Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1025 County Magistrate

"It's really said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao have arrived. The Yamen was surrounded by the people for a long time and the magistrate didn't come forward. Now the people finally arrived." Xie Yue smiled mockingly and looked at Pang Xiao with interest, "What do you plan to do, Your Majesty?" Deal with this person?"

Pang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly, touched his lower lip with his fingers, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said slowly: "He has only one reason to ask for an audience at this time, and that is to plead guilty. If I forgive easily, I will not let anyone else in the future." Riding on your neck to urinate?”

Xu Weizhi was amused by Pang Xiao's statement, shook his head and said, "The prince agreed with him just now."

"His idea is very good. It cannot be denied that his original intention was to stand on the side of justice. However, he took my king into consideration and even wanted to sacrifice the people of Danford County. His approach was too extreme."

Pang Xiao said to Tang Xiu, "Tell Magistrate Cheng that I have been seriously injured and the doctor is treating me. The situation is not optimistic at this time. Magistrate Cheng please go back."

Tang Xiu couldn't help but laugh when she saw the prince, who looked good and confident, saying that he was seriously injured. "Yes, I will go immediately."

It was already early in the morning, and it was quiet outside the camp where the prince's honor guard was temporarily stationed. The white tents were scattered in an orderly manner, and the torches were swaying in the night wind. The occasional sound of flags and the uniform footsteps of patrolling government soldiers could be heard. , the defenders took five steps, one post and ten steps, and everything seemed in order.

Cheng Zhixian stood in front of the camp with his hands behind his hands. He couldn't help but nod secretly. He could see the whole leopard at a glance. From what he saw in front of him, he knew that Prince Zhongshun's good command of the army was not a lie.

"Sir," Master Liu whispered anxiously, "Do you think Prince Zhongshun will..."

As if he felt that his words were unlucky, Master Liu swallowed the last half of the sentence and said, "People say that Prince Zhongshun is magnanimous and magnanimous. This matter is not your fault. At most, it can be regarded as a fault. Your Majesty will be fine." thing."

However, Cheng Zhixian smiled and waved his hand, smoothed his beard and said calmly: "Haolin, you don't have to comfort me. Since I started this plan, I never thought that there would be a way out."

Master Liu was so shocked when he said this so frankly that he broke into cold sweat and lowered his voice and said urgently: "Sir, please don't say that."

Cheng Zhixian waved his hand to interrupt Master Liu's consolation, and looked up at the bright morning star on the horizon, "When I first used Brother Wang's plan, I already expected this day. Fortunately, if things get serious, they will come to a head soon. God listens, even if I care about the imperial mausoleum now, I can’t ignore Yuyou’s words.”

Master Liu smiled bitterly, "Sir, is it really worth it? Besides, there was too much commotion in the county at this time. Prince Zhongshun was stabbed by the people. We don't know the situation now. The Holy One will definitely blame him. At least, sir. Will be punished, even your family members... More importantly, everyone present on that day will be punished for treason.


"Even so, what's the problem?" Cheng Zhixian said solemnly, "Even if the people in the whole county cannot escape punishment, the imperial tomb cannot continue to be built. It is already July 16th. In my opinion, there will be no famine until March." It will break out across the country, and the money spent on building the imperial mausoleum will be used to stabilize the country, and my purpose will have been achieved."

Looking back at Master Liu, Cheng Zhixian's eyes were shining, revealing indescribable enthusiasm and persistence.

"Compared with such a huge dynasty, it doesn't matter if the people in a small county die."

After hearing this, Master Liu was speechless for a moment. Looking at Cheng Zhixian's possessed and confident look, although blood flowed through his heart, he also felt uneasy for a moment.

I hope everything goes as expected.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps approaching quickly in the camp, and then a handsome young man in military uniform came closer, cupping his hands and saying: "Mr. Cheng, the prince is critically injured, and the accompanying doctors are treating him. It's really chaotic inside. Since it is inconvenient to see you, I would like to ask the magistrate to go back and rest first."

Cheng Zhixian was startled when he heard this, and frowned worriedly: "Where is the prince injured? Is it important or not?"

Tang Xiu frowned and shook his head with a wry smile: "I really can't say this, but I think that the prince has been auspicious in his many years of fighting on the battlefield, so he will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty."

This is very meaningful.

The hero who has been on the battlefield for many years was assassinated by the people he was protecting this time, and his condition is critical. If the prince really has some shortcomings, even if he can succeed, it will be really disappointing.

Cheng Zhixian felt a flash of guilt in his heart, and then he knelt down in the direction of the main tent in the camp, saluted and said: "This official is not strict with his subordinates, and he made such a big mistake. It is really the fault of this official. It's his fault." Please punish me, Your Majesty."

When Master Liu saw this, he had no choice but to kneel down.

Tang Xiu shook his head when he saw this, "Sir, why are you doing this? You'd better come back."

Cheng Zhixian refused to listen to the persuasion and continued to kneel where he was, looking guiltily in the direction of the main tent, as if waiting for Pang Xiao's forgiveness.

Seeing that Magistrate Cheng was like this, Tang Xiu had no choice but to go back to the camp again.

Seeing the person walking away, Master Liu was worried and lowered his voice: "Sir, this is not good. Prince Zhongshun doesn't know whether it is important or not. What if there is an emergency?"

Cheng Zhixian sighed, "Fortunately, the foreign enemies have been cleared now, and Duke Dingguo is still in the court... My whole family and tens of thousands of people in Danfu County can sacrifice their lives, and there is no shortage of this fierce general."

Master Liu's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that such cold words came from Cheng Zhixian's mouth.

Cheng Zhixian heard Master Liu's rapid breathing and couldn't help but turned around and said with a smile: "What I want is the stability of the entire National Super League. I just hope that the Holy Emperor can stop building the imperial mausoleum and leave money for the people. Even if I die, it will be considered a well-deserved death." ”

Master Liu lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, stood up slowly, quietly stepped away, and then strode away.

When Cheng Zhixian heard Liu Shiye's footsteps, he didn't say anything to stop him, nor did he look back. He just smiled, closed his eyes, and let him go.

Pang Xiao received Tang Xiu's reward here. He thought for a moment and said, "If he wants to kneel, let him. The men and horses of the Fifth Army Camp will be here in the blink of an eye. There are other important things to do."

At this moment, a Jinghu guard came outside the tent, who had been left by Pang Xiao in the farm to deal with the aftermath.

"Your Majesty, we found a letter from Mr. Tao's bedroom in Gianzhuang."

Pang Xiao narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and there seemed to be frost in his eyes.

Tang Xiu handed over the letter, and Pang Xiao opened it to look at it. He suddenly sneered, crushed the letter into pieces and threw it to the ground.

Although his face was calm, the violent rise and fall of his chest and clenched fists all betrayed his anger at this time.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi looked at each other, worried.

"Your Majesty, what did Tao Hanshan write that made Your Majesty so angry?"

Pang Xiao then remembered that there was someone around him who wanted to read the letter, but he destroyed it in anger.

"This king is too angry. The general meaning of what he wrote is, 'Although my subordinates cannot follow the prince, I will do my best for the prince's imperial hegemony from afar'. Why didn't I see this before? People can be so ambitious!"

Xu Weizhi and Xie Yue were both Pang Xiao's advisers, so they naturally understood Tao Hanshan's thoughts better.

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