Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1010 Take away

Pang Xiao did not order anyone to harm the people at all. People standing closer in the front row also saw that although the palace guards said "those who cross the line will die", they actually only knocked people unconscious.

But the people in the back row didn't know.

When people heard that someone in front was going on a killing spree, the people behind them craned their necks to look forward, eager to know if any of their own children were injured. In a team of more than a thousand people, people at the back were crowding forward, and those in the front could only follow the crowd. Push forward.

There were even some who didn't understand the situation, so they concluded that Prince Zhongshun had started killing people. When their impulsive minds got hot, they raised their weapons and rushed forward. Especially those who had lost relatives because of the construction of the imperial mausoleum, they were even more angry. , and didn't care about the consequences. He just wanted to kill the court dog official to avenge his family.

Qin Yining was protected by Jiyun, Jingzhe, Xiaoman, and Dahan, while Pang Xiao was surrounded by Jinghu Guards. The people came towards him like a tidal wave. When Pang Xiao stretched out his hand to pull Qin Yining, he was already forced away by the crowd.

"Stop, back off! Back off everyone! This is the government office! You really want to rebel!" Tang Xiu and other elite tiger guards shouted loudly.

However, how can the people who have been stirred up their emotions care about anything else now? People have already rushed forward, and they can no longer retreat.

The Jinghu Guards and the palace guards had no choice but to use their scabbards to confront the people. Because there was an order from Pang Xiao not to hurt anyone, and everyone was not allowed to kill. Although they could suppress some people for a while, in the end they could not withstand the people's power in the melee. momentum.

If you accidentally fall down at this time, you will definitely be trampled to pieces!

The goals of Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were too obvious, especially Qin Yining. Even without any makeup, she still had the same appearance, and her panicked expression was even more eye-catching under the firelight.

Among the mob was the rude and lewd man

Desperate, he pointed at Qin Yining and shouted: "Kill the dog official prince, let's take this girl back and punish her, and she will also get a bad breath!"

"Yes, kill the dog officer!"

"The imperial court still sells the families of criminal officials! We must also punish the families of dog officials!"

A group of angry and malicious mobs had a wrong idea and rushed towards Qin Yining.

At this time, Pang Xiao's eyes were about to burst. He spread his fists and could knock out someone with one punch. He didn't even have time to dodge the sickle and hoe that were coming towards him, and ran straight towards Qin Yining.

When the Jinghu Guards saw Pang Xiao's desperate posture, they were almost scared out of their wits. Due to Pang Xiao's instructions, they could not kill ordinary people and could only use their scabbards to resist, so the progress was naturally slow.

In front of Qin Yining, Ji Yun, Jing Zhe, Xiao Man, and Da Han tried their best to prevent these mobs from getting close to Qin Yining, but the opponent was really outnumbered.

Qin Yining felt so overwhelmed at this moment. She didn't expect that they had thought about so many possibilities before they came. She came to take the lead in advance, but in the end she fell into a trap.

First, the civilians didn't come, and then they lured Pang Xiao here, and then there was news that Pang Xiao massacred civilians. Pang Xiao's many years of operation have really come to nothing. When the people's support is lost, wouldn't Li Qitian's plan to kill Pang Xiao become a crime for the people?

Qin Yining was determined not to let such a thing happen. She quickly reminded Jieyun in front of her: "Don't hurt them, they were just incited!"

Jingzhe gritted his teeth and responded loudly: "Yes!"

But how to solve the current situation? If it continues to develop, it may only be a matter of time before the defense is breached.

Qin Yining could only say loudly: "Don't get excited, everyone. If you talk about any problems, we will discuss and solve them. You are the right party. If there is a conflict with the government, the court will misunderstand that everyone wants to rebel!" No one can bear the crime of treason, calm down, everyone, calm down!"

Qin Yining repeated these words loudly over and over again. Many people hesitated after hearing the words and felt that Qin Yining was right.

Originally, their purpose was to get Prince Zhongshun to write a letter of guarantee. Who would have thought that he didn't get the guarantee letter, but it turned into a clash with the government office, and he was really accused of treason, and the whole family would be implicated!

If someone hesitates, persuade those around you to stop.

But those who speak loudly are always the ones who take the lead in inciting emotions.

"Don't listen to that bitch's nonsense! She looks so charming, who knows what bad ideas she has in mind!"

"Yes, if we catch her, we can threaten Prince Zhongshun!"

"What's the use of threatening Prince Zhongshun? It's better to kill Prince Zhongshun and let the court replace him with a better official!"

There were endless shouts. At first, those who were interested in Qin Yining began to shout high-sounding excuses and rushed directly to Qin Yining. Some people stretched out their big hands to touch Qin Yining's face.

At this moment, Qin Yining suddenly saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, and then heard a long and painful scream from the big man.


There was a red mist in front of him, and the hand that wanted to touch Qin Yining had already fallen into the crowd. The strong man covered his broken arm and screamed repeatedly, blood splattered. This scene frightened everyone around him.

Qin Yining was also stunned, and subconsciously looked at Pang Xiao, secretly wondering why Pang Xiao was so impulsive. In today's situation, we cannot harm the people no matter what!

Unexpectedly, just when her eyes met with Pang Xiao's, she saw Pang Xiao's eyes widen suddenly.

Immediately, Qin Yining felt that a cold hand grabbed her wrist and dragged her back vigorously.

Turning around suddenly, she saw the person who had caught her.

It was the young man who was taken in by her!

Not only Qin Yining knew him, but Jingzhe and Jiyun also recognized him. After saving him that day, Qin Yining arranged for Xiaoxue to send him to see Hall Master Liao, but this man appeared here before his eyes!

Qin Yining was so confused for a moment that he couldn't tell whether this person was an enemy or a friend.

The young man pulled her to his side, and immediately the man with the severed hand was chasing her, shouting:

"Catch this bastard!"

The young man held Qin Yining in front of him with his broken right arm. When he twirled the bamboo stick held tightly in his left hand, Qin Yining saw silver light flashing in front of his eyes. In an instant, the men's throats were cut, and blood spurted out. Zhang Xu.

"Oh my God! Killed!"

This hand frightened everyone.

Taking advantage of this moment, the young man protected Qin Yining with his broken arm. With the sword in his left hand flashing wildly, he protected Qin Yining and rushed out of the crowd.

When Pang Xiao saw Qin Yining being taken away by a strange swordsman, he shouted in panic: "Stop that man quickly!"

He wanted to rush forward himself, but he was surrounded by mobs armed with weapons, and for a while he didn't even get close.

Jingzhe, the other three silver-faced spies and Jii Yun, were frantically chasing Qin Yining in the direction where he was taken away. Jingzhe and Dahan arrived first, drawing their swords and slashing, bound to take Qin Yining back from the young man's side.

But the young man's left hand moved so fast that only the flickering light of the sword could be seen. In the blink of an eye, only the clanging sound of weapons clashing was heard. Jingzhe and Dahan were injured on their arms and chests.

Jiyun and Xiaoman also rushed over.

Ji Yun took out the soft sword from his waist and said, "Let go of our princess!"

The young man hugged Qin Yining tightly with his broken arms and rushed forward. At the same time, he used the bamboo knife in his left hand to fend off the people who were resisting in front of him. He also had to find time to block the weapons stabbing him from behind. He couldn't care much at the tense moment. When he saw clearly the pursuers behind him. When the woman who had given him cake came, the tip of the knife was already pointed at Jiyun's chest.

"No!" Qin Yining screamed, reaching out to pull the young man, "Don't kill anyone again!"

The young man turned the tip of his knife and cut Ji Yun's shoulder, causing blood to stain his clothes red.

Jingzhe, Xiaoman, Dahan, and Jiyun all soon became scarred. But they tried their best to snatch Qin Yining away.

The young man was attacked from both sides by the common people and the pursuers. He fought back as fast as possible with a knife in one hand, but was still wounded several times in the back.

The young man quickly led Qin Yining into the middle of the crowd, and the place where he passed was filled with casualties.

Such a ferocious momentum suppressed the rest of the people, and the scene became terrifyingly quiet for a while.

Someone among the people recognized the young man and shouted: "It's the wolf cub! The wolf cub has killed someone! It turns out the wolf cub knows how to use a knife!"

"Oh my God, my son!"


One after another, some people found that their family members had been injured by the young man and fell to the ground. Suddenly, there was a burst of crying among the people, and the anger was directed at the young man.

"Catch that wolf cub and kill him! Kill him!"

Someone shouted, and people immediately rushed forward.

But how can the common people holding door bolts and farm tools be the opponents of young people? Even Jingzhe and the others could only hurt the young man's skin and couldn't get close at all!

Pang Xiao and his Jinghu Guards were already chasing him. At this time, he didn't care whether he would be accidentally injured. Pang Xiao drew his sword and rushed towards the young man.

But the inciting people in the crowd immediately led people to surround Pang Xiao.

"Quick, Prince Zhongshun is also going to run away. If he runs away, we will send the civilian husband to his death. Stop him quickly!"

Many people who were not injured by the young man swarmed up and surrounded Pang Xiao again.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way, all of you!" Pang Xiao rushed left and right angrily, but he couldn't kill without thinking. He was helpless and could only watch Qin Yining being taken out.

At this time, Pang Xiao, the last string of reason in his mind was almost broken. His red eyes stared in the direction of the young man, "Sister Yi!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Xu Weizhi was also holding the scabbard in his hand. He was reluctantly protected by the Jinghu Guards and followed Pang Xiao. He grabbed Pang Xiao's sleeve with all his strength: "Your Majesty, think about the current situation. What do you do? What is it all for! Think about how much you have paid, if all your efforts are wasted, the princess will also be implicated!"

"Sister Keyi has been taken away!"

"My lord, please look carefully. The man who kidnapped the princess didn't hurt her at all. That means he kidnapped the princess to ask for something. After passing this hurdle first, we can plan the rest of the long term and we will be able to rescue the princess!"

Ji Yun was exhausted at this time, and his shoulders were so painful that he couldn't lift them up. Across the crowd, the woman's voice was sharp and penetrating, "Your Majesty, that is the one I mentioned before, the one who was sent to Zhuangzi!"

People who don’t know the situation will naturally not understand.

But Qin Yining had already told Pang Xiao that she had saved a person and had someone send him to Zhuangzi.

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