Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1021 Fight to the Death

Qin Yining had just fallen asleep when he was pushed awake eagerly. He opened his eyes with excitement and his heart beat like a drum.

Sakurai looked anxious. In a hurry, he couldn't speak Dazhou dialect and couldn't express what he meant, so he had to pull her up and gesture outside.

Qin Yining quickly regained consciousness, quickly stood up, and followed Sakurai out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two returned to the main hall, they heard someone approaching through the door.

Qin Yining felt nervous, fearing that the door could not be opened.

Sakurai obviously knew that the situation was urgent, so he took Qin Yining's wrist towards the back window, eagerly pushed open the window, and first urged Qin Yining to climb out of the window.

At the same time, there was a loud bang at the front door, and it was kicked open by someone!

A bean-like light in the house was swayed by the wind that suddenly rushed into the house. More than a dozen masked men in black poured in with sharp knives, just in time to see Sakurai's back through the window.

"Chase!" A deep male voice said, and the masked man in black quickly chased towards the back window.

Sakurai grabbed Qin Yining's wrist and ran away, but the men in black were much faster than a lame man and a woman. They quickly caught up and surrounded Sakurai and Qin Yining.

Qin Yining gritted his teeth and his mind was running rapidly.

With so many assassins, why didn't the people Tao Hanshan and his men react at all? Have all the guards in the manor been knocked down?

Qin Yining immediately shouted loudly: "Who are you! Do you know my identity! If you hurt me even a hair, Prince Zhongshun will not let you go!"

She deliberately raised her voice, just to spread her voice in the dead of night, so that people outside would naturally come to the rescue if they heard the noise.

But who knows, Qin Yining did not wait for any response. Instead, the assassin led by him snorted mockingly, "You are the one who will be killed! Take your life!"

The assassins showed their snow blades without hesitation and swarmed forward.

Qin Yining's heart tightened. An unprecedented sense of crisis hit her, and her hands and feet became cold.

There were no other guards around her, only Sakurai, but there were twenty assassins surrounding them.

Such a big movement here did not attract Tao Hanshan and the other guards.

It can be seen that either something happened to those people, or they have other secrets.

She didn't have time to think about it, the cold blade was already coming towards her.

Qin Yining's eyes widened, and she reacted quickly to avoid it, but before she could make a move, Sakurai was already in front of her, holding a bamboo sword horizontally and trying to resist.

Under the moonlight, the weapons collided with a "clang" sound!

At the same time, another knife slashed from behind. Sakurai hurriedly pushed Qin Yining with his right shoulder to avoid it, but his back had to meet the blade.

Qin Yining didn't hear Sakurai's cry of pain, but saw the assassin's knife making a gash on Sakurai's already injured back. Blood gushed out, and the smell of blood instantly filled the tip of his nose.

But Sakurai seemed to feel no pain. He held the knife with his left hand and protected Qin Yining with his broken arm. Even though he was lame and weak, he was still very fast.

Qin Yining only saw a flash of silver light in front of his eyes. Before he had time to see clearly how he moved, he heard several dull "pop" sounds as the blades penetrated the flesh. In the blink of an eye, three assassins in black fell to the ground.

The encirclement was torn open by Sakurai, and he quickly led Qin Yining to fight and retreat.

His desperate momentum when fighting with the sword and his weird and fast movement skills were indeed quite intimidating. Three of the assassins died, but the remaining seventeen hesitated for a moment.

Sakurai took this opportunity and fled to the courtyard gate with Qin Yining.

"Hurry up!"

How could the assassin be willing to let someone go? A group of people rushed up again. This time they knew Sakurai's martial arts skills, and they tried their best even more.

Sakurai had to protect Qin Yining while also dealing with more than a dozen people. The situation was really tense.

But he had no intention of abandoning Qin Yining and leaving on his own. He pursed his lips tightly and tightly protected Qin Yining behind him. The ferocity with which he fought and his eyes like a ferocious beast made even the assassin tremble with fear.

His sword skills are in line with his aura, with an intimidating ruthlessness. He would rather injure himself by eight hundred than injure the enemy by one thousand; he would rather let the other injure him than take his life. .

The assassins relied on the strength of their numbers and came with a purpose. Naturally, they were not like Sakurai who fought so desperately to protect Qin Yining. Once they hesitated, they were immediately caught, and within a few breaths they were caught. In the meantime, several more assassins fell.

Sakurai's right arm moved back to protect Qin Yining and he stepped back step by step. His eyes were as sharp as a bird of prey, and blood continued to fall to the ground from the tip of the bamboo knife.

The assassins seemed to be afraid of Sakurai and did not dare to move forward.

Sakurai relied on his own fierceness to take advantage of the assassin's hesitation and immediately ran out of the courtyard with Qin Yining and ran to the front yard of the manor.

"Hurry up and chase! Don't let them run away!"

The assassin caught up again.

Qin Yining heard Sakurai's heavy breathing while running.

This was the way he fought today when he took her to escape. He would never dodge if he could fight hard, and exchange his own wounds for the enemy's life. Not only that, he also tried his best to protect him. If he couldn't stop him, he would rather fight with his own body than let Qin Yining get hurt at all.

He had already lost a lot of blood, and there were several new injuries on his body today. The pungent smell of blood filled Qin Yining's nose, making her unable to tell what it felt like.

"Let's go! Their target is not you." Qin Yining said while being led away by Sakurai, "It's me they want to kill. There are so many assassins, you can't fight them alone!"

Sakurai did not answer, but still protected Qin Yining and fled toward the gate of the manor, regardless of the assassin's footsteps getting closer.

Qin Yining said anxiously: "They must have killed me because I was an enemy of the prince. You and I met by chance. If you risked your life to save me as a favor, you would have paid off countless meals." Life is precious, please leave quickly! There is no need to accompany me to death!"

"No!" The tone was decisive.

As his words fell, the sharp clashing sound of weapons could be heard.

The assassin has arrived.

This place is far from the gate of the manor. There are houses on the left and right sides, and the courtyard wall behind it, forming a blind spot. Sakurai uses himself to protect Qin Yining between the three walls, forming a barrier.

Due to the limited space in the alley, assassins can no longer swarm up, which really relieves a lot of pressure. There is no need for Sakurai to be distracted and have to worry about the people behind him during the battle.

But there are too many assassins.

Their martial arts skills are not as good as Sakurai's, but they are outnumbered and have superior physical strength. Sakurai is already injured and has been starving and freezing for many years. If his martial arts skills were ten points before, he only has two points left now. .

But he still clenched his teeth, with a posture that could prevent even a million people from getting away, and firmly blocked Qin Yining behind him.

With a fierce force, two more assassins died under his sword, and he received two new wounds on his shoulder and calf.

Sakurai's face was pale, and his chest heaved violently as he breathed heavily, but his face was firm and he still refused to give in.

He knew that if he fell, the master behind him would have no way to survive.

The assassins seemed to be subdued by Sakurai's superb sword skills and ruthless momentum. Everyone hesitated for a moment, but no one dared to approach.

There were twenty of them in total, eight of them were killed in the blink of an eye, and the remaining ones did not dare to rush forward. So they had to block the alley to prevent people from escaping.

Sakurai single-handedly managed to confront the remaining dozen masked men in black clothes for a long time.

Qin Yining stood in the corner, looking at Sakurai's thin back, her lower lip had been bitten and bled. Her eyes gradually went downwards, landing on a small puddle of blood on the ground.

That's Sakurai's blood.

The assassins changed their strategy and adopted the tactics of wheel fighting, intending to kill Sakurai. Although Sakurai's physical strength was gradually exhausted, he still refused to give in. With his swift sword skills, he killed six more in several close combats.

Suddenly, the ground in the narrow alley was covered with the corpses of the black-clad assassins.

The remaining six assassins became more and more afraid to step forward easily.

The clothes on Sakurai's body had been cut into messy strips of cloth, and the bloody wounds were turned outwards. Blood dripped on the ground, but he still refused to escape by himself.

Qin Yining's eyes were red and his heartbeat was pounding.

Sakurai couldn't understand the people's words and thought they wanted to kill her, so they took her out and fled with her all the way. Now she refuses to give up and is almost covered with bruises.

Regardless of whether his actions would bring misunderstanding and trouble to her, just one person would be willing to give his own life to protect her. Such loyalty and emotion are enough to move any person with conscience.

Qin Yining thought in a daze, no wonder this person's name is "Silly Cry", he is really stupid, he has his persistence, the weight of kindness and loyalty in his heart is higher than his life, so that year he After being betrayed by Mr. Wang Dashan, she would be in ruins, so she just gave him food and treated him a little better, and he protected her with her life...

Qin Yining only regretted that he had no martial arts skills and could not help at all.

The only thing she could do was to stay silently in the corner, not to distract Sakurai or let Sakurai's blood flow in vain. She watched helplessly as Sakurai dragged a crippled arm and a crippled leg, covering his body with wounds. She fought head-on with the assassin and continued to use her body to build a solid wall for her.

But this kind of self-knowledge made her only watch her friends being hurt one after another...

In a flash of silver light, two more assassins had their throats cut with a knife.

But before Sakurai could react, another assassin's knife was already approaching.


Sakurai lost too much blood and was already weak. His headphones were buzzing and the world in his eyes was blurry. He was too exhausted to escape and was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife.

"Pfft" a muffled sound.

Qin Yining watched helplessly as the tip of the knife penetrated Sakurai's thin back.

Sakurai cut off the assassin's arm with his backhand and inserted the bamboo knife into the man's heart. Then he shook his body and slowly knelt down, blood quickly gathering at his feet.

Qin Yining could no longer care about anything else and stumbled forward to hold his arm: "Sakura!"

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