Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1006 Youth

They inquired all day long and asked everything they could, but the mention of the word "imperial mausoleum" aroused people's rebellious feelings. No one was willing to answer their questions directly. Qin Yining felt that even tonight If you settle in the county town, you won't be able to find out anything by using the same method tomorrow.

Compared with being unable to find out anything and wasting a whole day in vain, the beggar who made him feel that something was fishy was more important. Some people said that he was a murderer, but she didn't care about this. She had never met him, and she only saw the humiliation he was receiving. She couldn't bear to see it, so she simply saved him.

If it is discovered in the future that he is really a person who does all kinds of evil, it will not be too late to punish him severely.

Thinking of this, Qin Yining made a gesture to Jingzhe and the others.

Jingzhe understood immediately and told Dahan and Xiaoman: "Help this little brother get into the car first." Then he and Xiaoxue protected Qin Yining and Jiyun as they retreated.

The villagers and the old man present stared in disbelief when they saw this situation.

"What do you want to do! Do you still want to take this person away privately?"

Xiaoman and Dahan didn't care about each other's shouts, helped the beggar onto the cart, and drove away.

Unexpectedly, the people who gathered around him united and blocked the road.

Everyone pointed at Qin Yining and his party with indignation and cursed:

"Who do you think you are! How dare you interfere in our county's affairs!"

"I can't believe that you are pitiful and allow you to do business, but you will repay kindness with enmity!"

Qin Yining discovered that these people now have some ignorant ideas. It seems that they have been protected by their families for a long time, so they also regard family rules and some self-righteous rules as more important than royal laws.

When dealing with this kind of people who are not considered evil people, but just mediocre people, Qin Yining also knows that the severity is not appropriate. If he is not careful, it is easy for these people to swarm him.

Qin Yining immediately said: "Jingzhe!"

Jingzhe understood immediately, turned around and kicked a tree as thick as a bowl beside the road. The trunk made a "click" sound, and the crown slowly fell down.

"Ah! Get out of the way, I'll fall down!"

"I'm afraid this person is not a monster.

How could he break a tree with just one kick! "

The men who were about to rush forward were stunned by this sudden attack. What kind of foot power is this!

The people who were closer were afraid that they would be hit, so they fled in all directions.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Yining and Ji Yun boarded the carriage, and Jingzhe and others drove their own carriages and rushed out of the crowd.

Although these horses that Pang Xiao prepared for Qin Yining were not eye-catching famous stallions, they were all well-trained, and when their hooves worked hard, ordinary horses couldn't keep up, let alone humans.

These horses were pulling the carts and they were running rampant. The people didn't dare to stop them, so they could only scatter in all directions. The people were avoiding and cursing.

"This is just a robber, just like that evil guy named Pang!"

"Yes, they are unreasonable, beat this businessman to death!"

The elder was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, shouting: "Hurry, chase after them, don't let them run away!"

Some strong men nearby immediately went to look for horses.

At this time, Qin Yining's carriage traveled some distance and heard the commotion of the crowd clearly.

When these people mentioned Pang Xiao, they didn't use the tone of respect for heroes, but as if they were enemies? !

When Qin Yining was in the capital, he was used to Pang Xiao being praised, admired and admired by others. Now, suddenly, people in a county had a bad impression of Pang Xiao, and the civil servants from this county had not yet arrived. Qin Yining could conclude that he must be Someone did something behind his back to make Pang Xiao leave such a devilish impression on others.

It's a pity that these people's ordinary horses are no match for them. By the time their horses ran to the city gate, Qin Yining's carriage had already bolted all the way out of the city gate.

Qin Yining was sitting in the carriage, holding the window lattice tightly with her hands. The window screen and door curtain were lifted due to the rapid speed of the carriage. She and Ji Yun both managed to steady themselves and prevent themselves from bumping their heads.

The other two carriages followed closely behind. The beggar was now holding a bamboo stick and half lying on the goods. He was still holding on to the edge of the carriage with his left hand, for fear that he would be thrown out and fall half to death.

Qin Yining loudly ordered those behind him: "Don't stop. The people here are united and the folk customs are strong. If we stop easily, we are very likely to be chased by them. If we are surrounded by a sea of ​​people, our chances of winning will be slim. Take advantage of this opportunity." Now it’s safe to distance yourself quickly so that they can’t catch up.”

Jingzhe said loudly: "Yes." Then he turned back to tell the other three people.

Several people obeyed Qin Yining's orders and were very convinced. Naturally, she did whatever she said. Three or two carriages ran wildly all the way. The horses chasing behind were thrown away for a long time. When the people of Danfu County started chasing them, When he asked, Qin Yining and his party had disappeared from the road.

"That merchant woman is not a good thing at first glance. She must be the same as Prince Zhongshun, who doesn't care about the life and death of the people. One is a traitor and the other is a profiteer."

"They shouldn't be allowed to enter the city!"

A group of people cursed and dispersed.

But Qin Yining still didn't dare to relax at will, and still urged the team forward.

It was already dusk when they left the city, and by the time Qin Yining and his party made sure it was safe and parked the carriage on the side of the road, it was already night.

Qin Yining said helplessly: "Let's set up camp here tonight."


Jingzhe and others got out of the car and started working quickly.

The beggar got out of the car awkwardly, squatting in the corner behind the carriage with a bamboo stick in his arms. His eyes were particularly bright in the dark night, and he looked at Qin Yining without blinking.

Qin Yining then remembered that he had forgotten to put on his curtain hat when he got out of the car. But there were so many people around her, and the beggar was a thin and pitiful man, so she wasn't afraid of anything.

Soon, there was a lot of work in front of me.

Several people sat around the fire, threaded the dry food they brought with them on the branches and roasted it over the fire.

Qin Yining said: "Since we are all out today, there is no need to think too much. Let the little brother come and have something to eat together. I think he is hungrier than us."

"Yes." Ji Yun stood up and went to the back of the carriage to call someone.

Since she had sent clouds to give this man bread and money in the city, she was confident that her search for him would not arouse his fear.

When the man saw Ji Yun gesturing for him to come over, he didn't refuse as expected. Instead, he stood up and came lamely with a bamboo stick. The broken arm was still dangling as he walked.

Seeing how pitiful he was, Qin Yining handed the branch in his hand to Jingzhe and asked him to pass it to the beggar.

The beggar took the dough and started to eat it without fear of burning it. He is not like an ordinary beggar who can beg or express gratitude. This man is like a savage from the mountains. He does not understand these etiquette at all. He just gnaws the cake and looks at Qin Yining opposite.

Qin Yining said helplessly: "Can you listen to me?"

He didn't respond and continued to eat the cake.

It seems that those people who said this man was deaf and mute were not lying.

She took a branch and wrote on the ground to see if the man could read.

But the man followed her wishes and looked at the cake on the ground, bit into the cake, slowly shook his head, and then lowered his head like a child who had made some mistake.

Without their ears to hear, their mouths unable to speak, and unable to read, their only remaining means of communication are gestures with their hands and gestures with their eyes.

Therefore, communication will be very difficult next.

Qin Yining originally felt that there was something fishy about this man's murder and wanted to ask for some clues, but at this time she could only give up and told Jingzhe, "We have brought the medicine, right? There are also some ready-made clothes and shoes in the car. Socks, no matter what material they are made of, first find something suitable for him to wear. You will take him to clean it later, see if there are any other injuries on his body, and give him a simple rub."

"Yes." Jingzhe looked at the beggar and asked, "How do you plan to settle him?"

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "It's not convenient for me to take him with me. Early tomorrow morning, let's see where Zhi Xi's team has gone. Then I will take people to meet up with Zhi Xi, and you can arrange a Man, send this little brother to Huichuan County to find Hall Master Liao, and ask him to send this little brother to my nearest village for treatment. Once he is cured, if he is left to farm, he will not be reduced to a beggar, at least he will be a beggar. Have something to eat."

Jingzhe sighed after hearing this, "Madam is a kind-hearted person. It would be great if everyone in the world could meet kind-hearted people like Madam when they are in trouble."

Qin Yining smiled bitterly and shook her head. She knew that Jingzhe was thinking of their childhood.

For a silver-faced spy to have such great abilities, the brutal training back then was indispensable. These people must have been raised since childhood, and they must have experienced a lot of inhuman abuse. Who would be willing to suffer that kind of sin if they had the ability? Just like when she was forced to hide in the mountains, it wasn't that she liked the mountains, but that she had no other choice.

Qin Yining gestured to the beggar and said: "Let them clean the wound and apply medicine to you later. I will ask them to take you to my village. You can take good care of yourself when you get there. Someone will arrange work for you." Yes, I won’t go hungry in the future.”

Qin Yining said this very slowly, because she was afraid that the man wouldn't understand, and she also cooperated with the movements of her hands.

I thought this was another failed communication, but unexpectedly, the man nodded obediently.

Qin Yining was a little surprised and then laughed. She had underestimated people. As long as he could understand her gestures, he might be able to communicate with people in this way in Zhuangzi in the future.

Qin Yining and Ji Yun went into the tent to rest.

Xiaoxue and the others gathered around the fire to guard Qin Yining's tent, not daring to slack off at all.

Jingzhe personally took the beggar to take a bath and apply ointment, and also found a pair of dark blue shorts made of fine cotton and shoes and socks for him to change.

When the others came back, Xiaoxue and others were a little surprised when they looked at that person.

He had taken a shower, his half-length gray hair was disheveled and dripping with water, and the dirty beard on his face had been shaved off, revealing a slender and delicate face.

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