Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1012: Captured?

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no pursuers at this time, Qin Yining took out the small medicine bag again.

No matter what the young man's past is, and how many doubts there are in his affairs, they all have to survive now.

Qin Yining gestured to his wound, lowered his voice and whispered: "This is wound medicine. You were injured and lost too much blood. The bleeding must be stopped immediately."

After saying this twice, the young man's expression changed from confusion to understanding.

He did not nod in agreement, but grabbed Qin Yining's wrist, stood up and continued walking.

His steps were already staggering, but he still refused to slow down. The hand holding her was still very tight, and he refused to let go of his bamboo knife.

This man was so stubborn but couldn't hear him. Qin Yining couldn't persuade him even if he tried to persuade him, so he had no choice but to follow his footsteps. Not even half of the moonlight could shine through the woods at night. Qin Yining staggered as he walked. The two of them had just walked a short distance, and soon there was another sound of footsteps at the foot of the mountain.

Qin Yining's heart trembled, and her nervous palms began to sweat.

Now it is certain that there is no harm in following the young man, but the people of Danford County have shown extraordinary resilience in hunting them down.

This is easy to understand. Eighty percent of the population of Danfu County comes from three large families. The largest number of people who went to make trouble in front of the Yamen today must be from these three families. The young people slashed and killed most of the people. They belong to these three big clans.

They aroused the hatred of these people. In addition, the people here despised the king's laws and regarded clan rules as more important.

Qin Yining could already foresee that they would be hunted down all the way. The people from these three big families would fight them to the death!

They fled all the way, and if they couldn't escape, the young man had to face those chasing them head-on. Those people are no match for the young man. Wouldn’t the young man kill more and more, and the hatred will become bigger and bigger?

Qin Yining ran panting and said helplessly: "You can't kill anyone anymore, you really can't kill anyone anymore."

But Qin Yining himself knew that the young man couldn't hear it.

He didn't respond at all, and just led Qin Yining through the woods to an increasingly remote location.

At this time, in front of the county government office in Danfu County, there were many more people than at the beginning. The loud noises mixed with the mournful wails stung people's eardrums.

"We just came to Prince Zhongshun to write a letter of guarantee.

Why did he suffer such a vicious attack! "

"Why do you kill my son and give me my son's life!"

Pang Xiao did not kill anyone, but the young man took Qin Yining and fought his way out. He was ruthless and had no scruples. Killing people was no different from chopping melons and vegetables, so there were very few dead people. There are complete ones.

Although the people here are pedantic and stubborn, they are also ordinary people. Where have you seen such blood splattered on the spot? Even when others saw it, they couldn't help but retreat in fear. Those who came to collect the body after learning that something happened to their own children, and those with weaker endurance, had already fainted from the mutilated corpse.

Pang Xiao's anger was already on the verge of mania.

Qin Yining was taken away. Although Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both said that Qin Yining would be fine, how could Pang Xiao not be worried?

Unexpectedly, these people kept asking questions one after another, and the place was surrounded by more and more people.

Something happened under his nose. If he didn't take a stand, even if he didn't order people to kill people, the final shit would still be on his head.

Pang Xiao must protect his reputation, because his reputation is directly related to the success or failure of his affair with Qin Yining. Once it fails, everyone close to him will be buried with him.

It was precisely because Pang Xiao knew the stakes involved that he had to endure it, but his sister Yi was missing! Unfortunately, his people are now trapped in this sea of ​​people.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." Xu Weizhi's forehead was covered with sweat. "There are too many people in this county. If you recruit civilians, you can bring three thousand or four thousand people to bind them, let alone ordinary people. Now this incident has happened." You have to think of a solution and don't be impulsive."

Xu Weizhi's words were vague, but Pang Xiao understood it immediately.

"Everyone, be quiet. I was almost assassinated just now, and my princess was kidnapped. I must get to the bottom of this matter. You have gathered in front of the Fu Yamen and made trouble for half the night, but I did not arrest you immediately. , because you are also innocent people who have been deceived and implicated. Please be sensible, fellow villagers, and think carefully, what is the difference between making trouble like this and treason? Are you really planning to rebel against the imperial court? Going to the whole family?"

"Stop threatening us! There are so many of us, what are you afraid of!"

"Yes, we don't have to be afraid!"

Some people in the crowd echoed, and some even shouted loudly: "If you don't write us a letter of guarantee today, if you still recruit civilians in Danford County outside in the future, we will not leave! We can't watch our children and grandchildren die!"

"That is an imperial edict! I am not the one who issued the order, so how do I have the qualifications to sign a guarantee? If you are dissatisfied, and if you are not afraid of the crime of disrespecting the edict, you can go to the capital and ask the Holy One to sign a guarantee for you! I am just a minister. , only follow the instructions of the Holy One when doing things, and for things like writing a letter of guarantee, you have really found the wrong person!"

"That's right!" Xu Weizhi also shouted loudly, "Fellow folks, folks! Listen to the old man's advice. It's useless for everyone to make trouble here."

Tang Xiu also had a sullen face and said in a deep voice that sounded like a villain, "If you make any noise again, I will kill you all first! What will happen if you kill not only one of you but all of you for such a rebellious person!"

As soon as Tang Xiu finished speaking, the Jinghu Guards raised their swords. Previously, they could only use the scabbard, but now the sharp silver blade shone coldly in the moonlight. The people who saw it were frightened, and the noise became quieter.

When the people in charge saw that Pang Xiao refused to let go, they knew that Prince Zhongshun was not an easy person to deal with. A few people hidden in the crowd made up their mind after discussion.

"We have to guard here too. We must ask Prince Zhongshun to write a letter of guarantee today, but that wolf cub must also die. We must avenge the death of more than a hundred people!"

"In that case, let's divide the troops into two groups. Leave a small number of people in front of the Yamen, and the rest will go catch the wolf cub!"

With the leader coming up with ideas, the rest of the people also have a backbone. Although the crowd surrounding the county government office is not planning to leave yet, those near the outside of the encirclement have begun to discuss how to intercept the "wolf cub".

At the same time, Qin Yining was pulled out of the woods by the young man.

It turns out that there is a village on the other side of the woods. There are no buildings as concentrated as in the city, and there are only two main streets. Apparently it is a village under Danford County.

From a distance, the village is pitch black, but there is still one day in July and half, and the bright moon is high in the sky, and the outline of the village can be seen clearly.

At this time, the young man's steps were becoming more and more frivolous, and his grip on Qin Yining's wrist was also somewhat relaxed.

Qin Yining was panting while running, and his breath was filled with the bloody smell of the young man.

Just when they escaped from the forest, they encountered another group of people who intercepted them.

Qin Yining didn't want the young man to kill anyone again, and just when she opened her mouth to try to convince her with emotion and reason, the young man protected her and danced with the silver light of his bamboo sword.

His techniques are fast and ruthless. After seeing him more, Qin Yining found that his martial arts were different from Mu Jinghu's.

Mu Jinghu's body is elegant, even if he is surrounded by others, he will try not to touch his body.

But now this young man didn't care about whether he was hurt at all. He held the knife and attacked head-on. If he could resist, he would use the knife to block. If he couldn't, he would avoid the vital points and exchange the opponent's life with less bleeding. It can be said that he has been "injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging himself eight hundred times."

Such a ruthless person is ruthless to his enemies and even more ruthless to himself, just like the beasts she had seen before. For the chance of survival, they would bite each other, even if they were scarred.

Qin Yining looked at the young man's back. Under the moonlight, his dark blue shorts were covered with messy cuts, and strips of cloth wrapped in the smell of blood were flying as they ran.

Qin Yining was worried.

How much blood can a person have? Who can stand such a trick?

After finally arriving in the village, Qin Yining's legs were already sore and her calves were almost cramping from exhaustion.

However, the young man still did not slow down, staggering and struggling to pull her along with one foot.

The two of them were in the dark, so it was easier to hide.

But the pursuers behind them held up torches and lanterns without caring at all.

Qin Yining was unable to hear the voices and footsteps of the pursuers, but when he ran away, he turned back frequently and could clearly see the lights approaching the village behind him.

"He's chasing me again." Qin Yining gasped and said to himself.

The young man pursed his lips and turned back, obviously seeing the lights approaching the village.

He dragged Qin Yining around to find a place to hide. However, the structure of this village is too simple, and it is night, so all the houses are closed.

After finally running forward for a while, the young man pulled Qin Yining and ran past the door of a wealthy family, pushing her into the shadow of the stone lion and the corner outside the door of the family.

He pressed Qin Yining's shoulders and hid her in the shadows.

Qin Yining knew that he wanted to hide her and lure away the people who were chasing them.

Qin Yining shook his head, "This is not the way to go."

Naturally, the young man didn't respond. He slowly stood up holding the bamboo pole and was about to face the enemy.

Qin Yining stood up worriedly: "You will die if you continue like this. Come back!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the young man staggering a few steps and suddenly lying forward.

Qin Yining was shocked, ran to him quickly, pushed his shoulder gently, and felt warmth when he touched it.

"How are you? Don't die!"

With so many wounds and so much blood, Qin Yining thought it was a miracle that he could hold on until now before falling down. Seeing them on the way, a group of people with lights meandering towards him.

She was a little panicked, but she also knew that if she left the young man alone at this time, the people would definitely chop him into pieces when they came later.

This man got into such trouble because he was trying to save her. Qin Yining couldn't do such a thing.

Forget it, she is the princess anyway, those people won't kill her directly, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Yining gritted his teeth and tore up the hem of his skirt and bandaged the young man to prevent him from bleeding too much and killing him.

The pursuers were also approaching the village and were about to catch them.

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