Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1008 Containment

Cheng Zhixian said politely: "When Xiaguan learned that the prince was coming, he immediately led the people to come out to greet him. The people in this county all admired the prince's character and deeply admired his illustrious military exploits. Today, they all came spontaneously, wanting to see the prince's style. , there seems to be a bit of chaos in front of the city gate, please don’t be surprised, Your Majesty.”

"Where," Pang Xiao said with a slightly moved expression, "I just did what I should do. In terms of military exploits, where is my credit? I only obey the instructions of the Holy One, and everything is done according to the will of the Holy One." .”

Cheng Zhixian immediately said with admiration on his face: "Prince Zhongshun is really a loyal man, but the lower official is too one-sided. Please. Princess, please." As he said this, he stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.


Both sides gave way, and Pang Xiao walked towards the city with Cheng Zhixian. Qin Yining led his entourage to follow Pang Xiao.

The people lined the streets to welcome him with great enthusiasm. Everyone was excited to see Pang Xiao. Some stretched their necks to peek in from the outside of the crowd, while others from a closer distance praised him and praised Prince Zhongshun for his good demeanor.

Pang Xiao kept smiling as he moved forward, and nodded politely to the people, which caused the people to cheer and talk even louder.

Qin Yining lowered her eyes and followed behind, feeling as if she was being paraded through the streets. If she hadn't come to investigate before and knew that the people here had deep prejudices and hostility towards Pang Xiao, she might have seen them in such a state. You will really be blinded by illusions and develop a mentality of pride and satisfaction.

But now, she only feels that the people here are difficult to offend, and Gengnan is dealing with Cheng Zhixian who is following Pang Xiao.

She wanted to know how Cheng Zhi County gathered so many people to welcome Pang Xiao when the people resisted Pang Xiao in their hearts?

If she was wrong, and only a small number of the people were really hostile to Xi Pang Xiao, and most people came here spontaneously, then that would be fine. But if all this is the operation of Cheng Zhixian, this person's ability is evident.

Qin Yining followed Pang Xiao and greeted the people with a smile, and took the opportunity to make a rough analysis of the current situation in his mind.

Soon, the group of people arrived in front of the government office. Magistrate Cheng politely led Pang Xiao and his party into the government office to rest, leaving the servants outside to persuade the people to go back and rest.

As expected by Qin Yining, the people left very happily.

When Zheng Zhixian ordered his subordinates to do things, Qin Yining raised his eyes and looked at Pang Xiao. The two looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"The official learned that the prince and princess came to the county.

I specially tidied up the back office of the government office, and I wanted to grieve the prince and the princess to live here temporarily. "

"No, Cheng Zhixian really doesn't need to be so polite. I can treat you wherever I want. In the past, whoever fought on the battlefield was treated very well on the haystack."

Cheng Zhixian said with admiration: "Your Majesty is really a true hero and a true hero! Your Majesty is dedicated to the people, and I really admire you. Your Majesty understands that Your Majesty is caring for your Majesty and doesn't want to bother people, but now the government office has made preparations. Still, Please, Your Majesty, please transfer me and place me in the government office for the time being. I have also prepared a table of fine wine, and please Your Majesty, please appreciate it."

"I have worked so hard for Magistrate Cheng. I am here to run an errand, but I have to work for Magistrate Cheng to make arrangements. I am really sorry." Pang Xiao looked at Cheng Zhixian's expression carefully. He came here to do business for the sake of the people. It is impossible for Magistrate Cheng to be unaware of everything. He I want to see how Cheng Zhixian will respond.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Zhixian did not accept this problem at all. He just said humbly and respectfully: "Where, where. Accepting the prince's command and arranging the speed are all matters within the lower official's duties. The prince really does not need to feel bad about it."

Qin Yining sneered when he heard this. This man is as slippery as a loach, and it seems impossible to get the words out of him directly.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao returned to the houya, tidied up briefly, and then went to the front hall for the dinner.

Originally, the county magistrate Cheng had prepared singers, dancers, strings, strings, and bamboos, but Pang Xiao was unable to have fun in his filial piety, so he sent them away.

County Magistrate Cheng then took a different approach and introduced the county's magistrates, businesses, and elders of each family to Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao treated these people with dignity and courtesy, and Qin Yining also cooperated, livening up the atmosphere while joking. Liven up the atmosphere of this dinner party without singing and dancing.

After the banquet, Cheng Zhixian said respectfully: "I will take my leave now. Please also ask the prince and princess to take a rest early."

"Thank you so much, Magistrate Cheng." Pang Xiao nodded with a smile, "I'll ask the Magistrate about his errands tomorrow."

Cheng Zhixian acted magnanimously and said yes again and again, and said: "It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to work with the prince on official matters. Please rest in peace, the prince."

After being polite again, Pang Xiao ordered Tang Xiu to send Magistrate Cheng out, and then went back to his room to rest.

At this time, Qin Yining had put on a pair of old aqua trousers that were worn at home, and her long hair had been spread out. She sent Jiyun to rest, and sat on the edge of Babu's bed, reading a book and waiting for Pang Xiao.

In the warm and soft light, Qin Yining's long hair was so soft and charming that Pang Xiao's eyes softened.

"Sister Yi. Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Qin Yining put down the book with a smile and stood up to help Pang Xiao wash and change clothes.

"Danfu County really has a lot of problems. It's hard for the Lu family to find such a clever person."

"Do you also think there is something unusual here?"

"Yes." Pang Xiao said seriously: "I have been observing the people here. I can still tell clearly whether it is a real welcome or a formality. In addition, Cheng Weimin's behavior can be said to be impeccable, and he is not at all tempted by words or provocations. Accepting the move shows how deep this man is, perhaps he has already prepared for everything."

"So it is difficult to solve the problem of civilian husbands." Qin Yining handed the handkerchief to Pang Xiao to wipe his face, "If you start lightly, the problem will not be solved. In the end, the Holy Spirit will blame you for not doing things well. But if you attack too hard, It is very easy to cause dissatisfaction among the people. They don’t know why they have misunderstood you now. If you add another layer of bad impression, I am afraid it will trigger a civil uprising. "

Pang Xiao also straightened his expression, "That's what you said. So we have to arrange these in advance to avoid being caught. It will be difficult to handle if there is a civil commotion."

Fortunately for the enemy, his blade is not afraid of drinking blood. But for the people of the Zhou Dynasty, Pang Xiao knew well that water could carry or capsize a boat. He cherished feathers very much and did not want to be discredited by anyone.

After all, they were on the road all the time. Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were very tired, so they washed up and settled down.

Qin Yining opened his eyes again and was awakened by a voice outside the door.

"Your Majesty, Princess, something happened outside!"

Pang Xiao jumped up. There was no hint of impatience from lack of sleep in his expression, but he asked seriously: "What happened?"

Outside the door, Tang Xiu's anxious forehead was dripping with sweat, "Your Majesty, the government office is surrounded!"

Pang Xiao looked stern, turned around and took Qin Yining's hand to help her get up: "Sister Yi, quickly change your clothes and take all your belongings with you. The government office is surrounded." As he spoke, he also moved neatly. .

Qin Yining hurriedly got up, put on her bedclothes, and put on an overhaul cloak. She didn't have time to comb her hair, so she first put the small medicine bag left by Bingtang into her arms, thought about it, then put the banknotes and dagger, and finally I just found a hair tie and tied up my long hair.

The whole process of sorting out only takes a breath.

"Your Majesty." Tang Xiu asked anxiously outside the door, "Many people have gathered outside and have blocked the front and back of the government office. They look like local people. How should we deal with them?"

Pang Xiao stepped forward and pushed open the door of the house, and said calmly: "Don't worry, you will follow me to the door to find out."

"Yes." Seeing Pang Xiao being so calm, Tang Xiu immediately felt relieved, responded in a deep voice, and followed.

Qin Yining's room had also been sorted out. Ji Yun and Jing Zhe had heard the news, and several of them followed Qin Yining and hurried towards the gate.

At this time, the gate of the government office was closed tightly, but in the night, even if the gate was closed, it was not difficult to see the firelight outside from the wall and hear the sounds of people moving around.

Pang Xiao's face turned cold and he chuckled: "That's really interesting. There is also a post house locally. I came and didn't stay at the post house. Who leaked this news? These people want to block my door, no? Instead of going to the post office, I came to the government office, because I know the king’s whereabouts so clearly.”

Obviously, the problem lies with Cheng Zhixian and his party! If it's not Cheng Zhixian, it's the people around Cheng Zhixian.

Xie Yue said worriedly: "There are a lot of people who came after hearing the sound. Your Majesty, the guards we brought are leisurely. A good tiger can't fight a pack of wolves. If a mob breaks in, I'm afraid things will be difficult to handle."

As soon as Xie Yue finished speaking, he heard a loud roar outside the door.

"Open the door! Let Prince Zhongshun come out!"

"Yes, let the biggest official here come out!"

Immediately, someone came forward and knocked on the door.

The doorman of the government office was so frightened that he almost cried. His legs were as soft as noodles, and he fell limply in front of the door, unable to stand up even if he wanted to escape.

The Jinghu Guards and the palace guards were both calm and looked back at Pang Xiao, "Your Majesty, please give me your instructions."

Pang Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Open the door."

"My lord, please think twice!" Tang Xiu advised: "Once you open the door, if the other party breaks in...

"This gate cannot stop the people of this county. It doesn't matter whether it is opened or not. Open the door." Pang Xiao turned around and took Qin Yining's hand, asking her to stay by his side. "I would like to see what is going on." Who has the guts to come and surround the current prince in the middle of the night!"


Infected by Pang Xiao's calmness and momentum, everyone present felt at ease, especially the Jinghu Guards. They had all fought bloody battles with Pang Xiao on the battlefield. How many battles had they never seen? Now these common people are making trouble, compared with the unpredictable life and death scenes of thousands of troops on the battlefield, they simply cannot be afraid.

The door creaked open. The bright torches in the hands of the densely packed people standing outside the door came into view. In the dark night, it was so dazzling that it looked like stars falling from the sky.

These people all held shovels, pickaxes, sickles, sticks and other items in their hands, and they all held torches in their hands. If you look around, you can't even see the end of the crowd.

"Princess." Ji Yun held Qin Yining's arm in shock and shock, "Don't leave this slave for a while. There are so many people, and I'm afraid the prince's men won't be able to stop them."

"It's okay, don't worry." Qin Yining was not afraid. He patted Ji Yun's shoulder comfortingly and whispered: "These people didn't come to us to risk their lives. Since they are here like this, they must have something." Let's see what their purpose is and what they are asking for. If it is something that can be solved in general, as long as we give a promise, we should be fine. No matter what happens, the prince will protect us."

Ji Yun nodded, "Princess, I am not afraid. If there is any danger later, I will definitely be able to protect you."

Qin Yining chuckled and said softly: "Your Majesty, ask these people what they want."

Pang Xiao heard Qin Yining's voice so relaxed. When he turned around, he saw that Qin Yining was still smiling relaxedly under the light of the torch. She was not afraid at all.

Pang Xiao felt as if someone had lightly tickled him with a feather.

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