Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1023 Decision

"Sure enough, it's Tao Hanshan." Pang Xiao lowered his eyes, clenching his fists tightly, and his knuckles turned white. "I wanted to give him orders before but couldn't find anyone, so I knew there was something wrong with him. I didn't expect it to be like this! He followed me After many years of being around him, even though he has become more utilitarian, I never expected that he would do such a thing."

Qin Yining leaned against the pillow, with two clusters of anger igniting in his eyes, and slowly sat up straight.

"Because I don't agree with his actions, and you love me very much. He is worried that I will block his way? It is understandable to want to climb up, but it is really disgusting to do everything possible. With all the people in Danford County How can a normal person do this to achieve his goal at the cost of his own life?"

Pang Xiao's face was gloomy and ugly.

"The reason why he escaped first was because he must have learned about my escape from the encirclement in the city."

Qin Yining could see in front of her eyes the scene of Sakurai blocking her body and desperately protecting him, and Sakurai's serious expression when he asked her name after falling down. At this moment, she wished she could freeze Tao Hanshan alive and chop him to vent her anger!

"Okay, you are really a good person. I think my kindness as a woman will affect you to achieve great things. Get rid of me and put the blame on Sakurai. When the time comes, based on how much you value me, you will definitely be full of satisfaction for the people of Danfu County. Hatred, you will do anything for revenge. He really did not leave any omissions, including you and me, and even the people of Danford County."

Qin Yining sneered and raised his eyes to look at Pang Xiao, "He is indeed an effective counselor by your side. He knows you very well and has high expectations for you."

Pang Xiao was so smart that he also thought about what Tao Hanshan was thinking.

It's not easy to earn the merit of being a dragon. Many subordinates follow Pang Xiao in the hope that one day he will become something big and they can get a share of the pie.

Pang Xiao didn't dislike such a utilitarian person, but he didn't expect that Tao Hanshan would do anything for success, even killing his wife!

He is not loyal to him at all, but taking advantage of him!

When he thought that he had handed Qin Yining into the hands of such a person and almost killed her, Pang Xiao's heart felt like it was being roasted by a hot iron.

"This person must not be treated lightly." Pang Xiao ordered Tang Xiu in a deep voice, "Immediately arrange for someone to investigate secretly. Remember, don't alert the snake."

"Yes." Tang Xiu saluted.

Pang Xiao added: "There are also people who have been used by Tao Hanshan. They must also be watched secretly. Tao Hanshan may seek refuge with these people."

"My subordinates understand.

It's just Mr. Tao, how does the prince plan to deal with it? "

Pang Xiao sneered and did not answer.

But looking at Pang Xiao's smile, Tang Xiu shuddered inexplicably. If he did something like this, he would be mentally prepared to be torn into pieces by the prince.

Tang Xiu followed the instructions and went on errands.

When there were only two people left in the room, Pang Xiao said: "You are tired too. Let's rest for a while. Later we will go to the camp outside the city."

Qin Yining was indeed extremely tired at this time.

But so many things happened, Qin Yining's thoughts were confused, and her mind was filled with the scene before Sakurai's death. Where could she sleep?

Rubbing his eyebrows tiredly, Qin Yining leaned on the soft and comfortable pillow and said, "I can't sleep, why don't we discuss what to do next." Tao Hanshan contacted the people from the Fifth Army Camp, which is not far away from here. It’s so far away, I think people from Japan will be here tomorrow. Are we going to watch them massacre the people in Danford County?”

Pang Xiao shook his head, "Sister Yi, I have been thinking about this matter all the time when I came here. I also wanted to discuss it with you. Since you don't want to sleep now, why don't you listen to what I mean?"

Qin Yining nodded, his eyes under the light were extremely gentle.

When Pang Xiao met her calm, watery eyes, his impetuous mind calmed down. The words that he was hesitant to say at first were blurted out easily now.

"Sister Yi, if I tell you about the treasure, I may not be able to get it, will you blame me?"

Qin Yining stared at the man in front of her, and her heart suddenly seemed to be filled with something warm and soft.

In the note she wrote to Pang Xiao, she only stated the current situation and did not express her own thoughts.

But Pang Xiao's idea obviously coincided with hers.

Like her, he was willing to fall into Cheng Zhixian's scheme. Considering the empty treasury and the disaster this year, he wanted to leave a way for the people to survive.

Once the truth about the siege by the people in Danfu County is revealed, a person like Li Qitian, who cherishes feathers, will naturally suspend construction for the sake of reputation and wait until the matter here is settled before making a decision.

Famine had already arrived at that time. The money left behind by delaying time can just save the people from disaster.

Pang Xiao agreed with her and did not want the people of Danford County to take the blame.

Seeing Qin Yining just looking at him without speaking, Pang Xiao felt a little uneasy, "Sister Yi, I know the treasure is very important, but for me, I have a clear conscience along the way and don't want to pave the way with the blood of ordinary people. If for If a treasure requires a conscience, then the treasure is no longer a good thing.”

When he said this, Pang Xiao smiled casually: "Besides, the treasure is just the icing on the cake. Who said that if I don't have the treasure, I will definitely lose?"

Qin Yining's lips were stained with faint smile lines, "You are right. There are some bottom lines that cannot be broken. If they are broken, you will easily forgive yourself if you do evil in the future, and in the end you will have no bottom line. I support your decision. But you You should also think about how to talk to Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu about this matter. The main reason why I argued with Mr. Tao was because of this matter. You have also seen Mr. Tao’s subsequent thoughts. If all your counselors think the same as Mr. Tao , if you insist on going your own way, it is very likely that these people will rebel."

Pang Xiao nodded: "Don't worry, not many people know about the treasure. I will discuss it carefully with them."

Qin Yining nodded and turned over to the ground.

Pang Xiao said worriedly: "Why are you up? Let's rest for a while."

Qin Yining shook his head: "I can't sleep, I want to see Sakurai."

Pang Xiao's brows suddenly furrowed, "If there's anything to see, it's better not to see it. I've already ordered people to pretend to be alive."

Qin Yining pursed his lips, "How can you just pretend to be buried? Zhixi, I want to send him back to his hometown. There must be a reason for him to develop such a temperament. He values ​​friendship so much, but he ended up like this after being betrayed by Wang Dashan I didn't resist despite the situation, and I want to know the reason behind this. I met him by chance, and he sacrificed his life for me. Due to emotions and reasons, I should send him back to his hometown, and he will not cross the ocean for no reason. Came here. I want to know what he has been through, but he has a family. If he has a family, I should take care of him."

Pang Xiao sighed: "What you said makes sense. Then I will arrange someone..."

"No." Qin Yining turned around and looked at Pang Xiao, "Your people have important things to do. I also have people who can be used. There are many talents in the Qingtian League, and there are many masters who are good at investigating. I know Sakurai's name. I can write, but I can’t read. I will arrange for people from the Qingtian League to go to Japan to find out more about it."

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