Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1000 Love Tribulation

There was a sound of footsteps in the house, and then the door in front of her was pushed open. The queen, who was dressed in a bright red brocade trousers, had her hair tied up in a high bun, and had no makeup on, looked at everyone in front of her with an angry face.

Everyone bowed their heads and knelt down to salute.

"See Queen."

Qin Yining also saluted: "My wife has met your empress."

The guards followed the etiquette and did not dare to look up at the queen's beautiful face. Several of the guards who came with Xing Baoshan were very regretful at this time.

What happened to the queen? They disturbed the Queen's Qing Dynasty, I'm afraid something bad will happen!

Grandma Sun looked at the "Queen" in front of her in astonishment. She breathed a sigh of relief and gained a new understanding of the abilities of Qin Yining and Prince Zhongshun's Mansion.

What a skill it is to be able to create someone who is just like the queen!

The "Queen" had a sullen face, fluffed her sleeves and turned around to enter the palace.

Grandma Sun immediately stood up and carried the food box towards the palace door, "My Lady wants to retreat to pray for blessings, you should all step aside."

"Yes." After Qin Yining saluted, he stood up and left happily.

Xing Baoshan and the guards looked at each other, and everyone stood up awkwardly.

He Bin whispered: "Brother Baoshan, let's go outside and guard first."

Xing Baoshan nodded, and walked out with everyone in disgrace, explaining in a low voice: "I guess I thought too much. I also had good intentions, and I acted like this because I was worried about the queen's safety."

He Bin was also very shocked by the "Queen" who just came forward. Prince Zhongshun's Palace allowed him to know such a big secret. Wouldn't he turn around and silence him?

Thinking like this, He Bin's palms were covered in cold sweat. He was making small calculations in his mind and didn't pay attention to Xing Baoshan's words.

When Xing Baoshan saw that He Bin was silent, thinking that he had tried his best to persuade him but he refused to listen, he felt a little helpless. He smiled and said, "Brother, you see things thoroughly. If anything happens in the future, I will rely on Brother He more. "

He Bin came back to his senses and shook his head calmly: "What are you talking about?"

"Brother Huihui, I'll treat you to a drink." Xing Baoshan said with a smile.

A group of people went outside,

Although Xing Baoshan looked cheerful, he was also worried in his heart. He had verbally contradicted Princess Zhongshun just now, but now that the prince is not here, if the prince comes back and knows that he is disrespectful to the princess, I am afraid that the evil spirit will peel off his skin!

In the end, it is better to do less than to do more. From now on, when I work as an errand, I can just turn a blind eye, but I don’t dare to make a fool of myself like this again!

However, there are still some strange things about the situation on the mountain.

With this in mind, Xing Baoshan privately sent the queen into seclusion and reported Pang Xiao's disappearance to Qitian.

In the Guanyin Hall, Grandma Sun put down the food box and looked at the back of the "Queen" curiously. Seeing the queen waving her hand to her, she knelt down and sat back on the futon. She knew that she would get no explanation here, so she bowed her head and bowed before retreating.

Qin Yining returned to the meditation room this time. When he saw Xie Yue, he smiled and said, "Thanks to Mr. Xie's skill this time, otherwise it would be really difficult to pass this level!"

Xie Yue smiled and said: "It's nothing, thanks to my complete tool belt. I just want to find someone with good looks, and I have met the Queen. It is not easy to imitate the Queen's manners and voice. Fortunately, I am hiding beside the prince." Dragon, there are so many talents, we have finally caught up.”

Qin Yining asked curiously: "Sir, did you choose someone close to the prince? Do I know which one he is?"

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi looked at each other and laughed loudly: "Of course the princess recognizes this person. The one who is reciting sutras in the Guanyin Hall now is Tang Xiu."

"Ah?" Before Qin Yining could speak, Ji Yunxian's eyes widened in shock, "Sir, do you think that person is Tang Xiu?"


"Yes, but Tang Xiusheng is not that short."

"Didn't you see that the hem of the skirt is very wide?" Xie Yue said with a smile, "Actually, if you look carefully, you can see the flaw. However, according to etiquette, no one can look directly at the queen when they see her, and the accompanying guards are also prohibited. So, even though there are some among the Jinghu Guards who are pretty and tall, I still chose Tang Xiu because Tang Xiu can imitate the Queen’s voice.”

Qin Yining pawed her hands and praised: "Thank you for your wisdom, sir. Isn't it? When we see the queen, we have to kneel down and salute. Who dares to raise his head to look at her? If it hadn't been for your help, it would have been difficult to pass the test this time."

Xie Yue waved his hand with a smile and said, "The fog seems to have dispersed a little today."

"Yes." Qin Yining said seriously, "When the fog dissipates and you can see clearly on the other side, the suspension bridge will be repaired soon."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both nodded.

However, they all felt a little awkward at this time.

Because no one knows what happened on the other side of the suspension bridge. Under the cover of the sound of the waterfall, they couldn't hear each other clearly, and they were afraid of disturbing the people around the queen, so they didn't speak out again after that. It was only certain that Pang Xiao was still alive, but he didn't know what the queen's condition was.

I just hope both of them are fine. Otherwise, trouble is still to come.

With Tang Xiu conscientiously pretending to be the queen in the Guanyin Hall, and with the cooperation of Grandma Sun and He Bin, there was no trouble on the mountain in the next two days.

It's just that Xing Baoshan's attention shifted from the queen's safety to Prince Zhongshun, who had never shown up. Occasionally, I met Jinghuwei on the road and asked about Pang Xiao's whereabouts through casual conversation, but I didn't get any useful answers.

Xing Baoshan secretly reported all this to Li Qitian.

On the sixth day of July, the thick fog finally dispersed.

Qin Yining was finally able to see the other side clearly, which he had not seen clearly since he went up the mountain.

As Abbot Yun said, this place is indeed not very wide. Based on Qin Yining's visual inspection, if Mu Jinghu was there, he might be able to fly over it with his light body skills.

The vegetation on the Yin Yuan Peak is lush, and you can also see several stone roofs at the top. On the rocks, there is a gurgling spring water that has accumulated into a pool. Two figures can be vaguely seen next to the woods and the pool, resting in front of a bonfire.

Qin Yining did not dare to shout loudly for fear that the queen's guards would listen. But when she saw Pang Xiao, she felt really happy.

Qin Yining waved hard to the other side.

Pang Xiao was always paying attention to the opposite side. At this time, he also noticed Qin Yining, got up and walked towards the cliff.

"Sister Yi!"

The sound was not quiet. Although it was covered by the sound of the waterfall, if you listened carefully, you could still faintly hear someone shouting.

Qin Yining quickly made a booing gesture and pointed to the backyard of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple behind him.

Pang Xiao thought about it and understood. He smiled and nodded, looking at Qin Yining with pity in his eyes.

He was trapped here for a few days, and his sister Yi was worried for a few days. The people around the queen were not stupid. In addition to finding a way to save him, she also had to find a way to hide the news of the queen's disappearance, otherwise Once word gets out, they'll all be in trouble.

When he walked across the suspension bridge, he already knew that the distance between the two sides was not far, but the thick fog persisted and he could not see clearly on the other side. There was a queen beside him, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Now it was easy to wait until the fog cleared. Pang Xiao only wanted to return to Qin Yining as soon as possible. If the queen hadn't been there, he would have wanted to see if he could get the Jinghu Guard to throw the rope over, so he used Qinggong to go back.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were already having a heated discussion with the master who built the suspension bridge.

The Jinghu Guards went to guard the entrance to here. To avoid being seen by the Queen's people on the Karma Peak.

With the powerful Jinghu Guards present and the cooperation of Pang Xiao on the other side, the two sides soon pulled up the rope.

Pang Xiao strode back to the pool and said in a deep voice: "My Lady, please go back with me."

The queen's long hair was disheveled, and although the red dress she wore was neatly worn, the cuffs and skirts were damaged in many places. Her bare face made her complexion dull. In addition, she had been eating wild fruits to satisfy her hunger these days, which made her complexion even worse.

When she thought that after returning, she would be the queen of Zhou Dynasty again, and she would never have the chance to be alone with Pang Xiao, she could not hide the loss in her heart.

That day, the nun told her that if she wanted to pray for blessings successfully, she would have to go to Karma Peak to experience the calamity.

She didn't understand that day and believed the words of the master of Buddhism. When she came to Karma Peak, she was immediately surrounded by a group of snakes. She screamed anxiously, but no one came to save her. The snakes surrounded her and she stood It was okay not to move, but as soon as she tried to move, the snakes would surround her.

When she thought she would be trapped and die here, Pang Xiao came out of the thick fog like a banished immortal and drove away the group of snakes for him. The suspension bridge collapsed and they couldn't go back. It was Pang Xiao who was taking care of her faithfully these days.

She knew that Pang Xiao loyal to her as a queen and respected her as a sister-in-law. But she didn't just think so in her heart. She could barely control her love that was growing like a vine.

She even hoped that the fog would not lift and the people on the other side would not notice them. It would be great if I could be trapped here with Pang Xiao for the rest of my life...

The queen walked to the edge of the cliff in silence, looking at the rope dangling in the air and Qin Yining's young face on the other side, and finally understood in her heart.

Master Tai did not lie to her.

She did come from a calamity: love calamity.

"Mother, I'm offended."

Pang Xiao bowed his hands in salute, then hugged the queen, and used his leaning skills to jump onto the rope. His posture was as strong as a roc spreading its wings, and he was in the middle of the rope in the blink of an eye. Xu Shi was carrying a big living person. He exhausted all his strength. Using the strength of his body falling, Pang Xiao climbed on the rope with one hand to use his strength. He swung around in the air, and then jumped for a long distance. He stepped on it with his feet. The rope borrowed strength again and reached the other side in the blink of an eye.

Pang Xiao threw the queen away and hugged Qin Yining. His lips touched her cheek and ear, and he whispered: "Sister Yi, I'm back, it's okay, it's okay."

Qin Yining's nose felt sore and tears almost fell.

"It's okay, I know you'll be fine."

Pang Xiao patted her back gently with his big hand, "Were you scared that day? I couldn't hear what you said clearly, but I heard your anxious cry. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with me, Queen Empress He’s fine, just trapped by snakes.”

Only then did Qin Yining remember that there was still the queen, and there were many people around her. She blushed and pushed Pang Xiao away, then turned to pay her respects to the queen, "Your Majesty."

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