Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1013 The Great Good Man (1)

Under the moonlight, the criss-crossing wounds on the young man's thin back were fully exposed. The cloth was in tatters and the wounds were bloody and bloody. Just looking at them made him feel cold.

What's wrong with this man? He obviously didn't have to get involved!

Qin Yining gritted his teeth and tore the hem of his skirt into strips of cloth, then strangled his wound tightly to temporarily stop the bleeding.

She brought the medicine given by Bingtang, but the long line of lights in the distance was getting closer and closer. Qin Yining hurriedly bent down to help the man up, holding the young man's bamboo knife in one hand and supporting him with the other, struggling to lead him to hide.

Looking left and right, all the buildings in the village came into view. It would be obvious to hide in the alley that you would be discovered immediately. For now, you should try your best to hide in the distant woods.

But at this time, the pursuers had already entered the village, and the long line of lights was approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye. Qin Yining couldn't escape alone, let alone someone else with him?

Qin Yining frowned and could only drag the person into the shadow of the corner where he wanted to hide her.

But in the blink of an eye, Qin Yining realized something was wrong.

The young man shed too much blood, and there are still blood stains on the ground!

As long as the pursuers lower their heads, it will be effortless to spot them!

Qin Yining was at a loss for a moment.

It seemed that she had to be mentally prepared to be captured. The people might take her as a hostage and force Pang Xiao to write a letter of guarantee.

In order to take her to escape from the siege, the young man killed so many people. The people in Danford County were afraid that they would only punish the young man in their own way, and the young man would definitely die!

what to do?

At this time, Qin Yining was really jealous that he was not as good at martial arts as Mu Jinghu!


A slight sound unique to a door opening came from beside you.

Qin Yining looked up in panic, and saw a man of about 10 years old with an elegant appearance walking out of the mansion. He was also looking down at her and the unconscious young man.

The man frowned.

Qin Yining's heart was full of helplessness and frustration.

It's over,

They were discovered!

Although Qin Yining was helpless and scared, when faced with danger, it was useless to just worry and fear. She began to outline several different situations in her mind, and thought of ways to deal with them.

"Quick! Take him and hide in!" the middle-aged man said anxiously.

Qin Yining was stunned.

She thought about several consequences, but she never thought that she would meet someone who didn't care how many people in Danford County the young man killed!

Seeing that the pursuers were about to turn towards her street, Qin Yining had no other choice but to trust the middle-aged man for the time being.

Qin Yining carried the young man to the house and carefully wrapped the young man in his robe to temporarily stop the bleeding.

The middle-aged man supported the young man on the other side, and Qin Yining carried him into the house door.

The middle-aged man turned around and closed the door.

At the same time, Qin Yining heard a clutter of footsteps approaching from far away.

At this time, there was no time to hide. Qin Yining hurriedly hid with the young man in the shadow behind the gate.

Through a wall, she heard many people stopping in front of the door, while others continued to run forward.

"Look, there are blood stains on the ground! Someone seems to be nearby!" Sure enough, someone with sharp eyes noticed the blood on the ground, and then someone said, "Isn't this person trying to harm Mr. Wang Dashan? No, you have to tell Mr. Wang Dashan One sound."

There was a knock on the door immediately.

After four or five rings, the middle-aged man who had been standing by the door, Wang Dashan, slowly answered the door.


"it's me."

Wang Dashan pretended to be confused and pushed open the courtyard door, "What's going on outside? Has Prince Zhongshun agreed to our request?"

Qin Yining held his breath nervously. The other hand covered the mouth of the unconscious young man.

They were now very close to the pursuers. As long as the pursuers took a few steps into the yard, they would be discovered immediately.

But it was obvious that the people outside had no intention of coming in to search.

"Wang Dashan, Prince Zhongshun's matter has not been resolved yet. He is surrounding the government office and talking. You must be careful. That wolf bastard is actually a man with strong martial arts. Our county has been killed by him. Hundreds of them!" The speaker gritted his teeth, "That bitch! When you let him live, he got even worse!"

"There is such a thing?" Wang Dashanren was stunned, "He still doesn't know how to repent!"

The person who brought the news said: "Don't be too naive. The Yuan family, the Liu family and the Yu family have all spread the word that they will catch this wolf cub even if they risk their lives. We are afraid that the wolf cub has a grudge against you and will come. You’re here to take revenge, so you must be careful!”

Wang Dashan nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I understand. Thank you for coming here to tell me."

"Where is it?" the messenger said with a smile, "When you see Mr. Yu later, please take care of me."

"That's for sure." Wang Dashan nodded.

After sending away the pursuers, Wang Dashan quickly closed the door. He put his ear against the door panel and listened to what was going on outside. The whole village was in a state of uproar at this moment, but instead he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and nodded to Qin Yining, beckoning her to follow him inside.

At this time, several young servants came forward without saying a word, helped up the unconscious young man, and carried him inside.

Seeing this, Qin Yining could only follow.

Qin Yining had already guessed in his mind that this Wang Dashan was probably the one who killed his wife and did not punish the murderer immediately.

Now it seems that this kind man does not hate young people very much!

Therefore, if Wang Dashan had no feelings for his wife at all, there might be another hidden reason for killing his wife.

In a flash of thought, Qin Yining followed Wang Dashan to a side room.

The servants put the young man on the bed and retreated as ordered.

There were no outsiders here, so Mr. Wang Dashan bowed respectfully and said, "The common people pay their respects to the princess."

Qin Yining's eyebrows jumped slightly, and then he thought about it. Everyone in the county had gone to Prince Zhongshun to make demands. It was not surprising that he knew who he was.

"No courtesy. I also want to thank Mr. Wang Dashan for saving my life."

"Anyway, a common merchant cannot afford the princess's thanks. Besides, he is the one who caused the accident." Wang Dashanren looked at the unconscious young man on the bed with extremely complicated eyes. "Princess, please forgive me, I don't have any maids in this house." , there are only a few attendants with rough hands and feet, and they are still good at body and kung fu. We can't invite the doctor at the moment. The common people will go and prepare some hot water first, and they will briefly clean and bandage him later. The princess is here Why don’t you take a short rest first and have some food?”

There was a siege of the government office in the city, and this person didn't plan to help the local people arrest her and threaten Pang Xiao?

However, Qin Yining has never been a person who is afraid of trouble. The behavior of this Wang Dashan is weird, but no matter how weird it is, it is not as important as the young man's current situation.

The young man lost too much blood and fell into a coma. If he did something wrong, he would lose his life. Regardless of whether the young man took her out of the siege and disrupted her plan, the young man suffered so many injuries along the way in order to protect her. Can't ignore it.

"I'm here to treat his wounds. I have some medicine here. It doesn't matter if you don't have a maid in the house. Please also prepare some salt water and sugar water. Let's give him some water to drink later."

Qin Yining immediately took out the small medicine bag he carried with him and followed Bingtang's original instructions to find the right medicine.

When Wang Dashan saw that Qin Yining actually planned to save people personally, he was stunned for a moment and said with emotion: "He is lucky to meet the princess."

Such a familiar and emotional sigh made Qin Yining even more certain that there must be something hidden between the two people back then.

Qin Yining said calmly: "Where is the blessing? I just gave him a full meal. I didn't expect that he would risk his life for this, and he would take me out no matter what. Tight siege. If he hadn't taken me with him, he wouldn't have suffered so many injuries. Just because of his sincerity, I couldn't ignore him."

"You are a good master." Wang Dashan put the wooden basin filled with hot water next to the bed, and silently prepared salt water and sugar water.

Qin Yining felt a little strange when he heard his answer.

She and the young man could only be said to have met by chance, and could not be considered a master-servant relationship. She did not disclose such information to Wang Dashanren, but Wang Dashanren opened her mouth with such emotion.

Qin Yining found two powders for external use and a pack of usable pills, and began to treat the young man's wounds.

Her movements are not very skillful, at least not comparable to those of a doctor, but she was injured a lot when she was surviving in the wild in her early years, so she is not afraid of dealing with wounds, and she also knows a little bit about it.

The powder given by rock sugar to stop bleeding is particularly effective. The longest wound on the young man's back was bone-deep, and the bleeding stopped in just a moment after applying powder.

Seeing this, Qin Yining became even more generous. He used all the useful medicinal powder and bandaged him with a clean white cloth prepared by Wang Dashan.

At this time Wang Dashan came in with a tray and two large bowls on it.

"Here comes sugar water and salt water."

Qin Yining nodded and said with a smile: "Please help me."

"Hey! I don't dare to take it seriously."

Wang Dashan came forward, helped the young man turn over, let him lie on his side, and fed the unconscious young man spoonfuls of sugar water and salt water.

Although he was unconscious, he still had the ability to swallow, and he quickly drank both bowls of water.

Qin Yining took another pack of pills, took three out of them, crushed them and mixed them into half a bowl of warm water. He gave them to Wang Dashanren and fed them to the young man. He explained, "This is a medicine that clears away heat and cools blood. His injury is so serious. The wound must have caused high fever.”

Wang Dashan nodded and began to give the young man medicine again.

Qin Yining watched Wang Dashanren's patient actions from the side, and his doubts deepened.

For the enemy who killed his wife, he was the kind of enemy who hated him so much that he was unwilling to give him any pleasure. Instead, he broke his hands and feet and made him beg for four years. In the past four years, he has been feeding him pig food to sustain his life. Wang Dashanren is such an enemy. Isn’t it a little too suspicious to treat patients with such patient treatment?

After taking the medicine, Mr. Wang Dashan sat aside and never left.

Qin Yining was a little worried, fearing what Wang Dashan would do to the young man if he left, so he did not leave.

Not long after, the servants of the Wang family came back and reported, "The people outside have not found anyone, and they have all gone to look elsewhere."

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