Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1009 Incitement

Qin Yining's calmness infected everyone around him, and Pang Xiao, who was still a little irritable, calmed down at this time.

Pang Xiao came to the door first and stood there, followed closely by Qin Yining. The elite tiger guards and silver-faced spies were protecting Pang Xiao and Qin Yining respectively.

The torches in the hands of the people in front of Fu Yamen were illuminated as brightly as day, allowing Qin Yining to see the angry expressions on everyone's faces more clearly.

It was estimated that there were more than a thousand of these people, and everyone had weapons in their hands. They were only a few steps away from him. If these people swarmed up, Qin Yining really didn't think that the hundreds of people brought by Pang Xiao could stop them.

In fact, Qin Yining was also a little panicked. It was impossible for her to feel nothing when she was in danger, especially when so many people were staring at her with angry eyes, wishing to make her thin skin cramp. Qin Yining, who was very sensitive to danger and hostility, at this time It's like being scratched with a knife.

But reason prevailed, and at this juncture, neither she nor Pang Xiao could panic. If they panic and are afraid, what will happen to the people under their command? Did they say advance or retreat? If these people retreat, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if they are full of martial arts skills, they will be trampled to pieces in such a sea of ​​​​people.

The people had gathered in front of the Yamen and been shouting for a while. At this moment, when they saw someone coming out, they all stopped talking.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Prince Zhongshun is coming out!"

It was confirmed that it was Prince Zhongshun, and the people started talking angrily.

Pang Xiao couldn't hear it clearly, so he raised his hand and pressed it, with a friendly smile on his face, and said kindly: "Fellow folks, everyone gathered together today to see the king, so they must have encountered something difficult. Don’t worry, if you have any problems, I have come out now, so you can just ask. As long as the request is reasonable and does not violate national laws, I will help you solve it!"

The best way to deal with angry people is to appease them. For one thing, Pang Xiao is a military general and a well-known war god prince throughout the country. His butcher knife can only be used against the enemy and those who invaded the Zhou Dynasty, but he cannot be used against his own people. Secondly, the current disparity in numbers is too great. Although Pang Xiao is confident that he can protect Qin Yining and fight a bloody path, once he actually kills the people, the consequences will be almost devastating to them.

If innocent people were really killed and the matter spread, it would not only give Li Qitian a reason to punish him, but he would also lose all the image and reputation that he and Qin Yining had worked so hard to build, turning his heroic name into infamy.

He and Qin Yining were now desperate, and there was no room for any retreat or mistakes.

So now, Pang Xiao lowers his body as much as possible,

Let yourself act more and more close to the people, and just think about being able to solve the current situation safely.

When the people saw that Prince Zhongshun was so gentle and easy to talk to, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then someone had the courage to say loudly: "We are not going to build the imperial mausoleum! You give us a written document!"

"Yes!" One person spoke, and others immediately echoed, "You give us a written document! As long as it is written that the imperial mausoleum will be built in the future, and no civilians will be sent from our Danford County, we will disperse immediately!"

When Pang Xiao heard this, his expression gradually darkened.

"Are you doing this for the people?"

"Yes! We just won't build the imperial tomb!"

Pang Xiao said in a deep voice: "The construction of the imperial mausoleum is the decree of the Holy One. Even though I am a supervising official, I only have the power to supervise the affairs of the people. I cannot decide on the affairs of the people alone. Besides, I am here. I saw in the file that when they went to build the imperial mausoleum, the civilians had good food and housing, and they could eat meat every few days, which was even better than what they lived at home. Why are you so resistant? Besides, there are 4,000 civilians in Danfu County. , this is the Holy Majesty’s decree, the Holy decree of Jinkou Yuyan, and now many people have gathered in Danfu County to disobey the Holy decree, are you trying to rebel?”

"Bah! Fuck you!" Someone in the crowd yelled and cursed, "What is good food and accommodation, and what is meat? Are you fooling us into knowing nothing?"

"That's right, the last time we built the imperial mausoleum, we recruited 3,000 civilians, but in the end, less than 400 came back alive!"

"Even if we people are poorer, we are all raised by our parents. Don't those common people have no relatives? They are not human beings but beasts that can be harmed by your court at will!"

After saying this, the people present became excited. The people in front of the Yamen were shouting and cursing loudly.

Pang Xiao took one look and knew that the scene in front of him was someone inciting emotions among the people. But what they said was that they requisitioned 3,000 civilians, but only 400 came back alive in the end. This is indeed true! But these records were not found in the records he had seen!

From the perspective of the common people, Pang Xiao felt very sorry for them. Danfu County has a large population and a lot of fields. It can recruit three thousand civilians, and every family needs a strong man to go out. In the end, only 400 people came back alive. Is it possible that everyone in the county is dying?

Such a scene is even more chilling than a plague, because the plague cannot be controlled by humans, but it is the imperial court that conscripts civilians to death!

But from his own perspective, Pang Xiao was indeed wronged. Before that, he had no idea what was going on, and he didn't even think that something like this happened during the construction of the imperial mausoleum. It seems that the person behind it is inciting the emotions of the people and wants to kill him!

While Pang Xiao's heart was going back and forth, someone in the crowd started crying loudly.

"Don't believe the nonsense told by the court! I am a commoner who came back from before, and building the imperial mausoleum is simply not a job for human beings! The officials deprived us of food, and we only ate gruel that looked like we were missing. , I didn’t get a single meal for more than ten days. I slept for less than two hours every day and would be blindfolded and asked to work. Those who refused to go or moved slower were whipped. I couldn’t eat enough. , don’t have warm clothes, and don’t sleep enough, how can it not be dangerous when starting construction? Even in a famine year, digging grass roots at home to eat is much better than going to build the imperial tomb!”

As soon as this person explained the situation at that time, the others agreed one after another.

The yelling and cursing that had weakened slightly once again exploded like water poured into hot oil. Not only the court was scolded, but Pang Xiao, the prince who was responsible for building the imperial mausoleum, and even all of Pang Xiao's family members were scolded by the common people who used the most rude and dirty words to greet their eighteen generations of ancestors, especially the female elders. They were scolded unbearably. Into the ear.

The other party has a large number of people and a huge momentum. Pang Xiao and Qin Yining will never be able to quarrel with them.

Pang Xiao shouted loudly: "Quiet! Everyone be quiet! Are you here to solve the problem today or are you here to rebel? If you continue to yell and curse, in the end even if you are reasonable, it will become unreasonable! Everyone be quiet!"

Many people nearby became quiet after hearing what Pang Xiao said made sense. After all, no one wants to be labeled as a rebel and eventually be suppressed by the imperial court.

Most people come to take risks because they are forced to do so for the benefit and safety of their families.

However, there were people in the crowd who were inciting the atmosphere and deliberately misinterpreted Pang Xiao's words.

"Bah! Lackey! You don't want to do things for us, and you want to threaten us? There are so many of us, why are we still afraid of you! This matter is just in front of the Holy Lord, so we are justified! You can happily give us a We will disband immediately if we promise not to requisition civilians from Danford County again! If not, we will simply kill you corrupt officials today!"

"Yes! Kill the corrupt officials! Live a stable life from now on!"

"Our entire county has been mobilized, what can the imperial court do to us? Isn't there a saying that people should not be blamed!"

Most people have a herd mentality. When something big like this happens, if someone initiates it, others will respond immediately. At this time, if someone in the crowd said, "The prince is innocent," they would immediately think that this page was also the supervising official who had just taken office, and that he was not the one who built the previous imperial tomb.

However, preparations have been made for the swindlers, which will inevitably arouse the anger of the people.

The people's anger was incited, and there were so many of them that the entire county was mobilized. I didn't believe that the imperial court could behead everyone in the county!

Thinking of this, the common people couldn't care less. There was the more impatient one, who raised his sickle and rushed forward, "Kill the dog officer!"

The palace guards immediately unsheathed their weapons and stopped them in front of the Yamen Gate.

Seeing the people from the imperial court drawing their swords and pointing them at the people with a cold light, the people felt panic and anger.

The common people who rushed forward were knocked to the ground by the scabbard.

Tang Xiu strode to the outside and drew a line on the ground. As an elite tiger guard who has truly killed people and seen blood on the battlefield, his aura cannot be underestimated when he is serious.

"Listen clearly! Your Majesty has no intention of harming innocent people. If you and the following commit the crime and besiege the government office, you will be charged with treason to the party! Anyone who crosses the line will die!"

Tang Xiu used the loudest voice and the most powerful force, and the people who were closer were even shocked to the point where their eardrums became numb.

Many people became quiet and fearful in their hearts.

But those who take the lead will not give up.

Immediately, several men rushed up with pickaxes, shovels, door bolts and other weapons, cursing.

"I don't believe it! How dare you actually chop me down!"

"There are so many of us, but you can kill them all if you can!"

These people didn't care about the weapons in the hands of the palace guards, they just rounded them up and rushed into the government office.

Tang Xiu looked at Pang Xiao in embarrassment.

Pang Xiao made a gesture, shook his head, and told everyone not to harm the lives of the people.

Tang Xiu had no choice but to step forward and knock out a few people one by one.

These men were all tall and strong, but who knew they would fall down within a few seconds.

The people nearby all realized how powerful the palace guards were, and they all timidly wanted to retreat.

But someone behind the crowd deliberately pushed forward and shouted: "Killing! Prince Zhongshun committed a murder in public and killed the people! He dares to kill our juniors, let's rush up and beat them to death!"

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