
What was needed in the first place was a certain level of specification.

Level and stats that can bring out the power that Lee Hye-sung dealt with in the fantasy level.

It is not enough to say that it has reached that point by exact comparison.

At the fantasy level, the body itself wasn't human.

If you compare it to a user's stats, it's basically level 1 with all the stats eating about 100.

Nevertheless, the only penalty is that the body is not made up of human beings.

In such a body, it uses mana and brings out magic.

Efficiency cannot be achieved in words.

How can you catch a dragon by yourself?

That level of strength is hard to achieve.

However, the lack led to stats, various skills, runes and characteristics.

"That's about 80 percent."

Every time Mana is consumed, her goal is to return to her original position.

Thanks to this, long-distance teleports can now be used freely.

After moving to where Sage is, he heads straight to the Sahara Desert.

"……this is where the Sahara used to be."

And when I got there, the view was more disastrous than I thought.

It's not even the entrance to the desert.

Even a nearby city heading for the desert is empty.

A city with no sign of destruction but no man.

The reason is simple.

In the distance, I could see the great fog and the disaster that covered the sky.

"I would have teleported into the fog if I had been two hours late."

Kang In-ho kicked his tongue.

The rate of expansion of the fog, which has entered phase 2, has been more than five times faster than that of the previous one.

Considering that, it came to a place farther than the original warp site, but when it arrived, it turned into a close boundary.

A sigh of relief comes out automatically.

Lee Hye-sung greatly increased the value of Kang In-ho's relief.

"It's good to just teleport into the fog. If Mana gets coordinates to a place that's that strong and distorts the space, it's about 80% chance of life.”

"…was that such a dangerous magic? Teleport?

In return, he had a time of self-reflection for his past actions, which he always asked Lee Hye-sung to teleport as a means of transportation faster and more comfortable than an airplane.

"Well, there's a certain amount of risk in picking up space and stepping on the cracks in dimensions. There's no risk-free return in the world. It's like a plane or a car."


Is that how it works?

Kang In-ho, who was about to refute, soon shut up.

What's important?

I arrived safely and now I don't have time to attend lectures on the dangers of teleportation.

Even if it wasn't, the fog that was approaching far away was now so big that I was afraid to even approach it.

Carefully take out the weapon and maintain it.

This time it's four except Juliet.

Even if one is missing, the overall power change will be minimal, but the absence of one top user will change the ranks that have been matched before.

"Let's go."

However, despite his worries, he has no hesitation in walking.

It's something to do.

It's something only they can do on Earth.

Lee Hye-sung, like Kang In-ho, Seiji and Ariel do not seem determined to do so, but in the billions of people, only four face the fog that is expanding to swallow the Earth.

the final showdown of mankind

The broadcast with a big title made the world nervous once again.


Users know.

For nearly a month, they were even more aware of breaking the wall that had been blocking them for months to years.

"Level 8 crack brake. Can I call you that? Can you deal with a fog that's almost alive?"

"I don't think it's supposed to be a sesame. A disaster around the fog is passive. It's unstoppable."

"I think the way is to get in the fog and do something, but I'd be glad if I didn't get in and die.”

"I'm glad the monsters don't pop out of there for now.”

Monsters in the Fog will be powerful enemies that mankind cannot dare to confront.

You don't have to face each other to know.

On average, those who are proud to be 1.5 times more powerful say that it is still impossible to target cracks that are one level higher than the ones they can target.

These are the monsters in the fog that should be calculated as level 9 crack monsters.

Is it possible to have a party of Lee Hye-sung who attacked level 8 crack?

It is normal to shake your head objectively.

Then you should stop it.

the end of mankind

The only hope for those ahead was the Lee Hyesung party.

But it doesn't.

Even though I know I have to stop him.

It's not just because I'm afraid the damage will be a little bigger.

Nor are you sitting on the sidelines knowing you're driving them to death.

I just got used to it.

You're going into a place like that? You're going in because there's a way, right?

Lee Hyesung is so famous. We're only going to succeeding ones.

- The only user who has never failed to crack.

I don't think it's going to work even when I'm exploring the fog, so I'm sure there'll be a secret this time as well.

In a good way, you have a lot of faith.

I think Lee Hye-sung can do it.

It's a natural feeling that happens to a successful hero.

When a retaker who gives a perfect score on the CSAT declares that he will solve one of the world's most difficult problems, he thinks that he may be able to do it.

So everyone saw it again this time.

Lee Hyesung's video.

Another legend that unfolds in it.


Kang In-ho was nervous but confident.

Human tint.

I could have asked Lee Hye-sung if I wanted to, but since Lee Hye-sung's value has exceeded a certain level, I couldn't dare to pay for it and thought it was Lee Hye-sung's vision, so I've been able to control myself.

I was able to speak up.

If I were to pick the person who had the greatest effect on human dent artifacts in the world, I would say that I am the best.

There are only a few more magic added.

However, the magic was added to Lee Hye-sung's usual list of magic, among others, which works best for Kang In-ho, to create a synergy effect.

I'm sure that now even level 8 cracks can be cleared alone as long as they're well prepared.

Of course, there is no other way to just look at an 8-level crack brake like last time.

I was so sure.

It's an opportunity to wash away the disgrace.

I thought so.

The idea did not change until Lee Hye-sung, who ran out with a holy sword as soon as he entered the fog.

It's something I've always seen.

They'll be chased by monsters with a deformed buff called level 8 crack brakes.

The holograms in front of us were still cutting the stats in percentage by disguising the name crack buff, and the fog that entered phase two would have raised the figure if it had increased it, but never offered a discount.

Likewise, the monsters would be stronger.

Now, the era of solo solo performance by Lee Hye-sung is over.


Lee Hye-sung's channel also needs to have a warm picture of going back to the time when We Arthur World was popular and working together to achieve something.

He will no longer be Lee Hye-sung's bus passenger, but become a top ranker who is confident enough to serve one person.


Kang In-ho's dream didn't last long.

Lee Hye-sung, who ran out with the Holy Sword, was as strong as Kang In-ho.

No, Lee Hye-sung is several times stronger than before, as he can subjectively shout, at least twice as strong.

As evidence, they attack monsters that cannot even be caught in a hazy fog that cannot be seen an inch ahead just by stabbing them without mercy.

And he catches it.

It's ridiculous because it's such a simple move.

Slimes we met at the reconnaissance.

Considering the specificity of slime, Lee obviously struggled at that time.

I went through a crisis and I said it myself.

It was dangerous.

However, what was the result in just a few months?

Fortunately, Kang In-ho did not come to a situation where he ended up just standing there and watching.


an attack from the fog

Monsters have given us the opportunity to fight back and block what our instincts told us.

That's all there is to it.

As Kang In-ho became stronger, monsters who entered phase two also became stronger.

"It's not like I can't catch it.….”

Attack power remains the same.

The surrounding environment has only changed more complexly.

an increase in overall difficulty

Blocking vision, which is the biggest part of a human being, comes as a difficult challenge.

In it, Lee Hye-sung is running wild.

Sage comforted Kang In-ho, who frowned, by hanging a shield.

"Don't try to compete with that man. He's the man who made him nervous in the end by competing with the dragon."


It didn't really comfort me.

Instead, he pulled up Mana more.

I have a goal.

Shouldn't we at least get there.

Block and poke.

The bodies of the monsters began to pile up one by one around the three.

Then at some point, the light flashes.


There is a huge wave of mana.

A wave powerful enough to take two steps back, despite the Absoulut Shield, made up of manas, that seems unshakable by any attack.

I opened up with him.

The view.

In the middle of a bright view.

Lee Hye-sung was standing.

With the Holy Sword embedded in a huge totem built without knowing that the sky was high.

"I found it. How to target it."

Nothing is impossible.

The light of hope began to bloom in the fog.


Totem was a monster.

rooted in the area of fog that expands and expands.

As the number of totem monsters so rooted increases, the fog becomes stronger.

Fortunately, monsters are free from the effects.

Apart from that, rising difficulty as the crack buff becomes stronger and fog becomes thicker is a problem directly related to the strength of monsters.

Anyway, when the totem was removed, the fog disappeared as if it had washed within a certain range of the area.

The scene where the outermost part of the body was empty as if there were boundaries was pretty cool.

Above all, it was also positive news that the answer to fog lies in monsters.

So we're just looking for totems and destroying them?

Of course, destroying the totem did not clear the fog and the monsters there disappeared together.

Still, the fact that they don't have to fight with all of them shows hope for attack.

Especially for Lee Hye-sung, this kind of crack is like a specialized field.

"What will be the reward?"

Well begun is half done.

Lee Hye-sung was already drinking a whole kimchi soup at the beginning.

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