
For the Knights of the Continent, the humans had no mercy.

In the final battle, the Knights also had to fight the Ma people in the lead and take numerous sacrifices, but they did not back down a single step.

For themselves, they are the sword and weapon of the continent.

It may be broken, but it never gives in.

With pride that is more important than strength in battle, the Ma people will be helpless.

When he was soon left alone, this time he faced the situation that he had experienced only a few years ago in the middle of history, the devil laughed.

It is not a laugh of ridicule or happiness.



The kind of emotion that is not easily found in the devil.

Those feelings were around the mouth of the devil.

It was stupid.

It is possible to admit that it was foolish.

"Now the continent is stronger without him because his power melts away.”

I recite bitterly.

The commander of the Knights, who has survived to the end and has restrained the entire body of the king, asks with an expressionless face.

"Have you fallen for the temptation of the spirits? The devil."

Humans are not fools.

Once defeated and fled, the Ma people do not appear for at least hundreds of years to stockpile their power.

It is not just a choice for the restoration of power for the Ma people.

Even if the invasion of the Ma people is always prevented, there is enormous damage to the continent, so planning a re-invasion does not mean that there is no chance of winning at all in terms of power.

However, the reason for not doing so is as it is now.


The experience of humans who face the vague fears of the Ma people and have fought and won!

The strength of the Ma people has disappeared as soon as they began to recognize them as a nightmare that they don't want to see in their dreams, but as a person who can fight and win with their colleagues.

The invasion of the continent is bound to be a major obstacle for the Ma people who have to start with the disadvantage of having to undergo dimensional movements and be restricted from part of the invasion of the continent is bound to be a major obstacle.

So it lurks for hundreds of years.

Until the people who lived in that generation died and the story passed down to their descendants was diluted so that they could only meet vaguely in history books.

History will definitely list the activities of humans on their victory this time, but only the actual number of human damage is first seen by future humans who have not met the Ma people in person.

You should have aimed for it.

From a human point of view, that's right.

But they invaded again.

There's one reason.

"You don't have to answer. I've already confirmed that no traces of spirits have been found on the continent. You fell for it.”


The knights' lips are laughed at.

They are winners.

Although some of the 200 disciples, along with the members of the Knights who have been living and dying together, have changed their orders while fighting the Ma people, it is a perfect victory that neatly removed the word Lee Hye-sung's attendants under the shadow of Lee Hye-sung.

Furthermore, they prevented other species from invading the continent with their own power and hands.

How can you not laugh at me?

Apparently towards the Ma people who ignored humans.

If the two tribes had really joined hands and invaded, it might not have been certain.

There were many remnants of Lee Hye-sung left here and there, but the power of the Ma people and the spirits was still strong.

But one race betrayed.

Even though they knew they had betrayed them, the Ma people did not stop invading.

This is the result.

I showed you.


You deserve to laugh to your heart's content.

The devil was not swayed by such provocation.

She is different from all the devil kings.

It's no different from being powerful, but there's a prudence in her mind that's not like the devil.

Instead of answering, I asked a question.

"There were fewer than 30 artifacts that were overwhelming in the last invasion. But now there's more than a hundred. Is this also a legacy of him?"


A question that makes the chief of the Knights moment.

The commander of the Knights frowned.

There was no reason to answer.

Dozens of manas sway directly in the air.

Then he cuts the devil's throat easily.

The body that has been cut over disperses like smoke.

"The next invasion will be much harder. My my."

the fatal shears

But it's death, not extinction, it's death.

This means that it was the king's choice because he expected the invasion to end in failure.

The king's question, which is more prudent and sharp than I thought, still lingers in the head of the Knights.

I figured it out.

In the midst of confusion, seeing only a tiny difference in each of the tens of thousands of humans.

" inchenteu atipekteu I'll have to move to safer. Now. Now."

The sight of laughing at the devil is nowhere to be found.

Before he could enjoy the lingering joy of victory, the commander of the Knights ordered.

The largest remnants of the comet left on the continent.

The power to keep the continent as strong as it is without a comet.

So that even that is not understood.


Human dent artifacts are literally artifacts that help human beings.

"Naturally, it's quite complicated to do a human being. I need to know how to read Mana and I need to know the mana arrangement on the item. The basic principle of the human body is to inscribe new magic without twisting the existing mana arrangement. Of course, arrangement and compression are more important for human dent than anything else just because parts go in like a computer. In the midst of a complicated twist, we'll be able to use a smoother skill if we don't interfere with each other's mana movement."

Artifact is an artifact that does such a complex human being's process.

"It's a supercomputer, so to speak. With this artifact, users can embed enough magic into their weapons without having to come to me at a high cost."

The process was complicated, but the conclusion was simple.

Something that Lee Hyesung murmured.

User leveling up.

It's for him.

It's something that I only gave to the commander of the Knights in terms of fantasy.

"In fact, I'm not sure it's working. I thought about it before I came to Earth, and I made it before I tested it."

Test operations are carried out immediately on the market.

I didn't really worry about the side effects or anything wrong.

It is safe to say that the creator mastered almost everything about human talent in the first place.

In addition, the type of magic that can be used as human-int artifacts is of course quite limited compared to what Lee Hye-sung carved himself.

"Don't worry too much about high-dimensional magic anyway, but think it's literally a more convenient tool for growth."

It's a light word, but there are endless questions that come back.

Also one of the most frequently asked questions is this.

How much does it cost?

It's about being strong.

Statistics have yet to be released exactly how much, but Lee Hye-sung's position is enough to be trusted even if there is no objective briefing.

Lee Hye-sung rewarded those who send unconditional trust.

"It's free of charge is free of charge. But you need a mana to do human dent, and there's a lot of mana in this world, right? I updated it to the Earth version to show you what magic needs a crack core, so you can look at it and put in as much as you need before you use it."

Open for free!

Of course, Lee Hye-sung knows enough of the reactions this sudden good will bring.

When it comes to human psychology, he is confident that he knows better than anyone else.

"If you're worried about whether it's free or cheap or fraud, don't do it.

It's not human psychology to be willing to be a pushover and choose expensive items with the same performance.

I could have gotten paid to solve such a little trouble, but I didn't.

It is literally a level up.

Only when the overall level is raised, users can grow at least at the speed of the difficulty of cracks that are increasing due to acceleration.

It is not good for the gap between the top and bottom to widen.

This is especially true if Lee can't block the entire Earth alone.

Wasn't it proven during the event invasion?

I did a good job blocking it well.

People all over the world say so.

However, if you look around, the damage cannot be done.

You don't have to mention the remaining monsters.

Like fantasy, the Earth should rise to a level where it can cope with the crisis even without Lee Hye-sung.

It's a consideration for that.

It's unusual for Lee Hye-sung.

Once you do it, you do it big.

It's up to people to choose.


At first, everyone was confused.

I didn't mean to.

Even if Lee Hye-sung deceives the herbs as a master drug, there are many people around the world who are willing to buy them.

It's only slowing down because it was easier to get information than I thought.

It's more expensive than I thought.

- Millions of won for a simple magic.

- 15 million won for magic to restore mana?

Maybe it's more like that because it's the first time.

Each of them had their own standards in mind.

Lee's human being artifacts unfortunately did not even consider people's standards.

There are a number of evaluations that it is not as cheap as expected.

It's inevitable.

It doesn't have much effect, but it's at least 10 million won for passive magic to help crack, and if you move on to an active skill that's worth the effect, it's easy to get over 100 million won.

This also creates barriers to entry to the overall user growth.

That's why.

The reason why the atmosphere is so negative is.

But it didn't last long.

1 week, 2 weeks.

Human dent artifacts located in user department stores around the world.

The people who wrote it wrote it and consistently through the user community, there were posts about what magic can be used at a low price, and those who completed basic experiments soon confirmed it.

This is a loss if you don't do it.

- You'll get it in a month. If you compare the magic of recovering mana and not, the crack clear speed is more than a day.

Wow, it's a new world.

It's a fine difference.

In that level section, the fine difference is actually hard to see.

Nevertheless, it has been revealed to most, not just one or two users, that the difference affects the results.

This is a contradiction.

Users quickly resolved the contradiction.

I guess it's not a small difference.

The tutorial section was easier and the 30-level wall was slowly torn down.

A month like that.

Almost all the users said in unison.

- Human dent artifacts are innovations.

============================ Review of the work ============================

The serial cycle will be five days a week (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri).

Ps. Oh, my God. ㅠㅠI thought you posted a series of changes in the series on the 23rd, but it was on the 25th. ㅠㅠ I'm sorry, but the notice is harder to see on Joara than I thought, so I wrote it down in a review that you can easily see ㅠㅠ

+ The return of the wizard will be completed in episodes 230-250

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