Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1022 Passionate

Sakurai's thin body trembled, and blood gurgled under him.

Qin Yining's pupils tightened, her voice trembled, and she said in panic: "Sakurai, Sakurai..."

The remaining four assassins saw that Qin Yining was approaching and that the crippled man with a broken arm had been stabbed in his vitals and was no longer a threat. They quickly seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

Sakurai pushed Qin Yining away, with a steel knife stuck in his abdomen and fighting with these four.

It's just that his vision has long been blurred, and he relies entirely on instinctive reactions.

He is a man who keeps his word. Since he has recognized this woman as his master, he cannot watch her lose her life before the end of his life. For her kindness to him, for her sincere gratitude to him, and for her not betraying him... …

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to ask her name, nor did he have time to stay with her as her bodyguard.

Seeing victory in sight, the four assassins attacked with all their strength.

Sakurai was exhausted and could no longer resist.

The tip of the assassin's knife pierced his chest, and the sharp blade flashed by in the moonlight, followed by a splatter of blood.

"Sakurai!" Qin Yining crawled to Sakurai's side, pressed his bleeding wound with both hands, and burst into tears, "I can't help you, I have hurt you..."

Sakurai lay on the cold ground. The bamboo knife he cherished the most finally let go. He grabbed Qin Yining's wrist and said with difficulty: "Mu, name."

"Yining, my name is Qin..."

The grip on my wrist loosened.

"My name is Qin Yining. Thank you for protecting me. I can't help you."

The assassin's steel knife brought a gust of cool wind and hit him head on. Qin Yining raised her tearful eyes, suddenly feeling tired and desperate.

She couldn't escape.

Just when she closed her eyes and waited for death, she heard only the sound of "Clang!" and the sound of metal hitting. After several "swish" sounds, the four assassins fell down with miserable screams.

Looking down, he saw that the steel knife had been knocked off by an arrow. An arrow had penetrated each of the four assassins' thighs, injuring a major blood vessel, and blood spurted out as if it had been squeezed.

"Sister Yi!" Pang Xiao said with a long bow on his back.

As nimble as a speeding cheetah, he arrived in the blink of an eye.

But when he reached his eyes, looking at Qin Yining sitting in a pool of blood covered in blood, Pang Xiao suddenly stopped and could not get closer.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with the assassins?" Tang Xiu led the Jinghu Guards to capture the assassins and remove their jaws at the same time.

Xu Weizhi, who was running out of breath, saw that Pang Xiao and Qin Yining looked strange, and said hurriedly, "Take them down for questioning first, don't let them die!"

"Yes." Tang Xiu agreed immediately and took the assassin down.

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue both stood aside panting, looking at the princess sitting dumbly and the prince standing dumbly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Pang Xiao lowered his head and looked at Qin Yining's blood-stained hands still pressing on Sakurai's chest. His Adam's apple rolled and he said slowly: "Sister Yi, you..."

Pang Xiao suddenly stopped before he finished his question.

Because he saw her sweetheart sobbing and sobbing, her shoulders shrugging, and then the suppressed cries turned into howls.

Pang Xiao felt like his internal organs had been crushed to pieces!

His sister Yi was a woman who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside. He had never seen her cry like this before, she was as aggrieved as a child.

Pang Xiao's nose felt sore when she cried, and he felt extremely distressed. He hurriedly knelt down and hugged Qin Yining, holding her tightly.

"It's my fault. I'm late. I won't cry anymore. My sister Yi won't cry anymore."

Qin Yining shook his head and grabbed Pang Xiao's shoulders, "I killed him! If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have died!"

"It's not your fault. I can't blame you. This is clearly the assassin's fault. I will definitely avenge him. Be good, will you stop crying?" Pang Xiao comforted her softly and kissed her eyelids. He was so distressed that he almost went crazy. , I wish I could chop the culprit alive immediately!

Qin Yining lay buried in Pang Xiao's arms and cried until the end of the night. Pang Xiao kept half-kneeling on the spot, hugging her tightly and coaxing her.

Seeing this, Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue quietly retreated to arrange other matters.

Qin Yining's eyes went dark as she cried. She accidentally touched Pang Xiao's abdomen with her fingers, and felt a warm, wet and sticky tentacle. She was immediately startled, "What's wrong with you! You're injured!"

"It's okay, it's okay. This is a skin injury. I did it on purpose. I had to do a full set for the show, otherwise I still can't get rid of those stupid people." Pang Xiao lifted up the torn robe and showed it to Qin Yining, "Look, the wound is not big. . It’s not deep, it’s just that I opened my mouth suddenly when I ran. It doesn’t hurt at all. I’ll just put some medicine on it and it’ll be fine later.”

A three-inch-long gash on his abdomen was bleeding. It was impossible to tell the depth of the wound just by looking at it.

Qin Yining had not yet shaken off the fear of Sakurai's death and saw Pang Xiao bleeding so much. She felt anxious and distressed for a moment. She grabbed his sleeves and her lips trembled, unable to speak.

"Sister Yi, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Seeing Qin Yining's face getting more and more ugly, Pang Xiao picked him up in panic and ran quickly to the nearest room.

Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi and others saw that the prince was holding the princess in a panic, and they couldn't help but followed him worriedly. Xie Yue turned around and ordered someone to invite the doctor.

Qin Yining was laid flat on the heated kang near the window. She was still holding on to Pang Xiao's sleeves. She felt a heavy breath in her chest, her vision went dark, and her heart palpitated severely.

Pang Xiao squatted next to her and stroked her chest to help her breathe. "Sister Yi, take a deep breath. Calm down. It's okay. Do you think I'm fine now? I'm very strong. A little skin injury is nothing. Yes, I'll just bandage it later. Just relax, don't be anxious, don't be nervous."

Qin Yining nodded, closed his eyes, and tears welled up again.

Pang Xiao got up distressed and went to twist the handkerchief to wipe the blood from her face and hands. It took three basins of hot water to wipe it clean.

"Jiyun and Jingzhe were both slightly injured. I asked someone to take them to a large tent outside the city for resettlement. I'm a rough man, so if there's anything wrong with serving you, you have to tell me."

Qin Yining shook his head, finally regained his composure, and said in a hoarse voice: "Go and bandage it quickly, I'm fine."

Pang Xiao sat beside her, running his big hands along her long hair, and felt a lot of blood condensed on the hair, which showed how much danger she had experienced.

Now is not the time for questions.

Pang Xiao comforted her: "I'm really fine. I've already used the golden sore medicine before coming here." In order to distract Qin Yining, Pang Xiao added, "I saw the letter you sent and I was thinking about it. , how to use this method instead of paper and pen. Now I completely understand."

Qin Yining looked at him questioningly.

"Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu also thought of a way to go against your plan, so I deliberately got a little injured during the dispute. Those people surrounded the yamen, mainly because they wanted to beg me to write a letter of guarantee, and they would not use their help. I am a citizen of the county. But they hurt me, and they also knew that they were going to make things big, and they were afraid that everyone involved would be punished, so without my persuasion, the people all dispersed.

"We took the opportunity to take people out of the Yamen. Because you informed me of Tao Hanshan's emergency measures in your letter, we wanted to immediately notify Tao Hanshan to change our strategy. Who knew that my people did not contact Tao Hanshan, and the villa said that it was all empty. I I felt something was wrong, so I hurried over.”

Pang Xiao couldn't continue talking.

If he hadn't arrived in time, he might have only seen a corpse.

Qin Yining said slowly: "It was Sakurai who saved me."

"Ji Yun and Jing Zhe said that he is the poor man you saved in Danford County earlier."

"Yes. I didn't know he had such martial arts skills. He probably wanted to repay my kindness. He is a very kind and righteous person."

Qin Yining told Pang Xiao what he had experienced in the past two days and the entanglement between Wang Dashanren and Sakurai.

"He saw that I was being besieged and wanted to save me, so he killed many people. I won't talk about his killings, only his motives. He had good intentions. What's more, he had countless opportunities to leave along the way, but he never stopped After I came to this villa and met Mr. Tao, he probably noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere. He was so seriously injured, but he insisted on keeping vigil. Without him, I would not have been able to survive surrounded by twenty assassins. Stay alive."

Qin Yining sat up, and Pang Xiao immediately put his arms around her shoulders and put a large pillow behind her back to make her lean more comfortable.

"Although he is a Japanese, he is a good person. No matter what he has done in the past, for someone like me who only treated him to a few pieces of cake, his repayment is truly the most benevolent and righteous."

Qin Yining lowered his eyes, tears hanging on his eyelashes again.

Pang Xiao was a bit dissatisfied. He knew how shocking it would be to watch a person sacrifice his life for him after sharing the same adversity. That Sakurai will probably stay in Qin Yining's heart for the rest of his life.

But besides these emotions, Pang Xiao was even more grateful to Sakurai.

If he hadn't tried his best, how could his sister Yi be unscathed?

Although he was a Japanese, in Pang Xiao's heart, he was a real bloody man who deserved admiration. Moreover, he wanted to repay the favor of saving his life. Now that he was gone, he didn't know how to repay.

"Your Majesty."

At this moment, Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi invited the doctor in.

When Pang Xiao saw the doctor walking in quickly, he stood up and moved away from his seat.

After the doctor showed it to Qin Yining, he said tremblingly: "There is nothing serious about the princess's body. It is caused by excessive fatigue and excessive joy and sorrow in her emotions. The old man prescribed two prescriptions to soothe the nerves, and the princess recovered after using them for two days. ."

Pang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Thank you."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi smiled and asked the doctor to go to the side room and write down the prescription.

Qin Yining said: "The prince is also injured, please ask the doctor to take a look at him."

Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining lovingly, immediately checked the wound cooperatively, and re-dressed and bandaged it.

After the doctor left, Tang Xiu's interrogation also came to a conclusion.

"Your Majesty, those four are all tough guys. At first, they kept their mouths shut as tightly as a clam shell. But after the torture, Mr. They don’t know the details.”

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