sage heard it, she laughed.

"Do you really think God sent you here?"

"He must have intervened. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Rod, I keep thinking about what you said last time. You knew that, didn't you?”

Elinas interrogating with his pouty lips.

She had a lot to say.

Sage's expression was serious at the time, although he laughed and moved on only then.

Seriously for just spitting out a word to tease Eleanas.

It was only then that Elinas wouldn't be intimidated by his facial expressions, but only now did he know after he got all the pieces of the puzzle right.

"All this can't be a coincidence.”

One or two things can be said to be a coincidence.

"Then you warned me as if you knew anything.”

It was something even humans could say easily.

The first piece is.

"And you, Dragon, gave up everything and crossed the moving gate."

The second piece, too, was understandable with a nod.

Dragon is that kind of race.

No, because Dragon Lord was that kind of woman.

It's different from other dragons.

I'm willing to throw everything away and venture for interest.

I thought so.

Before that, I decided to do so, even if I didn't.

To relate it to the first piece, Elinas had too many years to live.

Same goes for Sage.

I thought it was only humans who lived for about 100 years at the most to risk their fate on such a vain superstition.

But the third one.

I changed my mind when I saw the successful two-dimensional transfer that I came here and faced here.

It's not a coincidence.

Moving dimensions.

Sage knew.

That God intervenes in the movement of dimensions.

It's ridiculous, but then she ignored the question of how to explain the continent and the world she's been living on.

The reality faced is too great to discard the hypothesis of contradiction.

A look at Sage asking for an answer poked at her.

Sage shrugged his shoulders.

She didn't have to shy away from Elinas' eyes.

"You're right to know."



Elinas' eyes get bigger.

But the words that followed were not what she wanted.

"I was fully aware of the fact that excessive movement gate opening can cause dimensional warping while I was learning the gate magic."

"…dimensional warping?"

Eleanas pauses for a moment.

She's heard of it, too.

But I never thought that would really happen.

I've never experienced it before.

Nor have I heard from the predecessors.

Above all, it is only known as a side effect that is likely to occur only on the move to another dimension.

Sage was talking about it.

"You'll be confused. Dimension warping is usually an unsavory accident that occurs in a move to another dimension.”

Sage remained thoroughly indifferent in talking about it.

"If you repeat the number of cracks in the other dimension and in the process, you can get a fine hole. This is the crack in all dimensional passages. No one can predict where and what variables will occur. That's why I told you that way, too. Too many short passageways have been opened. No matter when or where an accident happens, there's nothing strange about it."

Of course, he couldn't be calm even from an acceptable point of view.

"No, wait! So what I'm going through here is that you guys are moving too much?”

"I have four years of responsibility with the Ma people."


Even though it was much more logical and plausible than the ridiculous story of God's prank.

"This never happened to me when I crossed dimensions a few times! Even after three consecutive attacks on the continent of the Horse, the Spirit and the Horse!"

"The biggest reason is that there have been a lot of cracks in other dimensions."

"So it's your fault!”

"I was just unlucky."

I feel resentment.

I think it would be better to accept that God played a joke on me.

That'll find a way back.

Pray and pray to God.

But there's no way to do this.

A reasonable and logical reason based on magic.

Even the existence of the half-body has become just a side effect, an accident involving the speaking dimension.

Can we go back?

Eleanas didn't do anything stupid to ask questions.

"If you want to ask me if I can go back, I don't want to answer. One twisted dimension is an area that can't be calculated. Ho-ho."

Before long, the final invasion was approaching, and when Lee Hye-sung, who was interested, said he would turn on the video, Sage's tone returned to Earth's.

Elinas frowned.

She is still the king who controls the race on a level even though she is at a loss in front of her.

Keep calm and open your mouth.

"Well, I'll live a good life. This is where humans live and monsters live."

Come to think of it, it's not a bad condition.

The fact that Lee Hye-sung is in front of me makes me want to go back home.

Anyway, the deal between the two is valid.

"Then I'll be on my way. Can you untie this for me?”

I believed so.

Until I saw Lee Hye-sung staring at her and picking her ears without listening to her clearly.

"…What are you doing? You're not gonna break your oath to Mana, are you?"

Lee Hye-sung smiles greedily while looking at her alternately with the Holy Sword raised.

Elinas has certainly seen that.

That's why I shouted urgently.

Even though it didn't work.

Lee Hye-sung opened his mouth with a determined look.

"You know I'm more of a communicator than this damn lizard, right?”


What do you mean you know?

I wanted to give him a shout of abuse, but he nodded reluctantly.

I know that the Dragon Road, Lee Hye-sung, and the one who leads the situation is Lee Hye-sung.

"I know how you feel. And cheer for them. I really want you to kill humans and reign over them."


Lee Hye-sung talks like that.

I know you're not serious, but on the other hand, I can feel your sincerity.

I also know Elinas, who has been closest to Lee Hye-sung for a while, in a profiteering statement.

I'm sure it doesn't matter.

As long as he's safe.

That's why I mean it.

I didn't lean on it.

"But in order to do that, humans need to be alive for now, and that's a bit of a problem. It's a little long to explain, but soon there will be a lot of monsters that humans can't easily stop."


That smiling Lee Hye-sung always made her sigh.

"I need you to help me. For you."

"…my children."

Elinas didn't want much.

"No, I need you.”

Lee Hye-sung hoped for many things.

The two had a conflict of interests.

Time for agreement.

Eleanas chose.

"The deal is still valid between us. If you tie me up like this...….”

Wrong choice.

She should have resisted.

Although much power was lost, there were many spirits brought in.

If you ran for your life, you might not have had to get involved.

"It's okay."

Lee Hye-sung smiled brightly without missing a chance.

There was a piece of paper in his hand before he knew it.

"It's a different body! The contract wasn't between the souls. It's been a long time since it disappeared."

The devil's smile was around Lee Hye-sung's mouth.


People's demands came an hour before the final invasion.

Video on!

Let's go.

Is that really relevant?

People flocking to Lee Hye-sung's video with uncertainty.

The tension that the final invasion was an hour away could not suppress curiosity.

And a dazzlingly beautiful woman in sight.

Elinas was sticking out his thumb, frowning heavily.

What are you doing?

He's thumbing on a piece of paper.

- A contract? - A contract?

There's nothing strange about this.

I wonder if such a beautiful woman exists on Earth. It was solved through Ariel and Sage, and Elinas' appearance was human.

However, it was different after Umji was signed on the contract.

A paper that evaporates with a burst of light.

Elinas sighs with him and reaches out to Lee Hye-sung's holy sword.

The moment the Holy Sword touches Eleanas.

A magic engine painted on the floor shone.

The paper disappears and flashes on a different level from the light emitted!

And I looked.

People are

- What?

What? Is it absorbed?

What happened?

It didn't disappear in an instant.

I was absorbed into the Holy Grail.

Lee Hye-sung was willing to explain to those who questioned.

"This is Eleanas, the spirit king I signed in this world. With the final invasion of the event, the eight-level crack brake that spreads in the Sahara Desert was brought in with the spirits to suppress the fog with less damage. Now, Elinas is temporarily entrenched in my holy sword, and in the final invasion, the spirits will be on our side to help us wipe out the monsters."


What are you talking about?

- This world?

The simple words were something people couldn't easily accept easily.

Regardless, Lee Hye-sung said what he wanted to say and ended the video.

Sage was looking at it with an unexpected look.

"What are you looking at like that?"

"Unexpected. I didn't expect you to reveal it here."

I knew I'd reveal it one day.

Before that, Sage had already told the U.S. government.

Information that is of little importance, yet quite a stir.

Considering that they are humans on Earth who do not have such good feelings in this world, it may be better not to reveal them.

Lee Hye-sung is a comet of SS class who appeared like a bolt out of the blue.

It may be stigmatized as an unjustified way.

However, Lee smiled as if he didn't care.

"You don't have to hide her when she's in your hands."

There was no better explanation to erase people's anxiety than a proper excuse.

"And it's okay now."


The biggest reason is also one.

Eleanas, the Spirit King, added to the Holy Sword.

Because you don't have to be self-conscious.

[Final invasion will begin.]

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