Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1020 Are you crying?

"It's just that the princess was brought out by this little brother. The prince must be anxious. He must be trying his best to send people out to find you, so he has no intention of dealing with the siege around him."

Meng Qin thought for a while, then looked at the young man behind Qin Yining with disapproval, "Even if this little brother wants to protect the princess, it would be too extreme. You have killed so many people in Danford County, and the people still don't care about this." Isn’t it all counted on the princess? People don’t know what your relationship is with the princess.”

The young man held the bamboo stick and looked at Meng Qin without saying a word or changing his eyes.

Seeing Meng Qin's brows tightening, Qin Yining smiled and said, "He can't hear or speak. Maybe he lives in a closed place all year round and doesn't know much about the world. I'll just teach him a lesson from now on."

When Meng Qin heard this, it was hard to pursue anything further.

Qin Yining said: "In that case, I would like to ask you to go to the prince to report that I am safe."

"This is a trivial matter. I was worried that you had other plans before, but since you said so, I will sneak in."

"Okay. In addition, please explain my situation here to the prince." Qin Yining told Meng Qin carefully about Tao Hanshan's deployment and arrangements, as well as the fruitless persuasion. "It's not because I was put under house arrest in disguise, but What Mr. Tao did is probably going to cause trouble, so I should tell the prince early so that he can take precautions in advance."

"Yes." Meng Qin nodded with bright eyes. Even if the princess didn't pursue this matter, he would still pursue it. So who was Tao Hanshan? Just grow a beard and think you are a fortune teller, look down on their leader? Pooh! He deserves it too!

Qin Yining walked to the table and saw that the Four Treasures of the Study were not prepared here. After thinking about it, he pulled off a piece of fabric on his skirt, took out a handkerchief from his arms to wrap up the rouge eyebrows and other items he carried with him, and quickly rubbed the eyebrows on the fabric with his eyebrows. Write a page of fine print.

"You can quietly give this to the prince and let him consider what to do after reading it."

Meng Qin nodded. Without Qin Yining's instructions, he did not read the content on the cloth. He just folded it and put it in his arms, "Don't worry, Alliance Leader."

"Okay, go ahead. Don't let them get suspicious if they see you."

"Hey, don't worry, I've watched when they change the guard, and I'll leave shortly."

Meng Qin said goodbye to Qin Yining, and according to the time he observed, he sneaked out again quietly.

Qin Yining stood in the corridor and listened carefully to what was going on outside, making sure that Meng Qin had not alerted any guards.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the house with the young man.

After sitting down, Qin Yining shook his head in amusement.

This was even when she was next to Pang Xiao's subordinates. She actually acted so cautiously. Without comparison, she really didn't know that Pang Xiao must have told her behind her back that everything she did went smoothly in the past. It was also Pang Xiao who showed enough respect for her in front of his subordinates. Only those who often come in contact with her would respect her in this way.

For example, Tao Hanshan, although he was one of the more capable counselors among Pang Xiao's men, his status was not high enough to be around Pang Xiao often. Naturally, he didn't know the details and was quite wary of her.

Qin Yining didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was put under house arrest by her own people, but Tao Hanshan was still doing things for Pang Xiao. She was afraid that she, a female prostitute, would mess up Pang Xiao's affairs by messing with him, and she didn't know whether to get angry or not.

She and the young man had been running for their lives for so long, their physical strength was severely exhausted, and the young man had lost too much blood. At this time, he was sitting on an armchair in front of the door, holding a bamboo stick and hanging his head. Although his eyes were open, he was already confused. .

Even though he was very tired, he still managed to stay awake, and it could be seen from his tight lips that he was very unhappy at this time.

Qin Yining shook his head in amusement, walked up to him, took out the medicines Bingtang gave him, took the ones for the young man and handed them to him.

This time the young man still took it and ate it without any hesitation.

Qin Yining said: "Are you angry?"

Naturally, the young man would not answer him.

Qin Yining thought about what Tao Hanshan had said just now that he planned to let the young man take the blame and blame him for the people's "rebellion" in Danfu County, and he knew what the young man was doing.

Back then, for Wang Dashanren, the young man killed the adulterer* who had ill intentions towards him. Instead, he was bitten and thrown into the street. An arm and a leg were also broken. For so long, he lived a life worse than a pig or a dog.

I think the young man is a very kind and righteous person. He was hurt and discouraged, so he decided to just let it go and resist.

Isn't the method proposed by Tao Hanshan this time another betrayal?

If Qin Yining had nodded at that time, the young man would have been betrayed a second time, and this time the price he would pay would be even heavier, including his life.

Qin Yining knew that the young man could not hear, but a deaf-mute like him was extremely sensitive to other people's malice. He must also know that Tao Hanshan wanted to do harm to him, so he was so depressed and vigilant.

"Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged. I won't let you admit what you didn't do. I have already thought of a solution. Let's go out later, and you can stay with me as a bodyguard. "

The young man looked up at Qin Yining, his eyes confused, but he still nodded.

Qin Yining chuckled. You can't hear her but you still have to nod in agreement with her?

For such a young man, Qin Yining was glad that he couldn't hear what Tao Hanshan said just now. Otherwise, wouldn't he be very angry?

Just as Qin Yining was thinking wildly, the young man suddenly opened his mouth and made a hesitant sound.

"Xiao." His voice was hoarse and his tone was stiff. It was obvious that he hadn't opened his mouth for a long time.

Qin Yining suddenly stared in shock.

"Were you the one talking just now?"

The young man nodded and said, "Ni, Xiao, Shen Mo?"

"Ni Xiao Shen ask me what I'm laughing at?" Qin Yining was surprised and surprised, "So you're not mute? Or deaf?"

The young man stopped talking, pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, and a dimple appeared on the right cheek.

Qin Yining remembered what Wang Dashan said. When he picked up the young man, he was wearing a Fanbang robe and straw sandals, and he had a strong smell of sea.

Qin Yining suddenly felt blessed, "Are you a Japanese?"

The young man raised his eyes to look at Qin Yining, and finally nodded honestly.

Qin Yining slowly recalled what Wang Dashanren said, and everything made sense.

It seems that the young man is not deaf and mute. When he first came here, he probably wandered here by accident. He was in a foreign country and could not understand anything or speak the local language. Of course, he could only pretend to be deaf and mute.

Qin Yining slowed down his speech, "Can you hear everything I say? Do you understand the meaning?"

The young man nodded, then shook his head.

"You can hear it, but you can't understand it all?"

The young man nodded heavily again.

Qin Yining said: "Does Mr. Wang Dashan know about your situation?"

The young man blinked and reacted for a while before he understood what Qin Yining meant and shook his head.

Qin Yining laughed and said, "Since you can listen and speak, I will have someone teach you Dazhou dialect in the future. What is your name?"

"Name stain, nest cry..." The young man said a string of words that Qin Yining didn't understand.

Qin Yining stared and said in embarrassment and hesitation: "You just said that your name is...'silly crying one'?"

The young man looked at Qin Yining, thought for a while, chuckled, shook his head and waved his hands, and wrote on the table with his left hand.

Qin Yining lowered her head to look and found that she recognized the first two of the words he wrote. She couldn't help but said in surprise: "It turns out to be Sakurai... I don't recognize the following ones. It turns out that the word you read is 'Silly Crying' '?"

The young man smiled and nodded, reading his name again.

Qin Yining was quite curious about the Japanese language. After reading it several times after Sakurai, he was able to pronounce his name accurately.

She asked curiously: "Do you know what 'thank you' means, right? How do you say thank you so much?"

Sakurai reacted slowly, but still understood what Qin Yining meant, and pronounced four more words.

Qin Yining followed him and learned it several times, then suddenly smiled and read his name and the four words he learned next in succession.

Sakurai was stunned immediately.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "You were seriously injured to save me. I will repay you in the future."

Sakurai remained stunned and unresponsive.

Qin Yining saw that he was silent and his face was not very good-looking. Knowing that he was still weak, he stopped learning Japanese with him and said with a smile: "It's getting late, you can rest. I'll go to sleep in the back room too."

Qin Yining pointed to the heated bed near the window, indicating that Sakurai would sleep there. He entered the back room by himself.

She asked Meng Qin to bring the news to Pang Xiao, thinking that Pang Xiao could solve the problem of people surrounding the government office tonight. Qin Yining felt a little more relaxed. She and Sakurai had escaped for two days. At this time, she felt tired, almost As soon as he closed his eyes, Qin Yining fell asleep.

Sakurai sat on the armchair in front of the door. Instead of resting on the heated kang by the window as he was told, he held the bamboo knife in his hands and looked thoughtful.

He had an extraordinary ear, and when he heard Qin Yining's even breathing coming from inside, Sakurai stood up, walked slowly to the floor cover, and looked at the mature girl lying on her side on the bed facing the Arhat. The man's eyes gradually became firmer.

He stood the bamboo knife by the wall, slowly knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and caressed his chest, and performed the ceremony of acknowledging his master.

He also performed this gift to Wang Dashan a few years ago. But as soon as he recognized his master, he was betrayed by Wang Dashan.

He was betrayed all the time, to the point of despair.

But this woman was so beautiful, trusted him, and gave him hope.

He was afraid that he would be rejected if he recognized his Lord in person, and he also felt that now that he was disabled and of low status, he was not worthy of being her follower, so he took advantage of her to sleep and quietly performed the ritual of recognizing his Lord, in his heart recognized her status.

As long as he recognized this master in his heart, it didn't matter whether she recognized him or not.

Sakurai performed the ceremony of acknowledging his master, then took the bamboo sword and returned to the outside.

He wasn't going to rest, he wanted to keep vigil for her.

Unexpectedly, just as he sat down, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the courtyard outside the door, as well as the sound of very light and mixed footsteps. Just by listening to this, he judged that there were at least twenty people coming.

Sakurai's eyes suddenly changed, and he hurriedly rushed into the room with a limp, pushing Qin Yining awake.

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