Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1001 Memory

The queen's face was extremely pale, her expression was tense, her lips were pursed, and she looked several years older than usual without any makeup.

Qin Yining lowered his eyes, not daring to look directly at the queen's face, and asked respectfully: "How are you these days, my empress?"

Her mind was spinning, thinking about how to inform the current situation in the most tactful way, so that the queen could understand her approach and not make this matter public.

"I'm fine. It's just that I don't want others to know about being trapped in the Karma Peak." The queen shook her head tiredly, her face serious.

Qin Yining's eyes widened in surprise.

The queen's request coincided with her thoughts, and Qin Yining understood after thinking about it. Thinking about it, as the mother of a country, it was a great shame for her to be deceived to this point, let alone being trapped on the top of a mountain with a foreign minister. She was worried that Pang Xiao would be discussed and suspected, and the queen was equally worried about being discussed and suspected.

Since both parties are so worried, things will be easier to handle.

"Yes, I promise that no one will make this matter public. The empress is considerate of the monks in the temple, and her kindness is truly admirable." Qin Yining saluted with admiration.

The Queen blinked when she heard this and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

It seems that Qin Yining thought that she was thinking about the monks of Wanfo Temple and was not willing to let these outsiders be accused of poor protection?

But only she knew in her heart what she was most afraid of.

This unexpected and beautiful memory for her is a secret that she wants to keep in her heart for the rest of her life. She wanted to be alone and reflect slowly.

She knew that she should not have such thoughts about Pang Xiao, and she also knew that such immoral behavior was not tolerated by the world, so she never thought of telling anyone that she was a *, she could only be a qualified*. She will not let life leave stains that cannot be washed away, but there are some emotions that she regards as treasures and wants to treasure them for the rest of her life.

The experience on the Karma Peak, these few short days, was enough for her to recall for a lifetime.

"I am tired." The queen looked tired.

Qin Yining thought for a while, then he came closer and briefly told what happened recently, and finally said: "I have no choice but to find someone to wear your clothes and comb your hair into a bun to pretend to be you. If I go back now, If you don’t want anyone to know about this, you’d better do it quietly.”

The queen frowned, surprised that someone could pretend to be herself and fool the guards.

But then she thought about it, she and Pang Xiao were suddenly trapped. It was not easy for Qin Yining, a prostitute, to suppress this matter. She couldn't have been more picky.

"Okay." The queen nodded understandingly, "It's understandable that we should obey the authority when things are urgent. In this way, as you said, I will treat you as a retreat for eighteen days."

"Your Majesty is wise." Qin Yining said with a smile, "Then please take a rest and I will send you back to the palace when I get the chance."

Qin Yining deliberately obscured the entire process, and even did not explain clearly when it was time to find the guards to change shifts, in order to reduce the Queen's fear.

Otherwise, the place where the Mother of a Country practices hermitage is heavily guarded by guards outside, and someone can still find a gap in the shift to arrange for people to enter. Wouldn't the Queen be worried that they might commit an assassination?

Although they didn't have this idea, it was better to be cautious.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi had long been prepared to welcome Pang Xiao and his party at any time, so those who should be sent away had already been sent away. Qin Yining and Pang Xiao took the queen back to the side courtyard where the monastery was located without any effort. Qin Yining also informed the news that Grandma Sun and Queen He Bin had escaped safely. The two people were so happy that they almost jumped three feet high. Naturally, they tried their best to cooperate with Qin Yining s arrangement.

That night, the people in Guanyin Hall became real queens.

Tang Xiu finally no longer had to sit there and eat stolen snacks. She still had to maintain her manners and occasionally speak with a pinched throat.

Pang Xiao took a shower and changed clothes, shaved his beard cleanly, devoured a vegetarian meal, and rested early.

Qin Yining also had a peaceful sleep and was not in a hurry to ask Pang Xiao about what happened on Yuanxiao Peak.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yining took people to greet the queen as usual, but was still politely stopped by Nanny Sun. After returning to the room, she asked Pang Xiao what happened that day.

Pang Xiao explained it in detail, and then said with a stern face: "I still can't figure out what the person who deceived the Queen into going to Karma Peak was up to. The Queen was not harmed. When I went, a group of snakes surrounded her, making her She couldn't move, but those snakes didn't bite her. The suspension bridge collapsed and I couldn't get through. You couldn't hear what I said, so I lived with the queen over there eating wild fruits. We had food and drink, so there was no problem. Since there is no other danger, I am even more suspicious of that person's purpose. To deceive the queen and lead me there, what is his purpose?"

Qin Yining pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "Looking at it this way, it seems like the other party deliberately trapped you and the queen there. I guess they were digging a hole for me to jump into."

Qin Yining couldn't help but curl her lips when she said this, "Tianjizi has always disliked me. She has wanted to get rid of me several times. Although she won't kill me now, she is happy to cause trouble for me."

"You can already conclude that Master Tai is Tianjizi?"

"Who else could it be but her?"

Qin Yining shook his head. Mu Jinghu was Pang Xiao's brother. Qin Yining didn't want to embarrass Pang Xiao, so he stopped continuing the topic and said instead: "Although the matter has been resolved, it was not a small matter after all. That day The guards had already had a quarrel when they tried to break in. In addition, the guards around the Queen were not from simple origins. They knew that you were not in the temple these days. Even if they did not expect that you and the Queen were trapped in the Karma Peak, They will also wonder if you took advantage of this time to do something secretly."

Pang Xiao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "Maybe the Holy Emperor has received a tip about what you said and knows that I'm 'restless' these days - Pang Zhixi, a boy who is restless, prays to gods and Buddhas to pray for the prosperity of the country and the peace of the people. Where are you going by yourself to make some conspiracy against me?"

Pang Xiao imitated Li Qitian's tone 80%, and Qin Yining couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay. It's a good thing to be able to go back safely. Let's stay away from this for a while to avoid harassment by the Tatars. Uncle Zhongyi has also figured out how to move the treasure when we want to come back."

Pang Xiao snorted, "He is a smart man, but sometimes if you want to get things done, it is useless to be smart alone. You also need to cooperate with the actual situation. Siqin is also resourceful. He also participated in the battle for the treasure, knowing that there is In this case, if Lu Heng reveals too many flaws, Si Qin will also become alert."

Speaking of this, Qin Yining was a little worried about Lu Heng.

"He needs to work harder. Otherwise, you will have to trouble yourself."

Qin Yining was a little unhappy when talking about Lu Heng at first, but seeing that Qin Yining was thinking about him wholeheartedly and didn't care how difficult Lu Heng was, Pang Xiao felt relieved and said with a smile: "You also have to believe him, sooner or later he will find a way." Yes. Anyway, the Queen will be in seclusion for a while, so let’s stay here temporarily and help the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple repair the suspension bridge, which can be considered a good thing."

Qin Yining nodded. The suspension bridge was originally broken because of us, so we naturally have to repair it.

In the next few days, the queen really felt at ease and went into seclusion.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining also took people to help Wanfo Temple deal with the suspension bridge.

Pang Xiao came back suddenly, and Xing Baoshan naturally sent a secret message to Li Qitian. But Pang Xiao didn't care at all. The lesser of two evils, being suspected by Li Qitian is better than having Li Qitian know the truth. Anyway, even if he doesn't do anything, Li Qitian will still be suspicious of him.

In the blink of an eye, July 20th was the day when the Queen's retreat ended.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining personally led people to greet the queen, and Abbot Xuanyun was naturally among them.

"The Queen has lost a lot of weight." Qin Yining stepped forward to support the Queen, who had lost a lot of weight and looked sallow and exhausted. It’s done, it’s safe and smooth.”

The queen smiled and said, "I'd like to lend you some good words."

She spoke calmly, obviously exhausted to the extreme. Only she knew that she was just sighing at Qin Yining's stupidity.

If Qin Yining said "all his wishes come true", Qin Yining would probably cry, right?

The queen rested on the mountain for two more days before she proposed to Pang Xiao about going down the mountain.

At this time, the suspension bridge had been rebuilt. Not only did Pang Xiao not take any money from Wanfo Temple, he also donated a large amount of money and food. Now that things were done, Queen Nature said to go down the mountain, so she went down the mountain.

To Pang Xiao's surprise, the queen didn't yell anything like "the jade-bodied and golden-noble guards cannot touch" when they came down the mountain.

Pang Xiao didn't take the initiative to ask, and the queen didn't request it. Pang Xiao just took Qin Yining away, and waited for a long time at the foot of the mountain. The guards took turns to carry the queen down safely.

"Your Majesty, the carriage is ready. You can set off at any time."

After everyone had tidied up, Grandma Sun stepped forward to ask.

The queen was sitting in a luxurious carriage with brocade curtains and a canopy. She raised the curtains and looked back at the steep Juhuang Mountain. Then she looked at Pang Xiao and his party. She smiled and said, "Go and ask Prince Zhongshun when he will set off." , let’s go together.”


Grandma Sun immediately took the order and went.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining didn't plan to continue playing. They couldn't really leave the queen behind. Naturally, she would agree to whatever the queen asked for. The two cars went all the way to Huichuan County, and everything went smoothly.

However, halfway through the journey, the group encountered a man and a horse riding towards them from the direction of Huichuan County.

The young knight on the horse was wearing an iron-gray round-necked sunflower shirt. He was a middle-ranking officer at first glance. When he saw Pang Xiao and his team, he immediately slowed down. With both arms reining in the reins, the yellow horse stood upright and let out a "chirp" sound. .

"Is this Prince Zhongshun's team ahead?"

"Exactly." Tang Xiu stepped forward to answer.

The middle official was overjoyed, immediately got off his horse, and said with a smile: "Our Qiu Min was ordered to go to Huichuan with Mr. Ma, the Minister of Rites, and when he learned that the Queen and the Prince were traveling together, he specially greeted her."

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