43. Elevated Leveling


News spread throughout the final invasion.

No, there was no news of it spreading.

While preventing the final invasion, Lee Hye-sung's video was being broadcast live all over the world, and not only those who were not at the scene but even those who were at the scene were watching Lee Hye-sung's video.

While watching it, users from other countries suffered damage that they did not have to watch.

That's how amazing it was.

That's how overwhelming it was so overwhelming.

The shock is even greater because we face each other face to face.

Are the monsters across the screen the same people in front of me?

I doubt it, and I repeat it again.

There were users who developed confidence and users who despair.

Either way, Lee Hye-sung's video caused a huge stir.

And everyone realized.

"It was really the last invasion."

"There are no more monsters."

"There's a monster left, but it's like a dessert that you can cook slowly!"

"South Korea is the world's first country to be liberated from events."

What does Lee Hye-sung's video mean?

At the same time what they have to do now.

"We have to ask Lee Hye-sung for help."

"If you want to stop the final invasion with minimal damage, let's cast Lee Hye-sung!"

Obviously, the users of the country are strong.

Most of the places were crowded and united.

It was hard, but it was blocking little by little, and gradually reducing the number of monsters that invaded it.

But that's all.

The damage caused by the monsters under the power of the crack buff was accumulating a little, but visible, and the destruction of the surrounding area was not achieved in words.

It's been less than an hour since the invasion.

Even if you make a positive assumption that you will block it, you will not be able to calculate the damage that builds up over time.

The pride of asking for help from users in other countries?

"There's no such thing as pride. The first thing to stop is national power! Work, government!"

The public strongly pressured those who supported their children, spouses and parents behind their users.

The cause is sufficient.

A powerful enemy who might even be able to stop.

I will block the level 8 crack in the Sahara Desert, and if you see Lee Hye-sung coming forward, go help him.

The important thing is loaded.

Every country in the world is in crisis.

It is not enough to highlight one's own crisis and appeal strongly.


Lee Hye-sung's body is one.

And the first country to help will be freed from the event with the least damage.

Emancipated users can also make huge profits by providing assistance to other countries.

The authority to do that.

Each country secretly contacted Han Seo-young.


There was a lot of speculation floating around.

It is not a good topic at the moment, but where is Lee Hye-sung headed?

Don't you think we're going to America?

Why are you going to America? I don't think the U.S. even asked for help. He's taking the top rankers to Sage and attacking them slowly. Rather, it is one of the few countries that is driving invasion monsters to stations. You can't even sing at a loss when you can monopolize the reward.

Wouldn't it be one of the countries that's friendly to Lee Hye-sung?

Likewise, people know where Lee Hye-sung goes is important.

Countless speculations have been posted on the user community.

However, the controversy was soon dismissed.

Because Lee Hye-sung's steps moved in less than a day and had no hesitation.

We're going to China.

I bet on something else this time.

- Are you idiots? You know the house that Lee Hyesung is building in China.


I heard there's an invasion gate near the level 7 recovery area. It seems like China is desperately blocking monsters heading there. As soon as I heard it, Lee Hyesung ran.

Wow, it's worth living for a long life. How can China be a country protected by Lee Hye-sung?

If you think about it two years ago, it wouldn't be weird if it was ruined.

Wasn't it just a year ago when you tried to trick Lee Hye-sung into an event quest?

Time really flies.

A fair choice that no one can deny.

It's a moment chosen by Lee Hye-sung, but I can't complain.

Anyway, it's true that there are many monsters in China.

I was rather relieved.

All that's really left is the government's bargaining power.

There's no other country left to get involved in any other personal feelings, is there?

I wish my country could work.

We still have time left.


Elinas complained.

"You're not really fooling me into eating, are you?"

Lee Hye-sung nodded calmly.

"When did you see me cheat?"

"Every moment I met you?"

"Not this time anyway. You've read all the contracts and signed them, so why are you doing this now? I'll lose face of the Spirit King."

"I've already run out of face from being swayed by human hands.”

The voice of the Holy Sword comforts her.

It doesn't matter if you go out strong, but you don't have to go down a difficult path.

Elinas, who Lee Hye-sung experienced, is simpler than I thought.

"For now, help humans. For humans here, the spirits are villains with a bloody pattern of crap coming out of the cracks at level seven or more, so if we try to conquer the Earth out of the blue, we'll be very busy being chased around. So, wash your image first. Spirits from the cracks are trash to extinction, but we are not. We from this world are actually as friendly to humans as the spirits in fantasy novels. You have to give him that image."

"And then what?"

"Next time, you can do what you normally do. Secretly betraying and dividing. You're gonna be grateful to me. You can only make a small sacrifice to make this happen, right?”

Is that so?

A moment of silence ensues.

I'm sure it's a calculation.

But she has no basis for judgment.

I fell to a level where there was no information at all due to dimension warp, and I came here facing Lee Hye-sung even before collecting information as soon as I fell.

Therefore, we have no choice but to judge based on what Lee Hye-sung says.

I don't believe Lee Hye-sung's words 100% but using it as a basis for judgment means you've already been caught!

I gave him a chance to think on purpose.

There is no need to rush.

I didn't mix a single word that was wrong.

"If later I don't betray you for being trash like other spirits coming out of cracks trying to extinction the humans carrying you. That's why you wrote it down on the contract. I even swore on Mana."

"Well, I'll take it for now.”

I just didn't tell you.

How many doubts humans, and users, have against other races.

There is no need to go to other races.

You can't believe it when you're with the same.

Even with a family of blood.

Those people believe in spirits and become close?

Treat them equally?

In fact, Lee Hye-sung was not sure either.

Can such a world come?

I'm sure he'll take care of it.

Shrug and swing the sword.

A building built with money and time almost collapsed for an instant.

Of course, it wasn't made to collapse so easily, but the numerous magic staff set up around the building, along with the crack buffed 8-level monsters, can't even stop the attack.

Until now

That's why I rushed and fortunately I was able to prevent it from being late.

With a sigh of relief, repair it.

Even at this moment, many countries were asking for help, but how can we take a step back if we don't know when, where, and where this crisis will come?

Lee Hye-sung nailed it.

"It moves in a day."

Kang In-ho was dispatched first anyway.

Even at this moment, Lee Hye-sung could not stop the cause of countless people dying.

"Just because I'm moving doesn't mean it's going to work."

Of course, I felt a little bother.

A sense of helplessness.

In the fantasy level, even though it can be solved at once, the feeling of not being able to solve it due to lack of power.

"I'll have to help you level up."

Lee Hye-sung made a big decision.


Originally, the final invasion should take place for 24 hours.

In fact, 24 hours of defense.

The last bastion that users could hope for.

There's hope if you last 24 hours.

That's what I thought and blocked.

But their hopes were only half right.

Twenty-four hours later, the invasion gates disappeared.

A definite end to the invasion!

"What, why isn't there a hologram?"

However, there was no hologram to announce the end.

Monsters didn't disappear at all.

That's what I expected.

The remaining monsters may remain regardless of the event.

But I didn't think the event itself wouldn't end.

Despite the confusion, users did not give up.

One day, two days.

On the day of the week, the waiting things finally appeared.

[Event invasion ends.]

[Start settlement based on contribution]]

The remains of the monsters that had been invading remained, but the two sentences were significant.

"Ha. That's it."

"We did it!"


The users cheered.

The remaining monsters are no longer a threat to mankind.

[The final buff will be released.]

As soon as the event ended, the buffs that were only applied to the event disappeared.

It was also a beneficial buff applied to users, but it was more convenient for users to weaken monsters in dealing with the remaining remnants.

Besides, I can feel safe.

There is no further threat.

The end of the event.

I can finally sleep with my feet stretched out.

It's a stopgap role to tell that.

A wave of condolences ensued with compensation.

Surviving users were given a lot of compensation, but many people died at the event as well.

Many were destroyed and traces were left here and there.

Nevertheless, people mourned but were not frustrated.

This is a history that has lasted for 30 years.

It is a pain that occurs in the process of going through a change.

By going through and overcoming, mankind grows and survives.

How can I regret and regret the sacrifices made in the process?

It goes to the share of those who sacrificed themselves.

Another gift for such a mature human being was given.

In Lee Hyesung's video.

"Install human dent artifacts in user department stores around the world."

A step toward the upward standardization.

One word turned the world upside down.

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