Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1024 Righteousness

Pang Xiao lowered his eyes when he heard this. If Sakurai hadn't stood firmly in front of Qin Yining, he might have seen Qin Yining's body when he came, and the person who did such evil things was his once trusted subordinate!

"Actually, even if you don't mention it, I still want to do something for Sakurai. The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by a spring. He gave his life to save you. No one can forget this kindness, and neither you nor I can forget it. It's just..." Pang Xiao sighed, "You don't want to leave things to my people, is it because Mr. Tao has so many complaints about you?"

Qin Yining's long eyelashes flickered. She didn't expect Pang Xiao to be so sensitive. He keenly captured every little grievance in her heart.

"It's not as serious as you said." Qin Yining smiled bitterly, leaning on Pang Xiao's shoulder a little tiredly, and his voice was as soft as a wronged little animal, "Mr. Tao's approach, although unexpected, is not too difficult. Accept it, people make their own plans and do anything to fight for fame and gain. Isn't this the normal state of life in the court? I'm just a little surprised that I have become like Daji and Baosi in the eyes of your advisers. "

She shared weal and woe with Pang Xiao, went through life and death, came up with many ideas for him, and took many risks, but in the end she got a bad name, and made people want to kill her to eliminate the hidden dangers. It would be wrong to say that she didn't feel anything at all. It's possible, but it can't be said that it's too much of a grievance.

"I can understand their thoughts, but what he did, cost innocent lives, and even wanted to pull all the people in Danford County as stepping stones to pave the way for him. This kind of person, I really..."

There was a pause in his tone. Qin Yining seemed to be worried about something and did not finish the sentence.

Pang Xiao sighed softly and kissed her forehead, "I know your grievance. In the final analysis, this is because I did not do enough and did not let the people under my command know your importance."

"I can't blame you." Qin Yining shook his head, "What an ordinary lady looks like is what I look like in their eyes. It is indeed taboo for a housewife to interfere too much in the affairs ahead. This is a pillow style that has been around since ancient times. 's power cannot be underestimated, and it is common sense for them to be afraid."

"Pillow wind?" Pang Xiao said in a long voice, "What Sister Yi said is that pillow wind is indeed very powerful."

Qin Yining thought of something and blushed on her cheeks, which made her look much better. She rolled her eyes at Pang Xiao and said, "How long has it been? You can still joke."

Pang Xiao hugged her slender waist and shook her, with a gentle tone, "Okay, okay, it's not my fault, but here, pillow style always works."

Qin Yijing leaned on Pang Xiao quietly and nodded tiredly.

For a moment, Qin Yining adjusted his mood,

He said seriously, "I'm fine now. This is not a place where I can stay for a long time. Why don't we leave for the camp first."

Pang Xiao looked at the messy blood stains on Qin Yining's body hesitantly.

Qin Yining also followed Pang Xiao's eyes and looked down at himself, "It doesn't matter, it's not too late to take good care of it after we get back to the camp. If the people from the Fifth Army Camp come too fast, we are not prepared. Danfu County's The people can’t be saved.”

The two of them had just agreed, and now that Qin Yining was speechless, Pang Xiao naturally didn't want to delay any longer, so he gave the order.

After taking the people they should take with them and leaving a few people behind to deal with the aftermath at the villa, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining left the city overnight.

With such a big incident happening in the city, the city gate officials naturally did not dare to stop Pang Xiao and allowed them to rush back to the camp unimpeded.

Qin Yining finally made some corrections, while Pang Xiao went to find Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi and told them his thoughts.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were silent for a while after hearing this.

After all, the treasure is a huge sum of money. Why are Yuchi Yan, Li Qitian, Yuchi Xujie, Lu Heng and others so enthusiastic about it?

If this large treasure cannot fall into his own hands, it may be taken by the enemy, which will not be a good thing for Pang Xiao.

But after listening to Pang Xiao's detailed analysis of the reasons, the two of them couldn't help but admire Pang Xiao. After thinking about it carefully, everyone nodded.

Pang Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There are also many people under his command who follow him as they regard him as the basis for their rapid future success. By giving up the treasure, instead of holding the people of Danford County accountable and exposing the injustices suffered by the people, the treasure is likely to be taken away by the opponent, and then he will be on the weak side.

This truth seems very obvious in front of you, and Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi would not understand it if they were smart. However, they agreed without hesitation and expressed their support, which proved that these two people had good character and were completely different from Tao Hanshan, who was eager for quick success and quick profit.

Now that the decision has been made, given their current situation, many plans have to be reconsidered.

Xie Yue asked after a moment: "In that case, we must first find a way to appease the soldiers and generals of the five armies who rushed to quell the chaos. They rushed here, but in the end they gained nothing. The Holy Emperor may not ask, and when the time comes, they will How to appease people's hearts and how to support the Holy One's side, it's best to make preparations in advance."

Xu Weizhi nodded in agreement. The two of them were not disappointed by Pang Xiao's decision. They even considered the future countermeasures more carefully than before, and finally reached Chengzhi County.

"...In this way, Magistrate Cheng is indeed a good official who is dedicated to serving the country."

"That's not true. In order to carry out his plan, he even let the princess and many passers-by be buried with him. How can such a person simply be a good official? He is just a person who is good at judging the situation and hiding himself."

Pang Xiao thought for a while, and the three of them looked at each other, and suddenly they couldn't help but laugh.

"Looking at it this way, we are very stupid. We have not thought about how the people will live after the natural disasters and man-made disasters broke out. However, this county magistrate Cheng did it." Xu Weizhi sighed with emotion.

Xie Yue said: "Actually, these are not the most important things. Before Cheng Zhixian decided on this strategy, he was probably mentally prepared to die.

Pang Xiao nodded in understanding.

Now it seems that Cheng Zhixian is not obsessed with trivial matters in order to achieve big things, and will even sacrifice some people to achieve his goals. At critical moments, he is a person who can even sacrifice himself.

And it has to be said that Cheng Zhixian's plan was only half achieved, and he was also included in his plan.

"Your Majesty has seen the matter of Chonghuang Mausoleum in this way, and such civil riots have occurred under the rule of Cheng Zhixian. When Cheng Zhixian is furious, you can imagine the consequences." Pang Xiao said, "But you can have the courage to use yourself to delay the construction of the imperial mausoleum." Ling's footsteps, I think he has put life and death aside, and doesn't care how the Holy One will deal with him."

"His Majesty, do you agree somewhat with what Cheng Zhixian did?" Xie Yue raised his eyebrows.

Pang Xiao shook his head: "I can't agree with him. He is too subjective in his actions, but I can only admire him for thinking about the people."

Xu Weizhi sighed: "The prince actually has the same purpose as him, but the method is different. For the sake of the people, wouldn't the prince be willing to sacrifice the opportunity to obtain the treasure?"

Pang Xiao shook his head seriously, "His sacrifice will be even greater."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Xiu came back from outside to report: "Your Majesty, Mr. Cheng from Danfu County wants to see you."

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