
That's what fashion is like.

Breaking down one's own walls by the time one realizes that things beyond reasonable, logically incomprehensible standards have become a part of life that one can't easily face and escape from.

To be exact, it does not fall apart.

It's a relief.

Even the Maginot Line, which can't be changed, brings one reason and makes one step back.

I take it that way.

With fear and tension at first.

Put all the devices behind you and make a commitment.

Just once.

Let's pretend we're losing.

It could be something I thought wrong because everyone else does it could do it.

Try it and if you don't think it's okay, just quit.

As soon as you do so, any ordinary person, and any reasonable person, joins the 'fashion' of others.

Have no choice but to do.

That's because humans are social animals.

The category of thinking values does not deviate far.

I realize that there is a reason why people accept unfamiliar culture in a short time as a part of their daily lives, and countless people accept it.

That's the case with human dent artifacts.

Obviously, it's a gamble that shouldn't be done rationally.

In particular, it is an item that came out shouting for users' level-up, so it should be efficient for users at that level, but it is not at all calculated.

It is just a means of specification for high-level users.

Those words wandered around.

However, human being artifacts, which was calculated to be so, has become a popular item for many users.

In just a month.

Not only high-level users but also low-level users are also upgrading their equipment by investing little by little and as much as they can afford.

We're going to change it later anyway, so wouldn't it be a waste if we put a dent here?

It's not that I had nothing to worry about.

Hana was also neatly buried as soon as human dent artifacts became fashionable.

- It'll sell better if it's just one item. It's cheaper than doing a personal dent.

Some users have said this.

- The era of human dent has begun. Now, users who do not have a single human dent item will be culled, and their ranking, level and skills will depend on how many human dent items they have. Depending on which options you combine, users will show more efficient power beyond the difference in stats, which were said to be fixed, and more parties will target cracks above two levels.

There were many opinions that they were exaggerating, but most of them agreed.

As such, the effect of the human body was amazing.

- I've seen it countless times in Lee Hye-sung's video, but I can't help but admire it when I experience it in person. I've only done a few of those Coastal spells. Lee Hye-sung is using dozens of these on equipment above level 7, so he has to be that strong.

I was surprised and excited.

Because the users thought about it.

Lee Hye-sung is a foreign user who can never catch up.

If you watch Lee Hye-sung's video, you might end up swallowing water for nothing.

The moment you look at an example that you can't follow and hold false hope, you die.

One is not anymore.

There are still few users who think they can catch up with Lee Hye-sung, but instead, the path that can be seen through the human body and the track turned toward Lee Hye-sung.

If it's 20% of Lee Hyesung's.

- It's fun to make a combination.

- It's definitely different from when you did one human dent and two.

- It's better to use my lifetime items efficiently and effectively than to buy expensive artifacts.

I have a dream.

I can dream.

For users, this means a lot to themselves to users.

- I want to hunt with high-level magic stems.

- Arthur. I can't believe it.

But just in case, someone come up with a combination.

- Is there anyone who can squeeze it?

- I think the top rankers will do it.

And it was the same for top rankers, as well as regular users.

To Kang Inho.


shouted Kang In-ho.

"Let's go into the fog!"

"……You're very excited."

"I can carve magic in any combination I want without looking around!"

"No, that's a little unfair. I think I've done most of the humankind I've ever asked for."

Kang In-ho didn't care a bit about Lee Hye-sung's words.

Because his excitement was that great.

"Freedom to be able to do things without being conscious! I can't believe I can choose the magic I want!”

Lee Hye-sung did not stop him.

Except for a few special magic tricks, there are almost everything in the human dent artifact.

As Kang In-ho said, he engraved the things he wanted, but the advantage of engraving the magic he wanted on it and the equipment he wanted at any time would be hard to compare.

It's strange that Kang In-ho is the only one who likes Lee Hye-sung's party.

I didn't care about this either.

"A week. Let's go in a week! I'm going to get some specs up."

I ran without looking around.

To enjoy the new content.


The crisis of humanity, and overcoming it.

The reward that comes after.

The eyes of the users who fell into the sweet reward naturally turned to the remaining monsters after the invasion.

We got a bounty for the rest of the monsters!

Most countries think that they are hidden monsters that avoid humans, but they cannot coexist together.

This is a perfectly reasonable judgment, even if you don't think about the safety of your own people.

Considering that the powerful monster itself is compensated for and that there is no law against such invasion in the future, the remaining monsters can act as a clear threat and an uncalculable variable when that happens.

So users headed for cracks, remaining monsters, and cracks that existed all over the world.

a small change

But the implications were great.

Q: I think it's getting leveled up.

- The average crack level cleared has increased by nearly 1 level in a month and a half.

- 12% less crack brakes.

There are quite a few bodies of invasive monsters coming in.


Isn't this the true hope?

It is not just a hope that is conveyed in words.

It has a different level of hope from the first time the 7-level crack brake was repaired and when the 8-level crack was targeted.

It's not the result of the glass ceiling being elevated, which only top rankers enjoy.

I'm also paying off my debts quickly these days.

- Isn't it the best time to make a real user?

- All of his assets are in full specification.

I always say.

Crack is a reality that users can't come back to when they die, but except for that one thing, everything is a game-like world.

As the game goes towards the trend for stagnant water that only the top 0.1% eat, the overall user is reduced and the game is ruined.

On the contrary, if many opportunities are given to low-level users and high-level users are not allowed to monopolize them based on them, the game itself is a chance to thrive, given fair competition and opportunities to grow.

Cracks are like that these days.

Only a month or two ago, the crack, which was a high-profile game cried out by more than 70% of low-level users, was reborn as a god game that was given a fair chance to all with just one user's artwork.

Except for the fact that the absolute glass ceiling that eats all of it in such a situation is growing endlessly on the ceiling.

There is no one who doesn't know.

It's just that I admit.

I'm not gonna look beyond that glass ceiling.

a deformed change

I know that there is a user's power behind the growth of users who have never been before.

It came to those who were so relieved.

The crisis that was forgotten for a while.


Kang In-ho kicks in a huge door.

Penthouse, the top floor of the nearly finished building.

The penthouse for residence has already been completed.

One has yet to send an invitation to a housewarming party.

Nevertheless, if you came in such a hurry, it means that you didn't come without the owner's permission just to look around the house.

And there is only one urgent thing for Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho.

"What's wrong with the fog?”

Lee Hye-sung was rolling around in a penthouse these past few days, feeling relaxed.

Sometimes I went into the user community and saw some information, but I didn't hold it all day.

Of course, no matter what happens, you can't tell right away.

If it was urgent, Lee Hyun-hwa would have contacted you, but seeing Kang In-ho arrived first means Kang In-ho, who got the news earlier, ran straight away.

"I have to go now. The fog has gone to phase two.”


I wonder how urgent it is to find something that can be notified faster on a cell phone.

The answer was quick to find out of course.

"The fog that came out of the Sahara began to act as if it were alive."

What nonsense is that?

It was absurd, but I didn't bring it up.

It's a game even when all sorts of things happen, so it's a ruined world where you can say one word.

Human information shows that cracks occurred in the first place and that users are partially utilizing their power without even understanding the principles chosen.

The fact that fog derived from an 8-level crack brake, which seemed to be only one boundary, was actually a mass of mana acting like a boss monster is a convincing story.

The problem is how to solve it.

The die is cast.

The fog, which has moved on to Phase 2, is said to spread at a different pace and devour everything around it.

"All the land within a radius of 15 kilometers is being destroyed.”

The ground is warped, giant tentacles break through the earth, and thunderstorms pour from the sky.

In a way, it would be nice to think that the fog has increased by more than 15 kilometers, but the difference between fog that cannot be seen inside and fog that can be seen inside has a stark result.


And direct damage.

"Let's go in."

Lee Hye-sung got up from bed.

The vacation is over.

I had a hunch at the same time.

"It's going to be a pretty tough Reid."

Became stronger.

It's no exaggeration to say that Elinas is here, and that he is 1.5 times stronger than he was when he was exploring more than 1.5 times stronger.

Nevertheless, it will be difficult.

The inside of the 8-level crack brake was strong.

Furthermore, it is hard to predict how strong the inside will be undergoing secondary changes.

That's why the corners of my mouth rolled up.

This is the real challenge.

The end of a long growth.

Challenges to things beyond the field that have not been achieved.

"Let's go."

I didn't waste my time flying a private jet.

Mana flashed and swallowed the bodies of the three.

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