Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1011 Escape

Pang Xiao's pupils suddenly shrunk, he gritted his teeth and swung the scabbard, swinging away the ax that had been chopped down by the people in front of him. He secretly cursed the despicable villain in his heart - first, he used Qin Yining's sympathy to get her rescued and got closer, and then found out the details. Make other plans! Why wasn't this man struck by thunder?

Pang Xiao was furious and yelled: "Stop it! If you move any more, you will be charged with conspiracy to rebel against the party! You don't care about life and death, don't you, your mother and I, don't care too!"

While Pang Xiao was negotiating with the people, Qin Yining was already surrounded by young people fighting his way out of the siege.

Qin Yining was covered in blood, but she wasn't hurt at all.

The young man's face was pale, and his dark blue cloth was full of broken knife marks. The smell of blood was strong all over his body, and he was obviously seriously injured.

In addition to the people who still surrounded the government office in order to make Pang Xiao write a letter of guarantee and stay where he was, many people who had been stabbed and killed their family members by the young man chased after him with hatred, as if they wanted to cut Qin Yining and the young man into pieces.

The young man was lame, but he still ran very fast with Qin Yining. When no one stopped him, he put the knob of the bamboo knife into the bamboo stick, clamped it under his right armpit, and held Qin Yining with his intact left hand, almost carrying her away. It's almost impossible for my feet to touch the ground.

Qin Yining was filled with confusion. Why was she so stupid? Saving people was a good thing, but she saved such a master without knowing it?

Maybe this person doesn't need anyone to save him at all, he's just too busy...

The chaos of the crowd was getting further and further away, but the pursuers refused to relax at all. The young man led Qin Yining and ran all the way, twisting and turning in the county town, and finally found a hiding place behind a pile of debris in the narrow alley. Place.

This place is already far away from the Yamen, and the noisy shouting can hardly be heard, only the barking of startled dogs comes and goes.

The young man grabbed Qin Yining's hand and held her behind him. The two squatted close to the wall, using a pile of firewood, bamboo baskets and the like as cover.

From Qin Yining's angle, he could see the young man's back that was bruised by the sword.

Most of these scars were caused by Jingzhe and others struggling to get her back. Those common people were no match for the young man's bamboo sword.

He was completely defenseless against her.

Qin Yining has a dagger in his hand. She can also immediately plunge the dagger into the young man's heart.

But looking at the young man's tense body,

Staring at the entrance of the alley like a vigilant beast, his left hand was subconsciously protecting her in front of her. The wound on his back was still bleeding, and Qin Yining suddenly understood.

Could this person be trying to save her?

He was a savage who didn't understand the rules. He was deaf and mute and couldn't understand what the people were saying. He only saw people trying to catch her and people coming to touch her.

With his skills, the three silver-faced spies combined were no match for him, and with one of his arms and one leg disabled, it was too easy for this man to get out of Xiaoxue's sight.

He could neither hear nor understand the rules. When he returned to Danford County and saw that she was besieged by so many people, and there were still people who wanted to belittle her, if he had the heart to repay her, he would definitely rush to protect her.

But now he was covered in scars, but she was completely unscathed, not a single hair had fallen out, and except for a few stains on her body, she had no problem at all.

Qin Yining usually looks at people doing things and always thinks not to care what others say, just look at what others do.

This young man could not speak, but he used his actions to lead her out of the mob's encirclement. He fought hard and protected her with his body without causing any harm to her.

He was like an embarrassed and vigilant wild dog, baring his canines and trying his best to protect her.

Qin Yining didn't know if she was thinking too much, but judging from the situation in front of her, this was the conclusion she came to.

The young man wanted to tie her up. He had already had many opportunities to do so when they first met, and she was completely defenseless at the time.

The fact that he didn't do it at that time meant that he didn't mean to kidnap her.

Besides, she has already appeared in front of others and is being hunted by so many angry people. If she leaves the youth now and is captured by those uneasy and well-meaning men, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, Qin Yining made up his mind that he could not leave the young man. He would follow him for the moment and escape from danger before making long-term plans.

At this time, there was a burst of cluttered footsteps outside the alley, and someone shouted loudly: "I saw them running this way with my own eyes!"

"His grandma, if you catch that wolf cub, you will chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

"Yes, catch him, I will avenge my brother!"

The sound of hateful curses gradually disappeared with the sound of footsteps, but Qin Yining did not dare to move or make any sound.

The young man's nerves were still tense, and his left hand had already grabbed Qin Yining's wrist, keeping the same position.

After a while, the footsteps came back again.

"Is it really not here? It must have gone over there!"

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

A group of people held torches and weapons and ran to the other side.

At this time, the young man grabbed Qin Yining's wrist with his left hand and took her out of the alley with a bamboo stick.

The two reached the street and rushed forward with all their strength.

At this time, Qin Yining was really glad that her physical strength was still good, and she did not grow up beside her parents, and she still retained a pair of natural feet. If she were a three-inch golden lotus, wouldn't she have been caught by now?

"over there!"

A loud roar came from far behind.

Qin Yining felt excited, turned around suddenly, and saw a sea of ​​torches chasing in this direction.

The young man grabbed Qin Yining's wrist and continued to run wildly without letting go.

At this time, the entire Danford County was awakened by this incident.

The three big families in Danfu County accounted for 70% to 80% of the county's population. This time, they suffered the greatest losses. Naturally, they were the ones who took the lead in making trouble at the Yamen Gate, and the largest number of people went there.

But who would have expected that Prince Zhongshun did not hurt anyone, but the "wolf cub" who had been eating dog food and pig food in their county for four years did so. He was still such a powerful person.

The total number of casualties among the three major families, whether the main family or the branch, has exceeded a hundred.

How could they let the murderer go?

Therefore, Qin Yining and the young man encountered constant pursuers all the way, and everyone was rushing to catch them and cut their bodies into thousands of pieces for revenge.

The young man took Qin Yining and fled to the suburbs, barely escaping his pursuers and hiding in a forest.

In the darkness, there were shadows everywhere in the woods, and there was a strange and ferocious feeling among the tangled branches and bushes. The young man led Qin Yining up the steep slope and hid her behind a bush, while he still stood in front of her.

At this time, far away from the city and in the mountains, the bloody smell on the young man's body became even stronger.

Qin Yining knew that he was seriously injured, and the wound kept bleeding because of running. She frowned and lightly tapped the young man's shoulder.

The young man looked back, met Qin Yining's gaze, lowered his eyes and lowered his head.

Qin Yining knew that he couldn't hear or speak, so he gestured to the wound on his back.

The young man looked at her for a long time and shook his head.

Qin Yining sighed helplessly. When she came out, she brought a dagger and banknotes, and also specially carried various small medicine bags made of rock sugar. This is where it comes in handy.

She took out the medicine bag and was just about to take action when she suddenly heard footsteps coming from down the mountain. The fire gradually became brighter, Qin Yining looked solemn, and put away the medicine bag again.

Those who were chasing them didn't give them a chance to stop and take medicine.

"Search! They must be around here!"

"Yes, if you catch the wolf cub, you must kill him alive!"

"And that bitch, if you catch her, you must give her a good deal. They are all lackeys who harm us ordinary people!"

A group of people cursed, formed a wide encirclement, and walked up the mountain step by step.

Qin Yining looked solemn, he would definitely be caught if he continued like this.

The young man turned around, pushed Qin Yining's shoulders and hid her in the bushes. Qin Yining frowned and was pushed directly into the bushes. Her long hair was messed up by the branches and her clothes were scratched.

The young man pursed his lips and looked at her, patted her arm, nodded hard, then turned around and ran away.

Qin Yining was stunned and immediately understood his intention.

This man wants to distract the pursuers!

Qin Yining wanted to call him back. But she knew it was useless to yell because the young man couldn't hear her!

As the young man ran away, he soon heard a burst of curses and shouts of killing, followed immediately by screams.

Qin Yining frowned tightly, and it took a long time for the sound of fighting to completely subside.

Then, the distinctive footsteps of a lame man approached chaotically. Qin Yining emerged from the bushes and saw a young man staggering towards him, leaning on a bamboo stick.

The pursuers at the foot of the mountain were completely silent.

So many people, all...killed?

"You..." Qin Yining no longer knew what to say.

This man was different from everyone she had ever met.

Call him vicious. He clearly could have left her alone, but because of the favor of a good meal, he rushed into the crowd and took her away from the mob, thus getting into trouble. He was scarred and never let go of her. She protected her tightly and didn't let her get hurt at all.

But if you say he is not vicious, he does not hesitate to kill people. It seems that in his eyes, human life is the same as the life of ants. He kills people as if he were trampling on ants while walking, without feeling any guilt at all. Killing is a common occurrence for him: the knife in his hand is as fast as an afterimage. Even though he has broken an arm and a leg, he still has such outstanding skills, which is enough to prove this.

This man had been abused for four years in Danford County, like a useless beggar, eating pig food and dog food without ever thinking of resisting.

But why do you want to take the initiative to intervene this time? Is the truth really what she suspected?

In the past, Qin Yining didn't believe that this man was a murderer, but now it seemed that he believed him.

But why would such a man who risked his life to repay the favor just because she treated him to a meal kill the wife of the good man who saved him in the first place?

There is something strange everywhere in this.

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