
It was a shocking story for people.

What are you talking about?

You mean Lee Hye-sung is from this world?

What's this?

Stories that pop up from completely unexpected places are hard to accept.

What do you mean?

People still find it hard to accept the truth about this world, even though they have seen another world of monsters and cracks.

- So Lee Hye-sung came from this world and the woman in the video is King Spirit. With 12 hours left until the final invasion, all the things that poured out of the cracks over Seoul are spirits?

It's easy to organize, but.

In fact, it's not something to be surprised about.

It's perfectly normal except for the story of this world.

Cracks opened and Spirit Monsters came out.

How neat.

It's not just him.

Oh, is that so? As expected. I thought Lee Hyesung would have been to a fantasy level. I questioned Lee Hye-sung since he first appeared in the user community, but no one listened to me. You fools. How can no one suspect you when you ignore your level and class and show off your nonsense skills?

Honestly, Hyesung Lee can do that. No, that's enough to make sense. That's why you grew up so fast.

There were people who had already expected it.

Most of them were delusions after reading fantasy novels, but in reality, there were so many parts that I couldn't understand.

It's not just Lee Hye-sung.

There was evidence all around to infer that.

Crazy. That's creepy to hear it like that. Assuming that Hyesung Lee is from this world, Ariel and Sage understand everything. Heroes with ridiculous abilities. As soon as you first appeared on Earth, you and Lee Hye-sung became close by coincidence? It's impossible unless we know each other.

Like putting the puzzle together, people found traces from when Lee Hye-sung first appeared like a comet with Lee Hye-sung's remarks.

Some demanded.

Explain the truth of the case.

Of course, they have no right to care what Lee Hye-sung did as he came from this world.

However, most of them tried to undermine or gain profits by putting them at the center of controversy.

Unfortunately, their intentions were hard to win people's favor.

[Final invasion will begin.]

With a timely hologram, mankind has only experienced the same thing as the protagonist of a fantasy novel. No time was given to pay attention to the man who claimed.


The final invasion was powerful.

[The final buff will be applied to the monsters]

Monsters that come out without having to list their buffs are disaster itself.

Level 8.

At the current level, mankind cannot attack.

Such a monster comes out in the lead.

With a large number of men.

To find hope even in despair, the number of invasion gates held around the world in the eighth and final invasion is extremely small, with at least one country to three or four bad luck.

It wasn't much consolation.

"You can do it!"

Nevertheless, users gathered their strength.

I can't give up.

This is not a crack.

The moment they give up because they are tired and have a slim chance of success, they give up their home.

What if I give up and run away?

That's not the end of it.

Monsters that have not been killed will not disappear after the event.

The monster that destroyed everything moves again.

No matter how strong the user is, it is hard for mankind to continue a life without a place to rely on.

So I cheer up like a stick.

Although it will be a tough fight, there are countless users behind them.

Above all, this fight is not unconditionally disadvantageous to them who seek hope.

"It's hard to target level 8 cracks because it's the way we challenge the cracks that level 8 monsters live. Of course it's hard to deal with their own way of fighting in their home ground. But it's different here. The final buff is a level 8 crack buff, but we can deal with our land, our way, so we have a chance."

Users have grown up.

More than 30 years ago, more than 15 years ago, and more than 3 years ago, more than yesterday.

As Lee Hye-sung grows, the speed of growth of users who gain at least one from his way of growth is remarkable.

The number of seven-level crack parties, which could be counted with five fingers, has now increased beyond 10 fingers, and now they are even moving to target seven-level cracks faster based on the released video of eight-level crack.

Crisis, ordeal, despair.

They are all things that make humans kneel down, but because of them, mankind grows.

Stuck behind those people's hopes.


"It's a spirit!"

"Are you my friend?"

"I think that's what Lee Hye-sung said.”

Spirits who came over to conquer the continent, but somehow joined the side of humans and fought against monsters who wanted to conquer the Earth.


Final invasion gate in Seoul.

A lot of users gathered there.

The users here looked calm compared to other country's rankers.

"It's Lee Hye-sung."

"Wow, it's a clearing."

"Is that Kang In-ho next to you?"

"It's so reliable."

Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho, who were at the forefront, seemed to shine on their backs.

Who would be afraid.

Any monster can be safe with Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho.

The moment when the most dangerous area in the final invasion is turned into the safest area because of the two.


Of course, there is a storm of fraud.

Level 8 monsters are no longer a threat.

From now on, one task is given to the users gathered here!

How can you put another spoon on it?

Rushes towards the pouring monsters.

Lee Hye-sung, who was in the lead, swung the holy sword.

"Let's work together for the first time in a while."


The Bible trembles with excitement at the words.

Elinas's reaction, as if he were sick and tired of living up to his master's expectations!

Separately, the power of the Spirit King is unleashed at the Holy Grail.


At first, it was the wind.

The strong winds that welcome the monsters first grow and grow, becoming a huge barrier to the monsters' rush.

There is no physical force.

It's just the wind.

No, it's become a typhoon now.

But that move alone cannot stop monsters full of mana.

Those level monsters were swayed around by the wind and disturbed their course, but more monsters took steps.

If you go out of the storm, you can face humans running.

The monsters who received the final buff moved forward with such instinct.

By the time it passed the eye of the typhoon, Lee Hyesung muttered.

"The fire will heal, right?"


Once again, the Holy Sword shakes.

This time it's not a resistance.

Elinas' energy, excited to the fullest, emanates to the fullest.

Her mana, weakened by crossing the dimension, pours out Lee Hye-sung's mana from the inside of the Holy Grail.

She doesn't like Lee Hye-sung very much, but she is more interested and likes this kind of killing than anyone else.

We had no choice but to cooperate, but Lee Hye-sung's picture.

It's a huge and colorful drawing paper that she also likes.

A small spark penetrated the huge typhoon.

On the outermost side.

The fire, which was so small that no one cared about, was vulnerable as if it would go out at any moment due to strong gusts of wind.

But it didn't turn off.

Flames that permeated the outside flashed around and left themselves to the typhoon.

I grew up like that.

Using both sides of the wind.

At some point, users who were running had no choice but to stop and watch the situation from the edge of the typhoon.

Most users also have the power to penetrate strong gusts, but Lee Hye-sung does not go in.

Also, the flames permeated by the gusts of wind were unusual.

In no time, users breathed a sigh of relief.

I was lucky that I didn't go to eat even one monster out of greed.

The huge gust of wind had turned into a burning flame.

The result of a small spark.

The wind that limited movement has now become a huge flame storm that burns everything down.

Of course the monsters inside burned heroically, too.


the pain of burning alive

A strong wind that restricts the will to move even if you want to escape.

A monster more powerful than a human being could not be an exception.

Users swallowed their saliva at the power of gusts of wind that even swallowed tearing screams.

Unless you're an idiot, you can't help but know who's creating this ridiculous situation.

Lee Hye-sung, who wields a sword nonchalantly.

This is the perfect way to fool a large group of 8-level monsters.

The surprise was not the end.

Meanwhile, there was a group of monsters trying to break through the gusts.

The moment users hold their weapons without relaxing.

The Holy Grail once again shone.

It was blue this time.



Users who were caught in the intense light breathed in.

I just looked at the Holy Sword for a moment, and tens of thousands of ice windows were created around the gust.


It's made, right?

There was no time to question that.

He was the first one to escape the gust of wind and poured into the monster running with insanity in his eyes without even thinking about removing the fire from his whole body.


Give generously.


"Better than the people of the market!"

It was just one, but hundreds of ice windows play tricks on monsters.

Even a monster who has broken through a storm of flames in countless quantities kneels down.

And as if it were not just an example for the first batter, it pours equally towards the monsters that follow.

Dead bodies pile up.

Abigilance never crosses the boundary of gusts.

By the time the bodies were piled up, the walls of the bodies were blocked and I thought.


The ground is upside down.

The open-mouthed ground swallows the bodies.

Dead bodies disappearing under the ground in a blink of an eye.

The same phenomenon repeats itself.

In the midst of that, level 8 monster pops out.

Lee Hye-sung especially met him directly to the one who exudes such strength, along with his willingness to never be beaten like other monsters.


A blow.

The power that penetrated the heart of the devil.

Much worse than that, he smiles while enjoying it.

A collaboration between Eleanas, king of spirits, and the Holy Sword.

"They're very good Mana vacuum cleaners."

Crack cores, which have become ordinary stones, fell in the air.

It was a sentencing.

Sentencing that South Korea was the first to end the event in the final invasion.

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