Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1007 Welcome

The young man appeared to be in his early twenties. Perhaps he had been abused by the people of Danford County for many years and was fed pig and dog food. At this time, he was already as thin as a stick. His delicate face had sunken cheeks and sunken eye sockets, which made him look very pitiful.

When he returned to the fire, he didn't know any etiquette, so he sat down directly holding the bamboo stick. One of his broken legs was straightened out. His broken right arm had been bandaged by Jingzhe, and he was hanging his arm with a cloth strip.

Xiaoxue asked Jingzhe, "How is this person injured?"

Jingzhe sat down, so he was deaf and mute, so he was not so shy in speaking, "The arms and legs were broken by life, but the legs are fine. Maybe the bones have been broken for a long time, and they have slowly grown back together." Although the recovery is not good and the appearance is a little crooked, at least it will not affect it too much, but it is a little lame when walking. The arm is completely broken, the bones inside are broken, and they are all connected by the skin and flesh on the outside. I just straightened his bones and found branches to bandage and fix, and I think Hall Master Liao will have to find a doctor to take a good look at him."

Xiaoxue and others nodded and looked at the young man with sympathy.

Jingzhe asked again, "Madam, are you resting?"


"Then let's all take turns to keep vigil and have a rest. We have to meet up with you tomorrow."


After the four people discussed it, they took a rest.

When they got up early the next morning, Qin Yining and Ji Yun came out of the tent dressed neatly, holding handkerchiefs, green salt and other items, and saw the young man huddled next to the fire.

Maybe he heard the sound of footsteps, and the young man suddenly opened his eyes alertly. When he first opened his eyes, there was the guardedness and ferocity of a disturbed beast.

But when he saw that the person who made the sound was Qin Yining, his ferocity quickly disappeared. He lowered his eyes and head and nodded randomly at Qin Yining.

Qin Yining smiled, and held hands with Ji Yun to wash up.

After everything was settled, we returned to the camp. A few people had a simple breakfast. Jingzhe arranged for Xiaohan to find out about Pang Xiao, and then told Xiaoxue to send the young man to Hall Master Liao.

Qin Yining handed a few ten-tael silver notes to the young man and gestured to him: "This is for you. When you come to my village, let them find a doctor to look at your injuries."

The young man held the banknote and looked at Qin Yining doubtfully.

Qin Yining made gestures with his hands and said several times, imitating the way a doctor would treat a doctor,

Only young people fully understand.

He looked at Qin Yining, holding the banknote and slowly lowering his head.

Qin Yining knew that this man didn't know much about etiquette and didn't care much about it. He turned to tell Xiaoxue: "Be more careful and don't rush here when you get to Huichuan. The prince and I will go back soon."

It's going to snow lightly, so go prepare the horses.

Not long after, Xiao Han, who was inquiring about the whereabouts of Pang Xiao and his party, came back.

"Madam, it's a coincidence. My team is stationed on another road. Let's go over there, and we'll meet them in just two sticks of incense."

Qin Yining was surprised, "It's so close. If we had taken another route yesterday, we wouldn't have encountered him."


Qin Yining was very happy. At this time, the camp had been cleaned and the fires had been taken care of. Qin Yining and Ji Yun boarded the carriage, and Jingzhe and others drove one car each.

Xiaoxue, on the other hand, led the two horses and the baggage, and pulled the young man to stand by the roadside to watch Qin Yining's team go away.

The young man looked at the direction in which the carriage was leaving, his hand holding the banknote tightened, and his pale lips pursed.

Xiaoxue then smiled and said: "Let's go, let's set off too."

The young man clumsily mounted the horse with the help of Xiaoxue.


Pang Xiao's team was stationed not far away. In addition, Xiao Han had just arrived and knew that Qin Yining was not far away. Pang Xiao did not rush to break camp and waited for Qin Yining.

Not long after, Qin Yining's team arrived.

Tang Xiu and others saw Qin Yining's team approaching from a distance, and greeted them with smiles. Others quickly went inside to pass the news.

Qin Yining got off the carriage and saw Pang Xiao striding out of the tent. He was wearing a tooth-white brocade robe and a jade belt around his waist. He looked like a noble prince. There was no trace of him being a leader. It was obvious that he dressed up like this on purpose to show off his status.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi followed Pang Xiao and saluted Qin Yining when they saw him.

Qin Yining hurriedly avoided it and said with a smile: "You two gentlemen, please don't do this."

Pang Xiao had already walked closer and said with concern: "I asked you to come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I was slowing down the team. Why did you come back so quickly? Did something happen?"

Qin Yining nodded and said solemnly: "There are some things, let's go in and talk about it."

Seeing Qin Yining's expression, everyone knew something was fishy. The group entered the camp and sat down according to their identities. Qin Yining talked about what he saw and heard in Danfu County, how he finally escaped with the young man, and how he settled the young man. Finally, he concluded:

"The people in Danfu County are simple and ignorant. Perhaps it is because of the influence of the three local clans. They act with a certain barbarity. They seem to have a deep misunderstanding of the court and do not value etiquette and law. They only They are willing to believe the words of their local wealthy elders. In addition, they must also have misunderstandings about you, the loyal and obedient prince."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi couldn't help but look solemn upon hearing this.

"This situation is not easy to handle. I don't know what these people have misunderstood and actually regard the prince as a savage beast. The fact that the people here are unwilling to go to Huichuan County to gather must also be related to the source of this misunderstanding. Shenruo If that’s the case, it’s really hard to handle.”

"Yes. Your Majesty has never done anything to disgrace the people. Where did their misunderstanding come from?"

Qin Yining said: "I was also very puzzled. It's just that what happened at that time meant that I couldn't stay there any longer. I just wanted to talk about it when we left. In addition, I accidentally showed my face and went back to Danfu County. I You also need to dress up well so that no one can see it."

Pang Xiao patted Qin Yining's cheek, "I'm not afraid of that. Those people don't dare to stare at you. Besides, when we arrived in Danfu County, you were dressed more luxuriously and your makeup changed. There is still a big difference compared to your bare makeup now." , they can’t recognize it. What’s more, even if they recognize it, they are ordinary people, so what can they say?”

"That's true." Qin Yining said relieved, "I was too nervous and tried to be perfect in everything, but it was my negligence at the time and I didn't bother to wear a hat."

Pang Xiao shook his head with a smile, "The information you have gathered is already very useful. At least we know how the people of Danford County feel about me. We just don't know what exactly made me so angry. What makes these people so resentful."

"I'm afraid this is what we need to find out."

Xie Yue said: "In my opinion, we should set off immediately to find out what Cheng Zhixian said. This person has a close relationship with the Lu family, and I always feel that we can get some clues from him."

Pang Xiao agreed, "Mr. Xie is right. Let's break camp and set off later."

"Yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Qin Yining and Ji Yun went to Pang Xiao's tent and changed into a luxurious aqua blue skirt. Their long hair was pulled up high and fixed with a silver flower headband. Qin Yining felt that this was too solemn, so she put on a pearl headband and The mutton-fat white jade bracelet will not break the rules of filial piety, but it can also show the dignity of status at a glance.

After slightly changing the shape of her eyebrows, raising the ends of her eyebrows at an angle, and dotting her lips with lipstick made from red peony blossoms, her whole complexion became better, and she looked completely different from the commoner Jing Chai when she was a businessman.

Ji Yun also changed back to his usual clothes, and after helping Qin Yining out, Pang Xiao asked someone to pack the tent properly, and then boarded the same carriage as Qin Yining.

The prince's trip was intentional, so it was naturally very popular. In addition to the Jinghu Guards, Pang Xiao also brought dozens of royal guards. Several carriages lined up in sequence. The Jinghu Guards escorted the carriages, and the royal guards followed behind the carriages.

The journey went very smoothly, and by afternoon, the team was approaching Danford County.

Pang Xiao arranged for people to go to the city to notify Cheng Zhixian, while the others repaired it in place.

After an hour, the city gate opened wide.

Tang Xiu whispered: "Your Majesty, the people in the city come out to greet you."

Pang Xiao lifted the car curtain, and Qin Yining leaned out to look out.

I saw a crowd of people in the open city gate, and the people were crowding to look outside.

Pang Xiao chuckled softly: "This Magistrate Cheng is also very capable. In just one hour, all the people in the city can be mobilized to come out to greet him. This shows the appeal of Magistrate Cheng."

Qin Yining smiled, "So I was able to mobilize on this matter, but I couldn't do it on the matter of building the imperial mausoleum to recruit civilian husbands. I'm not sure who is behind this."

As he spoke, the people in the city began to commotion, and then officers came from behind the crowd. The people moved to both sides like Moses parted the sea, and a group of people came quickly from the city to meet them.

The leader is a young man with a medium build and elegant appearance. He is a typical white-faced scholar. He wears a green official robe with a coiled collar and an oriole patch on his chest. He gradually smiles as he walks and bends his waist respectfully.

"Mr. Cheng, the county magistrate of Danfu, together with the magistrate and elders of this county, are here to greet Prince Zhongshun!" Magistrate Cheng announced his name and bowed respectfully.

The county magistrate, masters, elders and common people behind him all saluted and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty, a thousand years old! A thousand years old!"

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining looked at each other, then got off the carriage first, and stepped forward with a smile to help each other: "Mr. Cheng, don't ask for so many courtesy. Everyone, please get up."

Qin Yining got off the station and walked slowly behind Pang Xiao, accompanied by Ji Yun and the bodyguards.

Cheng Zhixian thanked him respectfully, raised his eyes and saw Qin Yining, and immediately saluted again: "I have met the princess."

Qin Yining smiled gently and said, "No courtesy."

After getting closer, Qin Yining noticed a familiar face among the elders behind Cheng Zhixian.

It was the elder who had a conflict with her on the street yesterday.

Qin Yining stood with her face downcast and her eyes lowered, showing the princess's nobility and dignity to the fullest.

The few people behind Cheng Zhixian were still a little curious and wanted to raise their eyes to take a peek, but when they met Pang Xiao's smiling but sharp gaze, they all lowered their heads in fear.

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